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2022-02-20 10:36:28 +05:30

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<b>🔥 Rex's Linux Dotfiles 🔥</b>
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# Everblush
# To be Noted
- [Everblush]( is a dark and beautiful colorscheme which I've used in my latest rice.
- I use bspwm as my daily life window manager bcuz its super minimal and fill my needs.
- I mostly use Nerd Font, Here - CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font Mono.
- For GTK3 I use my custom [Everblush theme]( made with Phocus/gtk3. Also you might need to modify the theme according to your preference ^-^
- I use [NvChad]( / [Conscious]( for neovim, I mostly swap between whenever I get bored (Both the themes have Everblush Support).
- I am using tint2 as my default bar in bspwm (friendship ends with polybar ;-;).
- My Old nord Dotfiles can be found in the [nord branch]( of this repository.
# Installation
- Clone this repository to your $HOME dir.
> After you're done with cloning the repository. Install the following packages
```bspwm-rounded-corners sxhkd tint2 polybar alacritty xwallpaper maim imagemagick.```
> For compository I use [compix]( You need to build it from the official repository.
> After you're done with all this, copy the configuration files from cloned directory to particular path.
# Thank You
- [rxyhn]( <3.