Fix clippy errors

This commit is contained in:
Yash Karandikar 2023-01-19 16:11:02 -06:00
parent 5aa2a67c17
commit 16a32372ee

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@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
#![allow(clippy::similar_names, clippy::too_many_lines, clippy::enum_glob_use)]
use cat_box::{draw_text, get_keyboard_state, Game, Sprite, SpriteCollection};
use rand::thread_rng;
use rand::Rng;
@ -172,18 +175,17 @@ fn main() {
fn check_direction(square1: (i32, i32), square2: (i32, i32)) -> Direction {
if square1.0 < square2.0 {
return Direction::Left;
} else if square1.0 > square2.0 {
return Direction::Right;
if square1.1 > square2.1 {
return Direction::Up;
} else if square1.1 < square2.1 {
return Direction::Down;
"why are we still here? just to suffer? (this should never ever ever happen, by the way)"
use std::cmp::Ordering::*;
use Direction::*;
match square1.0.cmp(&square2.0) {
Less => Left,
Greater => Right,
Equal => match square1.1.cmp(&square2.1) {
Less => Down,
Greater => Up,
Equal => unreachable!(
"why are we still here? just to suffer? (this should never ever ever happen, by the way)"