2022-01-21 13:18:54 -06:00

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# Polybar Nord
> Collection of Polybar theme and module.
The theme and module collection for [Polybar]( based on [Nord]( colors. This theme provides two bar setups, each of them has light and dark variants. Besides the official modules, there are also scripts from [polybar-scripts]( and myself which are configured to suit the theme.
## Table of Contents
- [Install](#install)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [File Structure](#file-structure)
- [Module Details](#module-details)
## Install
### Dependency
Required dependency:
1. [Font Awesome](
Optional dependency:
1. [Weather Icon]( (required by `weather` module)
2. Dunst (required by `notify` module)
3. redshift (required by `backlight` module)
4. clash (required by `clash-widget` module)
5. [onedrive]( (required by `onedrive-widget` module)
6. [clipmenu]( (required by `clipmenu-widget` module)
7. [nord-oneline]( (required by `rofi-run` module)
### Install by `git clone` (recommand)
git clone ~/.config/polybar/
`~/.config/polybar` is the default path for polybar configuration, if you want to use other location, change `~/.config/polybar` to your location and also change the location specified in the `` file.
## Usage
1. Enter the installation directory `cd ~/.config/polybar`.
2. Run `./ light` for light theme, and `./ dark` for dark theme.
3. For customization, most of the options are listed in `nord-config` file. For more details, check [File Structure](#File Structure) part.
4. `pkill polybar` to kill the bars.
## File Structure
### `dark-colors` and `light-colors`
The color for dark and light theme. You don't need to edit these flies unless you want to change the color globally.
### `dark-config` and `light-config`
The configuration for dark and light theme. Most of the settings are covered by `nord-config` except font settings. You can change the font setting in these files.
### `nord-config`
The global configuration. You can customize the position of the bars, DPI setting, modules, etc. The detailed help messages are in the comment for each option.
### `nord-top` and `nord-down`
The modules for top and bottom bar setup. For some specific modules you need to edit these files. For more details of these modules check [Module Details](#Module Details).
### `scripts`
The directory contains all the scripts and files that required by the modules.
## Module Details
1. [alsa](#alsa)
2. [backlight](#backlight)
3. [date](#date)
4. [notify (基于dunst)](#notify)
5. [network-detail](#network-detail)
6. [network-short](#network-short)
7. [battery](#battery)
8. [keyboard](#keyboard)
10. [mpd](#mpd)
11. [i3](#i3)
11. [bspwm](#bspwm)
12. [workspace-name](#workspace-name)
13. [title](#title)
14. [weather](#weather)
15. [info-hackspeed](#info-hackspeed)
16. [github](#github)
17. [daily-poem](#daily-poem)
18. [temperature](temperature)
19. [memory](#memory)
20. [cpu](#cpu)
21. [show-desktop](#show-desktop)
22. [powermenu](#powermenu)
23. [clash-widget](#clash-widget)
24. [onedrive-widget](#onedrive-widget)
25. [clipmenu-widget](#clipmenu-widget)
26. [rofi-run](#rofi-run)
### alsa
Display current volume. The default sound card is `default`, you can change this option in `nord-config`.
| Bind | Event |
| ---------------- | -------------------- |
| mouse left click | toggle mute |
| scroll up | volume + 5% for each |
| scroll down | volume - 5% for each |
### backlight
Display current lightness of screen.
| Bind | Event |
| ---------------- | ----------------------- |
| scroll up | lightness + 5% for each |
| scroll down | lightness - 5% for each |
| mouse left click | toggle redshift |
### date
Display date and time.
| Bind | Event |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------- |
| mouse left click | switch between date/time format |
### notify
Notify icon.
| Bind | Event |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| mouse left click | key event `ctrl+grave`, the default hotkey for dunst history notify |
### network-detail
Display upload and download speed in KB/s. Need to set your network interface at `nord-config.interface`.
### network-short
Display network connection icon. By defailt left click on the icon will call `networkmanager-dmenu`. For more details of this you can check [networkmanager-dmenu](
| Bind | Event |
| mouse left click | networkmanager-dmenu |
### battery
Display battery infomation. Requires to set `nord-config.battery-full-at`, `nord-config.battery-bat` and `nord-config.battery-adp`.
### keyboard
Display keyboard CapsLock indicator.
### mpd
Display mpd information. It is hidden when mpd process does not running. There are three layout corresponding to **play**, **pause** and **stop**.
- Display full content when in play status, including *pause*, *prev*, *artist - song*, *next*, *stop*, *progress bar*, *cycle* and *random*.
- Display part of the content when in pause status, including *play*, *prev*, *artist - song*, *next*, *stop*.
- Display *play* only in stop status.
Requires `nord-config.mpd-host` and `nord-config.mpd-port`.
### i3
Display i3 workspace icon. Icon list can be customized in `nord-top`.
| Bind | Event |
| -------- | ------------------------ |
| mouse left click | i3-msg workspace <index> |
| scroll up | i3-msg workspace prev |
| scroll down | i3-msg workspace next |
### bspwm
Display bspwm workspace icon.
### workspace-name
Display the name of current workspace which is defined in the configuration of i3. The format should be `index:identifier`, for example `1:Home`.
### title
Display the title of current active window.
### weather
Display weather information from Openweather with scripts [polybar/polybar-scripts/openweather-fullfeatured]( Personal API and city code is required. For more detailed usage check the project's README.
### info-hackspeed
Display the speed of inputting in cpm(char per minute) or wpm (word per minute). The script comes from [polybar/polybar-scripts/info-hackspeed](
### daily-poem
Display Chese poem. The API is from [今日诗词 API]( Before usage you need to get your token from and replace mine in `nord-dowm`.
| content | index |
| ---- | ----- |
| 日落,风 | 2 |
| 唐代·李白 宫中行乐词八首 | 1 |
| 烟花宜落日,丝管醉春风 | 0 (initial value) |
| Bind | Event |
| -------- | ------------ |
| scroll up | index += 1 |
| scroll down | index -= 1 |
| mouse left double click | update poem and reset index |
### temperature
Display internal temperature. You can specify the thermal-zone in `nord-config.thermal-zone`, the default value is 0. When the temperature is lower than `nord-config.base-temperature` it will switch to lowest temperature layout; when the temperature is higher than `nord-config.warn-temperature` is will switch to warning temperature layout. The color of icon will change between `base-temperature` and `warn-temperature`, so set the proper values for your environment.
### memory
Display memory usage in the format used/total.
### cpu
Display CPU usage.
### show-desktop
Display desktop. By default it will switch to `25:Desktop`. You can customize this in `nord-down`.
| Bind | Event |
| -------- | --------------------------- |
| mouse left click | i3-msg workspace 25:Desktop |
### powermenu
List of power options, `shutdown`, `reboot` and `logout`.
### clash-widget
Require clash service. You can write by yourself or use mine in `systemd/clash.service`.
| Bind | Event |
| ----------------- | -------------- |
| mouse left click | toggle service |
| mouse right click | update status |
### onedrive-widget
Require [onedrive](
| Bind | Event |
| ----------------- | -------------- |
| mouse left click | toggle service |
| mouse right click | update status |
### clipmenu-widget
Require [clipmenu](
| Bind | Event |
| ----------------- | -------------- |
| mouse left click | trigger menu |
| double left click | toggle service |
| mouse right click | update status |
### nord-oneline
One-line style program runner. It will cover the top panel by left click the icon.