major update of awesome config

add new icons, switch over to using stylesheets instead of gears.color.recolor_image, add a music widget to the panel, optimize services in common.lua, fix the application lense filtering and increase the update rate of services in common.lua

Signed-off-by: delta <>
This commit is contained in:
delta 2023-05-21 10:12:46 +02:00
parent f5612f081d
commit f42a3a2cc9
47 changed files with 1389 additions and 401 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M216,40H40A16,16,0,0,0,24,56V200a16,16,0,0,0,16,16H216a16,16,0,0,0,16-16V56A16,16,0,0,0,216,40Zm0,16V88H40V56Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 234 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M216,40H40A16,16,0,0,0,24,56V200a16,16,0,0,0,16,16H216a16,16,0,0,0,16-16V56A16,16,0,0,0,216,40ZM92.8,145.6a8,8,0,1,1-9.6,12.8l-32-24a8,8,0,0,1,0-12.8l32-24a8,8,0,0,1,9.6,12.8L69.33,128Zm58.89-71.4-32,112a8,8,0,1,1-15.38-4.4l32-112a8,8,0,0,1,15.38,4.4Zm53.11,60.2-32,24a8,8,0,0,1-9.6-12.8L186.67,128,163.2,110.4a8,8,0,1,1,9.6-12.8l32,24a8,8,0,0,1,0,12.8Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 477 B

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M247.51,174.39,218,58a16.08,16.08,0,0,0-13-11.88l-36.06-5.92a16.22,16.22,0,0,0-18.26,11.88l-.21.85a4,4,0,0,0,3.27,4.93,155.62,155.62,0,0,1,24.41,5.62,8.2,8.2,0,0,1,5.62,9.7,8,8,0,0,1-10.19,5.64,155.4,155.4,0,0,0-90.8-.1,8.22,8.22,0,0,1-10.28-4.81,8,8,0,0,1,5.08-10.33,156.85,156.85,0,0,1,24.72-5.72,4,4,0,0,0,3.27-4.93l-.21-.85A16.21,16.21,0,0,0,87.08,40.21L51,46.13A16.08,16.08,0,0,0,38,58L8.49,174.39a15.94,15.94,0,0,0,9.06,18.51l67,29.71a16.17,16.17,0,0,0,21.71-9.1l3.49-9.45a4,4,0,0,0-3.27-5.35,158.13,158.13,0,0,1-28.63-6.2,8.2,8.2,0,0,1-5.61-9.67,8,8,0,0,1,10.2-5.66,155.59,155.59,0,0,0,91.12,0,8,8,0,0,1,10.19,5.65,8.19,8.19,0,0,1-5.61,9.68,157.84,157.84,0,0,1-28.62,6.2,4,4,0,0,0-3.27,5.35l3.49,9.45a16.18,16.18,0,0,0,21.71,9.1l67-29.71A15.94,15.94,0,0,0,247.51,174.39ZM92,152a12,12,0,1,1,12-12A12,12,0,0,1,92,152Zm72,0a12,12,0,1,1,12-12A12,12,0,0,1,164,152Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 990 B

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M247.44,173.75a.68.68,0,0,0,0-.14L231.05,89.44c0-.06,0-.12,0-.18A60.08,60.08,0,0,0,172,40H83.89a59.88,59.88,0,0,0-59,49.52L8.58,173.61a.68.68,0,0,0,0,.14,36,36,0,0,0,60.9,31.71l.35-.37L109.52,160h37l39.71,45.09c.,36.08,0,0,0,212,216a36,36,0,0,0,35.43-42.25ZM104,112H96v8a8,8,0,0,1-16,0v-8H72a8,8,0,0,1,0-16h8V88a8,8,0,0,1,16,0v8h8a8,8,0,0,1,0,16Zm40-8a8,8,0,0,1,8-8h24a8,8,0,0,1,0,16H152A8,8,0,0,1,144,104Zm84.37,87.47a19.84,19.84,0,0,1-12.9,8.23A20.09,20.09,0,0,1,198,194.31L167.8,160H172a60,60,0,0,0,51-28.38l8.74,45A19.82,19.82,0,0,1,228.37,191.47Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 698 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M216,56v60a4,4,0,0,1-4,4H136V44a4,4,0,0,1,4-4h60A16,16,0,0,1,216,56ZM116,40H56A16,16,0,0,0,40,56v60a4,4,0,0,0,4,4h76V44A4,4,0,0,0,116,40Zm96,96H136v76a4,4,0,0,0,4,4h60a16,16,0,0,0,16-16V140A4,4,0,0,0,212,136ZM40,140v60a16,16,0,0,0,16,16h60a4,4,0,0,0,4-4V136H44A4,4,0,0,0,40,140Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 402 B

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M224,115.55V208a16,16,0,0,1-16,16H168a16,16,0,0,1-16-16V168a8,8,0,0,0-8-8H112a8,8,0,0,0-8,8v40a16,16,0,0,1-16,16H48a16,16,0,0,1-16-16V115.55a16,16,0,0,1,5.17-11.78l80-75.48.11-.11a16,16,0,0,1,21.53,0,1.14,1.14,0,0,0,.11.11l80,75.48A16,16,0,0,1,224,115.55Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 379 B

View file

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local gfs = require "gears.filesystem" local gfs = require "gears.filesystem"
local gsurface = require "gears.surface"
local qfs = require "quarrel.fs" local qfs = require "quarrel.fs"
local icons = {} local icons = {}
@ -7,7 +6,7 @@ local phosphor_dir = gfs.get_configuration_dir() .. "assets/phosphor/"
for _, icon in ipairs(qfs.ls_files(phosphor_dir)) do for _, icon in ipairs(qfs.ls_files(phosphor_dir)) do
if icon:match(".+%.(.+)") == "svg" then if icon:match(".+%.(.+)") == "svg" then
icons[icon:match("(.+)%..+"):gsub("-", "_")] = gsurface.load_uncached(phosphor_dir .. icon) icons[icon:match("(.+)%..+"):gsub("-", "_")] = phosphor_dir .. icon
end end
end end

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M212.92,25.71a7.89,7.89,0,0,0-6.86-1.46l-128,32A8,8,0,0,0,72,64V174.1A36,36,0,1,0,88,204V110.25l112-28V142.1A36,36,0,1,0,216,172V32A8,8,0,0,0,212.92,25.71Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 279 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M216,48V208a16,16,0,0,1-16,16H160a16,16,0,0,1-16-16V48a16,16,0,0,1,16-16h40A16,16,0,0,1,216,48ZM96,32H56A16,16,0,0,0,40,48V208a16,16,0,0,0,16,16H96a16,16,0,0,0,16-16V48A16,16,0,0,0,96,32Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 311 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M240,128a15.74,15.74,0,0,1-7.6,13.51L88.32,229.65a16,16,0,0,1-16.2.3A15.86,15.86,0,0,1,64,216.13V39.87a15.86,15.86,0,0,1,8.12-13.82,16,16,0,0,1,16.2.3L232.4,114.49A15.74,15.74,0,0,1,240,128Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 314 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M208,47.88V208.12a16,16,0,0,1-24.43,13.43L64,146.77V216a8,8,0,0,1-16,0V40a8,8,0,0,1,16,0v69.23L183.57,34.45A15.95,15.95,0,0,1,208,47.88Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 260 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M208,40V216a8,8,0,0,1-16,0V146.77L72.43,221.55A15.95,15.95,0,0,1,48,208.12V47.88A15.95,15.95,0,0,1,72.43,34.45L192,109.23V40a8,8,0,0,1,16,0Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 264 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M128,24A104,104,0,1,0,232,128,104.11,104.11,0,0,0,128,24Zm31.07,145.74a8,8,0,0,1-10.81,3.33,42.79,42.79,0,0,0-40.52,0,8,8,0,0,1-7.48-14.14,59.33,59.33,0,0,1,55.48,0A8,8,0,0,1,159.07,169.74Zm16-28a8,8,0,0,1-10.82,3.3,77.07,77.07,0,0,0-72.48,0,8,8,0,0,1-7.52-14.12,93,93,0,0,1,87.52,0A8,8,0,0,1,175.06,141.76Zm16-28a8,8,0,0,1-10.83,3.29,110.62,110.62,0,0,0-104.46,0,8,8,0,0,1-7.54-14.12,126.67,126.67,0,0,1,119.54,0A8,8,0,0,1,191.06,113.76Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 562 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="" width="28" height="28" fill="#000000" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M128,24A104,104,0,1,0,232,128,104.11,104.11,0,0,0,128,24ZM72,128a8,8,0,0,1-16,0,72.08,72.08,0,0,1,72-72,8,8,0,0,1,0,16A56.06,56.06,0,0,0,72,128Zm32,0a24,24,0,1,1,24,24A24,24,0,0,1,104,128Zm24,72a8,8,0,0,1,0-16,56.06,56.06,0,0,0,56-56,8,8,0,0,1,16,0A72.08,72.08,0,0,1,128,200Z"></path></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 399 B

View file

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ local programs = {
"wezterm start --class code_term", "wezterm start --class code_term",
"firefox", "firefox",
"discord", "discord",
"env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ spotify" "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ spotify"
} }
for _, program in ipairs(programs) do for _, program in ipairs(programs) do
awful.spawn(program) awful.spawn.with_shell(program .. " 1>/dev/null 2>&1")
end end

View file

@ -1,6 +1,38 @@
local c = { local awful = require "awful"
titlebars_enabled = false, local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
terminal = "wezterm"
local cfg = {
terminal = "wezterm",
tags = {
layout = awful.layout.suit.floating,
selected = true,
icon = phosphor.house_fill
layout = awful.layout.suit.floating,
icon = phosphor.browser_fill
layout = awful.layout.suit.tile.left,
master_width_factor = 0.7,
icon = phosphor.discord_logo_fill
layout =,
master_width_factor = 0.2,
icon = phosphor.spotify_logo_fill
layout = awful.layout.suit.tile.right,
master_width_factor = 0.7,
icon = phosphor.code_fill
layout = awful.layout.suit.floating,
icon = phosphor.game_controller_fill
} }
return c return cfg

View file

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
local awful = require "awful" local awful = require "awful"
local beautiful = require "beautiful"
local cfg = require "misc.cfg" local cfg = require "misc.cfg"
local fresnel = require "ui.fresnel" local fresnel = require "ui.fresnel"
local gtimer = require "gears.timer" local gtimer = require "gears.timer"
local insightful = require "ui.insightful" local insightful = require "ui.insightful"
local naughty = require "naughty" local naughty = require "naughty"
local playerctl = require "services.playerctl"
local qbind = require "quarrel.bind" local qbind = require "quarrel.bind"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars" local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local playerctl = require "services.playerctl"
local recording = { false, "" } local recording = { false, "" }
@ -120,7 +121,6 @@ awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
}, },
qbind:new { qbind:new {
mods = {},
triggers = "XF86AudioMute", triggers = "XF86AudioMute",
press = function() press = function()
awful.spawn("wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle") awful.spawn("wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle")
@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
desc = "mute" desc = "mute"
}, },
qbind:new { qbind:new {
mods = {},
triggers = { triggers = {
{ "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", true }, { "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", true },
{ "XF86AudioLowerVolume", false } { "XF86AudioLowerVolume", false }
@ -145,7 +144,6 @@ awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
desc = "increase/decrease volume" desc = "increase/decrease volume"
}, },
qbind:new { qbind:new {
mods = {},
triggers = { triggers = {
{ "XF86AudioNext", true }, { "XF86AudioNext", true },
{ "XF86AudioPrev", false } { "XF86AudioPrev", false }
@ -161,7 +159,6 @@ awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
desc = "previous/next song" desc = "previous/next song"
}, },
qbind:new { qbind:new {
mods = {},
triggers = "XF86AudioPlay", triggers = "XF86AudioPlay",
press = function() press = function()
playerctl:play_pause() playerctl:play_pause()
@ -171,7 +168,6 @@ awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
}, },
qbind:new { qbind:new {
mods = {},
triggers = { triggers = {
{ "XF86MonBrightnessUp", true }, { "XF86MonBrightnessUp", true },
{ "XF86MonBrightnessDown", false } { "XF86MonBrightnessDown", false }
@ -198,7 +194,6 @@ awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
}, },
qbind:new { qbind:new {
mods = {},
triggers = "Print", triggers = "Print",
press = function() press = function()
local date ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") local date ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
@ -283,5 +278,15 @@ awful.keyboard.append_global_keybindings {
press = awful.tag.viewnext, press = awful.tag.viewnext,
group = "tag", group = "tag",
desc = "switch to next" desc = "switch to next"
qbind:new {
mods = qvars.mods.MC,
triggers = "x",
press = function()
local tag = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag
tag.master_width_factor = cfg.tags[tonumber(].master_width_factor or beautiful.master_width_factor
group = "tag",
desc = "reset master width"
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
local awful = require "awful" local awful = require "awful"
local gtable = require "gears.table" local gtable = require "gears.table"
local insightful = require "ui.insightful" local qstore = require ""
local qbind = {} local qbind = {}
qstore.bindings = {}
local function get_binding_function(trigger) local function get_binding_function(trigger)
if type(trigger) == "number" and trigger <= 5 and trigger > 0 then if type(trigger) == "number" and trigger <= 5 and trigger > 0 then
return "button" return "button"
@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ local function translate_binding(binding, trigger, multiple)
end end
function qbind:new(binding) function qbind:new(binding)
if not binding.hidden then table.insert(insightful._bindings, binding) end if not binding.hidden then table.insert(qstore.bindings, binding) end
binding.mods = binding.mods or {} binding.mods = binding.mods or {}
local awful_bindings = {} local awful_bindings = {}

View file

@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ edition = "2021"
freedesktop_entry_parser = "1.3.0" freedesktop_entry_parser = "1.3.0"
cpc = "1.9.1" cpc = "1.9.1"
mlua = { version = "0.8.7", features = [ "module", "lua54", "serialize" ] } mlua = { version = "0.8.7", features = [ "module", "lua54", "serialize" ] }
palette = { version = "0.6.1", default-features = false, features = [ "std" ] }
rayon = "1.6.1" rayon = "1.6.1"
serde = { version = "1.0.152", features = [ "derive" ] } serde = { version = "1.0.152", features = [ "derive" ] }
url = "2.3.1" url = "2.3.1"
rodio = "0.17.1" rodio = "0.17.1"
nix = "0.26.2" nix = "0.26.2"
chrono = "0.4.24"
itertools = "0.10.5"
html-escape = "0.2.13"
[lib] [lib]
crate-type = ["cdylib"] crate-type = ["cdylib"]

View file

@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ use crate::lenses::entry::{
Entry, Entry,
}; };
fn contains_ignore_ascii_case(a: &str, b: &str) -> bool {
return false;
fn parse_entry(entry: &fd::Entry, path: &PathBuf) -> Result<Entry, ()> { fn parse_entry(entry: &fd::Entry, path: &PathBuf) -> Result<Entry, ()> {
let section = entry.section("Desktop Entry"); let section = entry.section("Desktop Entry");
let name = section.attr("Name").ok_or(())?.to_string(); let name = section.attr("Name").ok_or(())?.to_string();
@ -84,7 +80,7 @@ pub fn query(lua: &Lua, input: String) -> LuaResult<LuaTable> {
Ok(entries_to_lua_table( Ok(entries_to_lua_table(
parsed_entries parsed_entries
.into_iter() .into_iter()
.filter(|entry| entry.message.to_lowercase().contains(&input)) .filter(|entry| entry.message.to_lowercase().contains(&input.to_lowercase()))
.collect(), .collect(),
lua, lua,
)) ))

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ mod lenses;
mod net; mod net;
use mlua::prelude::*; use mlua::prelude::*;
use html_escape::decode_html_entities_to_string;
#[mlua::lua_module] #[mlua::lua_module]
fn qnative(lua: &Lua) -> LuaResult<LuaTable> { fn qnative(lua: &Lua) -> LuaResult<LuaTable> {
@ -12,6 +13,11 @@ fn qnative(lua: &Lua) -> LuaResult<LuaTable> {
let exports = lua.create_table()?; let exports = lua.create_table()?;
exports.set("lenses", lenses)?; exports.set("lenses", lenses)?;
exports.set("get_essid", lua.create_function(net::get_first_essid)?)?; exports.set("get_essid", lua.create_function(net::get_first_essid)?)?;
exports.set("decode_html", lua.create_function(|_: &Lua, string: String| {
let mut output = String::new();
decode_html_entities_to_string(string, &mut output);
Ok(exports) Ok(exports)
} }

View file

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ use std::{
}, },
mem::size_of, mem::size_of,
os::fd::RawFd, os::fd::RawFd,
}; };
use mlua::prelude::*; use mlua::prelude::*;
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ use nix::{
SockFlag, SockFlag,
SockType, SockType,
}, },
unistd::close unistd::close,
}; };
use wireless::{ use wireless::{
IfConf, IfConf,
@ -59,6 +58,7 @@ pub fn get_first_essid(_: &Lua, _: ()) -> LuaResult<String> {
if_req =; if_req =;
} }
for _ in 0..if_conf.ifc_len / size_of::<IfConf>() as c_int { for _ in 0..if_conf.ifc_len / size_of::<IfConf>() as c_int {
if let Ok(essid) = get_essid(socket, unsafe { *if_req }.ifr_name) { if let Ok(essid) = get_essid(socket, unsafe { *if_req }.ifr_name) {
close(socket).map_err(LuaError::external)?; close(socket).map_err(LuaError::external)?;
@ -90,9 +90,7 @@ fn get_essid(socket: RawFd, if_name: [c_char; IF_NAMESIZE]) -> LuaResult<String>
ioctl_get_essid(socket, &mut wrq).map_err(LuaError::external)?; ioctl_get_essid(socket, &mut wrq).map_err(LuaError::external)?;
} }
Ok(str::from_utf8(essid.as_slice()) String::from_utf8(essid.to_vec()).map_err(LuaError::external)
} }
fn get_first_socket() -> LuaResult<RawFd> { fn get_first_socket() -> LuaResult<RawFd> {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
use chrono::prelude::*;
use mlua::{
// Taken from
trait NaiveDateExt {
fn days_in_month(&self) -> u32;
fn days_in_year(&self) -> u32;
fn is_leap_year(&self) -> bool;
impl NaiveDateExt for NaiveDate {
fn days_in_month(&self) -> u32 {
let month = self.month();
match month {
1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 12 => 31,
4 | 6 | 9 | 11 => 30,
2 => {
if self.is_leap_year() {
} else {
_ => panic!("Invalid month: {}", month),
fn days_in_year(&self) -> u32 {
if self.is_leap_year() {
} else {
fn is_leap_year(&self) -> bool {
let year = self.year();
return year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);
struct Day {
day: u32,
ce: bool,
weekday: Weekday,
pub fn get_calendar_table(lua: &Lua, (year, month, day): (i32, u32, u32)) -> LuaResult<LuaTable> {
let date =
NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(year, month, day).ok_or(LuaError::external("invalid date"))?;
let days: Vec<Day> = (1..=date.days_in_month())
.map(|day| NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(date.year(), date.month(), day).unwrap())
.map(|date| {
let (ce, year) = date.year_ce();
Day {
weekday: date.weekday(),
let calendar: Vec<Vec<Day>> = vec![vec![], vec![], vec![], vec![], vec![], vec![], vec![]];
if days[1].weekday != Weekday::Mon {
if days.last().unwrap().weekday != Weekday::Sun {}

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
local gtimer = require "gears.timer"
local qservice = {}
function qservice.register(name, service, icon)
gtimer {
timeout = 1,
call_now = true,
autostart = true,
callback = function()
local service_result = table.pack(service())
awesome.emit_signal("services::" .. name, table.unpack(service_result))
awesome.emit_signal("services::" .. name .. "::icon", icon(table.unpack(service_result)))
return qservice

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
local qstore = {}
return qstore

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
local awful = require "awful" local awful = require "awful"
local gears = require "gears" local gtable = require "gears.table"
local qbind = require "quarrel.bind"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars" local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox" local wibox = require "wibox"
@ -17,12 +18,8 @@ function qui.font(factor)
return qvars.text_font .. " " .. qvars.font_size * (factor or 1) return qvars.text_font .. " " .. qvars.font_size * (factor or 1)
end end
function qui.symbol_font(factor)
return qvars.symbol_font .. " " .. qvars.font_size * (factor or 1)
function qui.styled(target) function qui.styled(target)
return gears.table.crush({ return gtable.crush({
bg =, bg =,
border_color =, border_color =,
border_width = qvars.border_width, border_width = qvars.border_width,
@ -30,14 +27,14 @@ function qui.styled(target)
}, target) }, target)
end end
function qui.popup(args) function qui.popup(target)
args.widget = { target.widget = {
widget = wibox.container.margin, widget = wibox.container.margin,
margins = qvars.big_padding, margins = qvars.big_padding,
args.widget target.widget
} }
return awful.popup(qui.styled(args)) return awful.popup(qui.styled(target))
end end
function qui.tooltip(objects, callback) function qui.tooltip(objects, callback)
@ -49,4 +46,78 @@ function qui.tooltip(objects, callback)
}) })
end end
function qui.recolor(color)
return "svg{fill:" .. color .. "}"
function qui.icon(image, color, target)
local widget = {
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
image = image,
forced_width = qvars.char_height,
forced_height = qvars.char_height,
stylesheet = qui.recolor(color or qvars.colors.fg)
if target then
return gtable.crush(widget, target)
return widget
function qui.button(args) = or function(_) end
local widget = wibox.widget(gtable.crush({
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
image = args.image,
forced_height = qvars.char_height,
forced_width = qvars.char_height,
stylesheet = qui.recolor(qvars.colors.fg),
press =
}, args.widget or {}))
widget.buttons = {
qbind:new {
triggers = qvars.btns.left,
press = function()
hidden = true
return widget
function qui.toggle(args) = or function(_) end
local widget = qui.button({
widget = gtable.crush({
toggled = false,
silent_press = function(self, state)
if state then
self.toggled = state
self.toggled = not self.toggled
if self.toggled then
self.image = args.on
self.image =
}, args.widget or {}),
image =,
press = function(self)
if not args.manual then
return widget
return qui return qui

View file

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ qvars.padding = dpi(4)
qvars.big_padding = dpi(8) qvars.big_padding = dpi(8)
qvars.text_font = "Fira Code Nerd Font Mono Medium" qvars.text_font = "Fira Code Nerd Font Mono Medium"
qvars.symbol_font = "Symbols Nerd Font:style=1000-em"
qvars.font_size = 8 qvars.font_size = 8
qvars.font = qvars.text_font .. " " .. qvars.font_size qvars.font = qvars.text_font .. " " .. qvars.font_size
@ -35,7 +34,6 @@ qvars.char_height = char_height
qvars.char_width = char_width qvars.char_width = char_width
qvars.bar_size = dpi(24) + qvars.big_padding * 2 qvars.bar_size = dpi(24) + qvars.big_padding * 2
-- qvars.expanded_bar_size = qvars.bar_size * 6
qvars.element_size = dpi(12) qvars.element_size = dpi(12)
qvars.expanded_bar_size = qvars.big_padding + (qvars.big_padding * 2 + qvars.element_size * 4) * 3 + qvars.padding * 2 qvars.expanded_bar_size = qvars.big_padding + (qvars.big_padding * 2 + qvars.element_size * 4) * 3 + qvars.padding * 2

View file

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
pcall(require, "luarocks.loader") -- --
-- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ --
-- /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\__\ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ --
-- /::\ \ /::\ \ _\:\ \ /::\ \ /::L_L_ _\:\ \ \:\ \ /::\ \ --
-- /::\:\__\ /::\:\__\ /\/::\__\ /\:\:\__\ /:/L:\__\ /\/::\__\ /::\__\ /::\:\__\ --
-- \/\::/ / \;:::/ / \::/\/__/ \:\:\/__/ \/_/:/ / \::/\/__/ /:/\/__/ \:\:\/ / --
-- \/__/ |:\/__/ \:\__\ \::/ / /:/ / \:\__\ \/__/ \:\/ / --
-- \|__| \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ --
-- --
---=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A colourful and comfy AWM theme =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=---
-- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ pcall(require, "luarocks.loader")
-- /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\__\ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \
-- /::\ \ /::\ \ _\:\ \ /::\ \ /::L_L_ _\:\ \ \:\ \ /::\ \
-- /::\:\__\ /::\:\__\ /\/::\__\ /\:\:\__\ /:/L:\__\ /\/::\__\ /::\__\ /::\:\__\
-- \/\::/ / \;:::/ / \::/\/__/ \:\:\/__/ \/_/:/ / \::/\/__/ /:/\/__/ \:\:\/ /
-- \/__/ |:\/__/ \:\__\ \::/ / /:/ / \:\__\ \/__/ \:\/ /
-- \|__| \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/
--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A colorful and comfy AWM theme =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--
require("beautiful").init(require("gears.filesystem").get_configuration_dir() .. "/prismite.lua") require("beautiful").init(require("gears.filesystem").get_configuration_dir() .. "/prismite.lua")

View file

@ -1,24 +1,51 @@
local qfs = require "quarrel.fs"
local gfs = require "gears.filesystem" local gfs = require "gears.filesystem"
local qservice = require "quarrel.service" local gtimer = require "gears.timer"
local qjson = require "quarrel.json"
local qnative = require "quarrel.native"
local gcolor = require "gears.color"
local qmath = require "quarrel.math"
local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor" local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
local qfs = require "quarrel.fs"
local qjson = require "quarrel.json"
local qmath = require "quarrel.math"
local qnative = require "quarrel.native"
local qstore = require ""
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars" local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local q = require "quarrel"
local function register(name, service, icon)
gtimer {
timeout = 0.5,
call_now = true,
autostart = true,
callback = function()
local service_result = table.pack(service())
awesome.emit_signal("services::" .. name, table.unpack(service_result))
awesome.emit_signal("services::" .. name .. "::icon", icon(table.unpack(service_result)))
local function read(file, format)
local content = file:read(format or "a")
return content
-- create file in case it's not there yet
if not gfs.file_readable("/tmp/wp_audio_status") then
assert("/tmp/wp_audio_status", "w")):write("{}"):close()
qstore.audio_file = assert("/tmp/wp_audio_status", "r"))
qstore.battery_capacity_file = assert("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity", "r"))
qstore.battery_status_file = assert("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status", "r"))
qstore.brightness_file = assert("/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/actual_brightness", "r"))
qstore.wifi_file = assert("/proc/net/wireless", "r"))
-- follows the format `service = { provider, icon_provider }` -- follows the format `service = { provider, icon_provider }`
local services = { local services = {
audio = { audio = {
-- volume, muted -- volume, muted
function() function()
if not gfs.file_readable("/tmp/wp_audio_status") then local audio_status = qjson.decode(read(qstore.audio_file))
awesome.emit_signal("services::audio", -1, false) local default_sink = audio_status["G435 Wireless Gaming Headset Analog Stereo"]
local audio_status = qjson.decode("/tmp/wp_audio_status"))
local default_sink = audio_status["alsa_output.usb-046d_G435_Wireless_Gaming_Headset_V001008005.1-01.analog-stereo"]
if not default_sink then if not default_sink then
return nil, false return nil, false
@ -28,7 +55,7 @@ local services = {
end, end,
function(volume, muted) function(volume, muted)
if muted or not volume then if muted or not volume then
return gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["speaker_simple_x_fill"], return phosphor.speaker_simple_x_fill,
end end
local icon_data = qmath.step_value(volume, { local icon_data = qmath.step_value(volume, {
@ -39,13 +66,13 @@ local services = {
{ 100 } { 100 }
}) })
gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["speaker_simple_" .. icon_data .. "_fill"], qvars.colors.fg) return phosphor["speaker_simple_" .. icon_data .. "_fill"], qvars.colors.fg
end end
}, },
battery = { battery = {
-- capacity, status -- capacity, status
function() function()
return"/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity", "n"),"/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status", "l") return read(qstore.battery_capacity_file, "n"), read(qstore.battery_status_file, "l")
end, end,
function(capacity, status) function(capacity, status)
local icon_data = status == "Charging" and { "charging", "green" } or qmath.step_value(capacity, { local icon_data = status == "Charging" and { "charging", "green" } or qmath.step_value(capacity, {
@ -57,13 +84,13 @@ local services = {
{ 100 } { 100 }
}) })
return gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["battery_vertical_" .. icon_data[1] .. "_fill"], qvars.colors[icon_data[2]]) return phosphor["battery_vertical_" .. icon_data[1] .. "_fill"], qvars.colors[icon_data[2]]
end end
}, },
brightness = { brightness = {
-- brightness -- brightness
function() function()
return"/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/actual_brightness", "n") return read(qstore.brightness_file, "n")
end, end,
function(brightness) function(brightness)
local icon_data = qmath.step_value(brightness, { local icon_data = qmath.step_value(brightness, {
@ -75,7 +102,7 @@ local services = {
{ 255 } { 255 }
}) })
return gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor[icon_data .. "_fill"], qvars.colors.fg) return phosphor[icon_data .. "_fill"], qvars.colors.fg
end end
}, },
wifi = { wifi = {
@ -83,9 +110,10 @@ local services = {
function() function()
local lines = {} local lines = {}
for line in io.lines("/proc/net/wireless") do for line in qstore.wifi_file:lines() do
table.insert(lines, line) table.insert(lines, line)
end end
if not lines[3] then if not lines[3] then
return nil, 0, false return nil, 0, false
@ -97,7 +125,7 @@ local services = {
end, end,
function(_, strength, connected) function(_, strength, connected)
if not connected then if not connected then
return gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.wifi_x_fill, return phosphor.wifi_x_fill,
end end
local icon_data = qmath.step_value(strength, { local icon_data = qmath.step_value(strength, {
@ -108,11 +136,11 @@ local services = {
{ 100 } { 100 }
}) })
return gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["wifi_" .. icon_data[1] .. "_fill"], qvars.colors[icon_data[2]]) return phosphor["wifi_" .. icon_data[1] .. "_fill"], qvars.colors[icon_data[2]]
end end
} }
} }
for name, service in pairs(services) do for name, service in pairs(services) do
qservice.register(name, service[1], service[2]) register(name, service[1], service[2])
end end

View file

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
require "services.playerctl"
require "services.common" require "services.common"
require "services.playerctl"

View file

@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
local playerctl = require "lib.bling.signal.playerctl".lib { local playerctl = require "lib.bling.signal.playerctl".lib {
player = { "spotify", "ncmpcpp", "%any" } player = { "spotify", "%any" }
} }
playerctl:connect_signal("metadata", function(...) playerctl:connect_signal("metadata", function(_, ...)
awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::metadata", ...) awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::metadata", ...)
end) end)
playerctl:connect_signal("position", function(...) playerctl:connect_signal("position", function(_, ...)
awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::position", ...) awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::position", ...)
end) end)
playerctl:connect_signal("playback_status", function(...) playerctl:connect_signal("playback_status", function(_, ...)
awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::playback_status", ...) awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::playback_status", ...)
end) end)
playerctl:connect_signal("seeked", function(...) playerctl:connect_signal("seeked", function(_, ...)
awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::seeked", ...) awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::seeked", ...)
end) end)
playerctl:connect_signal("volume", function(...) playerctl:connect_signal("volume", function(_, ...)
awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::volume", ...) awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::volume", ...)
end) end)
playerctl:connect_signal("loop_status", function(...) playerctl:connect_signal("loop_status", function(_, ...)
awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::loop_status", ...) awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::loop_status", ...)
end) end)
playerctl:connect_signal("shuffle", function(...) playerctl:connect_signal("shuffle", function(_, ...)
awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::shuffle", ...) awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::shuffle", ...)
end) end)
playerctl:connect_signal("exit", function(...) playerctl:connect_signal("exit", function(_, ...)
awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::exit", ...) awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::exit", ...)
end) end)
playerctl:connect_signal("exit", function(...) playerctl:connect_signal("exit", function(_, ...)
awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::exit", ...) awesome.emit_signal("services::playerctl::exit", ...)
end) end)

View file

@ -1,56 +1,11 @@
local awful = require "awful" local awful = require "awful"
local cfg = require "misc.cfg"
local gtable = require "gears.table"
screen.connect_signal("request::desktop_decoration", function(s) screen.connect_signal("request::desktop_decoration", function(s)
awful.tag.add( for i, tag in ipairs(cfg.tags) do
"1", awful.tag.add(tostring(i), gtable.crush({
{ screen = s
screen = s, }, tag))
layout = awful.layout.suit.floating, end
selected = true
screen = s,
layout = awful.layout.suit.floating,
screen = s,
layout = awful.layout.suit.tile.left,
master_width_factor = 0.7
screen = s,
layout =,
master_width_factor = 0.2
screen = s,
layout = awful.layout.suit.tile.right,
master_width_factor = 0.7
screen = s,
layout = awful.layout.suit.floating,
end) end)

View file

@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ fresnel._selected_index = 1
function fresnel:_exec_entry(entry_index) function fresnel:_exec_entry(entry_index)
local exec = self._entries_exec[entry_index] local exec = self._entries_exec[entry_index]
if type(exec) ~= "userdata" and type(exec) ~= "nil" then if type(exec) ~= "userdata" and type(exec) ~= "nil" then
awful.spawn((exec[2] and cfg.terminal .. " -e " or "") .. exec[1]) if exec[2] then
awful.spawn(cfg.terminal .. " -e /bin/sh -c " .. exec[1] .. " 1>/dev/null 2>&1")
awful.spawn.with_shell(exec[1] .. " 1>/dev/null 2>&1")
end end
end end

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
local awful = require "awful" local awful = require "awful"
local beautiful = require "beautiful" local beautiful = require "beautiful"
local gtable = require "gears.table" local qstore = require ""
local qtable = require "quarrel.table" local qtable = require "quarrel.table"
local qui = require "quarrel.ui" local qui = require "quarrel.ui"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars" local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ local mouse = "󰍽 "
local insightful = {} local insightful = {}
insightful._toggled = false insightful._toggled = false
insightful._bindings = {}
insightful._selected_group = "" insightful._selected_group = ""
insightful._selected_group_index = 1 insightful._selected_group_index = 1
@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ function insightful:_generate()
local grouped_binds = {} local grouped_binds = {}
local layout_container = insightful._widget.widget.layout_container local layout_container = insightful._widget.widget.layout_container
for _, keybind in ipairs(self._bindings) do for _, keybind in ipairs(qstore.bindings) do
local group = or "general" local group = or "general"
local group_exists = grouped_binds[group] ~= nil local group_exists = grouped_binds[group] ~= nil

View file

@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local rubato = require "lib.rubato" local rubato = require "lib.rubato"
local wibox = require "wibox" local wibox = require "wibox"
local battery = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.battery"
local brightness = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.brightness"
local clock = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.clock" local clock = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.clock"
local displays = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.displays"
local keyboardlayout = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.keyboardlayout" local keyboardlayout = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.keyboardlayout"
local taglist = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.taglist" local taglist = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.taglist"
local volume = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.volume"
local wifi = require "ui.statusbar.widgets.wifi"
screen.connect_signal("request::desktop_decoration", function(s) screen.connect_signal("request::desktop_decoration", function(s)
local expand_button = wibox.widget { local expand_button = wibox.widget {
@ -52,10 +49,10 @@ screen.connect_signal("request::desktop_decoration", function(s)
widget =, widget =,
valign = "bottom", valign = "bottom",
{ {
brightness, displays.brightness,
battery, displays.battery,
wifi, displays.wifi,
{ {
widget =, widget =,
keyboardlayout keyboardlayout

View file

@ -2,45 +2,47 @@ local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox" local wibox = require "wibox"
local displays = require "ui.statusbar.panel.widgets.displays" local displays = require "ui.statusbar.panel.widgets.displays"
local music = require ""
local power_menu = require "ui.statusbar.panel.widgets.power_menu" local power_menu = require "ui.statusbar.panel.widgets.power_menu"
local wifi = require "ui.statusbar.panel.widgets.wifi"
local panel = wibox.widget { local panel = wibox.widget {
-- widget = wibox.container.constraint, widget = wibox.container.margin,
-- width = qvars.expanded_bar_size, margins = {
-- strategy = "exact", left = qvars.big_padding
-- { },
widget = wibox.container.margin, {
margins = {
left = qvars.big_padding
{ {
widget =,
valign = "top",
{ {
widget =,
valign = "top",
{ {
displays.battery, displays.battery,
displays.brightness, displays.brightness,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
spacing = qvars.padding, spacing = qvars.padding,
} },
}, wifi,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical,
spacing = qvars.padding
widget = wibox.container.background,
{ {
widget = wibox.container.background, widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
{ text = ":)"
widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }
text = ":)" },
} {
}, widget =,
{ valign = "bottom",
widget =, power_menu
valign = "bottom", },
power_menu layout = wibox.layout.align.vertical,
}, }
layout = wibox.layout.align.vertical,
-- }
} }
return panel return panel

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
local qmath = require "quarrel.math"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local qui = require "quarrel.ui"
local wibox = require "wibox"
local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor" local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
local gcolor = require "gears.color" local qmath = require "quarrel.math"
local qui = require "quarrel.ui"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox"
local function create_display(icon, color) local function create_display(icon, color)
return wibox.widget(qui.styled { return wibox.widget(qui.styled {
@ -24,13 +23,7 @@ local function create_display(icon, color)
forced_width = qvars.element_size * 4, forced_width = qvars.element_size * 4,
{ {
widget =, widget =,
{ qui.icon(icon, color, { id = "icon" })
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
image = icon,
forced_height = qvars.char_height,
forced_width = qvars.char_height,
id = "icon"
}, },
id = "indicator" id = "indicator"
}, },
@ -50,55 +43,40 @@ local function create_display(icon, color)
}) })
end end
local d_battery = create_display(gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.battery_vertical_warning_fill, qvars.colors.fg), local d_audio = create_display(phosphor.speaker_simple_high_fill, qvars.colors.fg)
awesome.connect_signal("services::audio", function(volume)
awesome.connect_signal("services::battery", function(capacity, status) if not volume then
local icon_data = status == "Charging" and { "charging", "green" } or qmath.step_value(capacity, {
{ 0, { "empty", "red" } },
{ 20, { "low", "red" } },
{ 40, { "medium", "yellow" } },
{ 60, { "high", "green" } },
{ 80, { "full", "green" } },
{ 100 }
d_battery:get_children_by_id("indicator")[1].color = qvars.colors[icon_data[2]]
d_battery:get_children_by_id("indicator")[1].value = capacity
d_battery:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["battery_vertical_" .. icon_data[1] .. "_fill"], qvars.colors[icon_data[2]])
d_battery:get_children_by_id("text")[1].text = capacity .. "%"
local d_volume = create_display(gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.speaker_simple_high_fill, qvars.colors.fg), qvars.colors.fg)
awesome.connect_signal("services::audio", function(volume, muted)
d_volume:get_children_by_id("indicator")[1].value = math.min(volume, 100)
d_volume:get_children_by_id("text")[1].text = volume .. "%"
if muted then
d_volume:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["speaker_simple_x_fill"],
return return
end end
d_audio:get_children_by_id("indicator")[1].value = math.min(volume, 100)
local icon_data = qmath.step_value(volume, { d_audio:get_children_by_id("text")[1].text = volume .. "%"
{ 0, "slash" }, end)
{ 25, "none" }, awesome.connect_signal("services::audio::icon", function(icon, color)
{ 50, "low" }, d_audio:get_children_by_id("indicator")[1].color = color
{ 75, "high" }, d_audio:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].image = icon
{ 100 } d_audio:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].stylesheet = qui.recolor(color)
d_volume:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["speaker_simple_" .. icon_data .. "_fill"], qvars.colors.fg)
end) end)
local d_brightness = create_display(gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.sun_fill, qvars.colors.fg), qvars.colors.fg) local d_battery = create_display(phosphor.battery_vertical_warning_fill,
awesome.connect_signal("services::battery", function(capacity)
d_battery:get_children_by_id("indicator")[1].value = capacity
d_battery:get_children_by_id("text")[1].text = capacity .. "%"
awesome.connect_signal("services::battery::icon", function(icon, color)
d_battery:get_children_by_id("indicator")[1].color = color
d_battery:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].image = icon
d_battery:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].stylesheet = qui.recolor(color)
local d_brightness = create_display(phosphor.sun_fill, qvars.colors.fg)
awesome.connect_signal("services::brightness", function(brightness) awesome.connect_signal("services::brightness", function(brightness)
brightness = math.floor(qmath.translate_range(brightness, 0, 255, 0, 100)) brightness = math.floor(qmath.translate_range(brightness, 0, 255, 0, 100))
d_brightness:get_children_by_id("indicator")[1].value = brightness d_brightness:get_children_by_id("indicator")[1].value = brightness
d_brightness:get_children_by_id("text")[1].text = brightness .. "%" d_brightness:get_children_by_id("text")[1].text = brightness .. "%"
end) end)
awesome.connect_signal("services::brightness::icon", function(icon, color)
d_brightness:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].image = icon
d_brightness:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].stylesheet = qui.recolor(color)
return { battery = d_battery, volume = d_volume, brightness = d_brightness } return { audio = d_audio, battery = d_battery, brightness = d_brightness }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
-- A widget to display an image.
-- The `wibox.widget.imagebox` is part of the Awesome WM's widget system
-- (see @{}).
-- This widget displays an image. The image can be a file,
-- a cairo image surface, or an rsvg handle object (see the
-- [image property](#image)).
-- Examples using a `wibox.widget.imagebox`:
-- ---
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_defaults_imagebox_EXAMPLE@
-- Alternatively, you can declare the `imagebox` widget using the
-- declarative pattern (both variants are strictly equivalent):
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_declarative-pattern_imagebox_EXAMPLE@
-- @author Uli Schlachter
-- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
-- @widgetmod wibox.widget.imagebox
-- @supermodule wibox.widget.base
local lgi = require("lgi")
local cairo = lgi.cairo
local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
local surface = require("gears.surface")
local gtable = require("gears.table")
local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local type = type
local math = math
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
-- Safe load for optional Rsvg module
local Rsvg = nil
local success, err = pcall(function() Rsvg = lgi.Rsvg end)
if not success then
gdebug.print_warning(debug.traceback("Could not load Rsvg: " .. tostring(err)))
local imagebox = { mt = {} }
local rsvg_handle_cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' })
---Load rsvg handle form image file
-- @tparam string file Path to svg file.
-- @return Rsvg handle
-- @treturn table A table where cached data can be stored.
local function load_rsvg_handle(file)
if not Rsvg then return end
local cache = (rsvg_handle_cache[file] or {})["handle"]
if cache then
return cache, rsvg_handle_cache[file]
local handle, err
if file:match("<[?]?xml") or file:match("<svg") then
handle, err = Rsvg.Handle.new_from_data(file)
handle, err = Rsvg.Handle.new_from_file(file)
if not err then
rsvg_handle_cache[file] = rsvg_handle_cache[file] or {}
rsvg_handle_cache[file]["handle"] = handle
return handle, rsvg_handle_cache[file]
---Apply cairo surface for given imagebox widget
local function set_surface(ib, surf)
local is_surf_valid = surf.width > 0 and surf.height > 0
if not is_surf_valid then return false end
ib._private.default = { width = surf.width, height = surf.height }
ib._private.handle = nil
ib._private.image = surf
return true
---Apply RsvgHandle for given imagebox widget
local function set_handle(ib, handle, cache)
local dim = handle:get_dimensions()
local is_handle_valid = dim.width > 0 and dim.height > 0
if not is_handle_valid then return false end
ib._private.default = { width = dim.width, height = dim.height }
ib._private.handle = handle
ib._private.cache = cache
ib._private.image = nil
return true
---Try to load some image object from file then apply it to imagebox.
---@tparam table ib Imagebox
---@tparam string file Image file name
---@tparam function image_loader Function to load image object from file
---@tparam function image_setter Function to set image object to imagebox
---@treturn boolean True if image was successfully applied
local function load_and_apply(ib, file, image_loader, image_setter)
local image_applied
local object, cache = image_loader(file)
if object then
image_applied = image_setter(ib, object, cache)
return image_applied
---Update the cached size depending on the stylesheet and dpi.
-- It's necessary because a single RSVG handle can be used by
-- many imageboxes. So DPI and Stylesheet need to be set each time.
local function update_dpi(self, ctx)
if not self._private.handle then return end
local dpi = self._private.auto_dpi and
ctx.dpi or
self._private.dpi or
local need_dpi = dpi and
self._private.last_dpi ~= dpi
local need_style = self._private.handle.set_stylesheet and
local old_size = self._private.default and self._private.default.width
if dpi and dpi ~= self._private.cache.dpi then
if type(dpi) == "table" then
self._private.handle:set_dpi_x_y(dpi.x, dpi.y)
if need_style and self._private.cache.stylesheet ~= self._private.stylesheet then
-- Reload the size.
if need_dpi or (need_style and self._private.stylesheet ~= self._private.last_stylesheet) then
set_handle(self, self._private.handle, self._private.cache)
self._private.last_dpi = dpi
self._private.cache.dpi = dpi
self._private.last_stylesheet = self._private.stylesheet
self._private.cache.stylesheet = self._private.stylesheet
-- This can happen in the constructor when `dpi` is set after `image`.
if old_size and old_size ~= self._private.default.width then
-- Draw an imagebox with the given cairo context in the given geometry.
function imagebox:draw(ctx, cr, width, height)
if width == 0 or height == 0 or not self._private.default then return end
-- For valign = "top" and halign = "left"
local translate = {
x = 0,
y = 0,
update_dpi(self, ctx)
local w, h = self._private.default.width, self._private.default.height
if self._private.resize then
-- That's for the "fit" policy.
local aspects = {
w = width / w,
h = height / h
local policy = {
w = self._private.horizontal_fit_policy or "auto",
h = self._private.vertical_fit_policy or "auto"
for _, aspect in ipairs {"w", "h"} do
if self._private.upscale == false and (w < width and h < height) then
aspects[aspect] = 1
elseif self._private.downscale == false and (w >= width and h >= height) then
aspects[aspect] = 1
elseif policy[aspect] == "none" then
aspects[aspect] = 1
elseif policy[aspect] == "auto" then
aspects[aspect] = math.min(width / w, height / h)
elseif policy[aspect] == "cover" then
aspects[aspect] = math.max(width / w, height / h)
if self._private.halign == "center" then
translate.x = math.floor((width - w*aspects.w)/2)
elseif self._private.halign == "right" then
translate.x = math.floor(width - (w*aspects.w))
if self._private.valign == "center" then
translate.y = math.floor((height - h*aspects.h)/2)
elseif self._private.valign == "bottom" then
translate.y = math.floor(height - (h*aspects.h))
cr:translate(translate.x, translate.y)
-- Before using the scale, make sure it is below the threshold.
local threshold, max_factor = self._private.max_scaling_factor, math.max(aspects.w, aspects.h)
if threshold and threshold > 0 and threshold < max_factor then
aspects.w = (aspects.w*threshold)/max_factor
aspects.h = (aspects.h*threshold)/max_factor
-- Set the clip
if self._private.clip_shape then
cr:clip(self._private.clip_shape(cr, w*aspects.w, h*aspects.h, unpack(self._private.clip_args)))
cr:scale(aspects.w, aspects.h)
if self._private.halign == "center" then
translate.x = math.floor((width - w)/2)
elseif self._private.halign == "right" then
translate.x = math.floor(width - w)
if self._private.valign == "center" then
translate.y = math.floor((height - h)/2)
elseif self._private.valign == "bottom" then
translate.y = math.floor(height - h)
cr:translate(translate.x, translate.y)
-- Set the clip
if self._private.clip_shape then
cr:clip(self._private.clip_shape(cr, w, h, unpack(self._private.clip_args)))
if self._private.handle then
cr:set_source_surface(self._private.image, 0, 0)
local filter = self._private.scaling_quality
if filter then
-- Fit the imagebox into the given geometry
function imagebox:fit(ctx, width, height)
if not self._private.default then return 0, 0 end
update_dpi(self, ctx)
local w, h = self._private.default.width, self._private.default.height
if w <= width and h <= height and self._private.upscale == false then
return w, h
if (w < width or h < height) and self._private.downscale == false then
return w, h
if self._private.resize or w > width or h > height then
local aspect = math.min(width / w, height / h)
return w * aspect, h * aspect
return w, h
--- The image rendered by the `imagebox`.
-- @property image
-- @tparam[opt=nil] image|nil image
-- @propemits false false
--- Set the `imagebox` image.
-- The image can be a file, a cairo image surface, or an rsvg handle object
-- (see the [image property](#image)).
-- @method set_image
-- @hidden
-- @tparam image image The image to render.
-- @treturn boolean `true` on success, `false` if the image cannot be used.
-- @usage my_imagebox:set_image(beautiful.awesome_icon)
-- @usage my_imagebox:set_image('/usr/share/icons/theme/my_icon.png')
-- @see image
function imagebox:set_image(image)
local setup_succeed
-- Keep the original to prevent the cache from being GCed.
self._private.original_image = image
if type(image) == "userdata" and not (Rsvg and Rsvg.Handle:is_type_of(image)) then
-- This function is not documented to handle userdata objects, but
-- historically it did, and it did by just assuming they refer to a
-- cairo surface.
image = surface.load(image)
if type(image) == "string" then
-- try to load rsvg handle from file
setup_succeed = load_and_apply(self, image, load_rsvg_handle, set_handle)
if not setup_succeed then
-- rsvg handle failed, try to load cairo surface with pixbuf
setup_succeed = load_and_apply(self, image, surface.load, set_surface)
elseif Rsvg and Rsvg.Handle:is_type_of(image) then
-- try to apply given rsvg handle
rsvg_handle_cache[image] = rsvg_handle_cache[image] or {}
setup_succeed = set_handle(self, image, rsvg_handle_cache[image])
elseif cairo.Surface:is_type_of(image) then
-- try to apply given cairo surface
setup_succeed = set_surface(self, image)
elseif not image then
-- nil as argument mean full imagebox reset
setup_succeed = true
self._private.handle = nil
self._private.image = nil
self._private.default = nil
if not setup_succeed then return false end
return true
--- Set a clip shape for this imagebox.
-- A clip shape defines an area and dimension to which the content should be
-- trimmed.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_clip_shape_EXAMPLE@
-- @property clip_shape
-- @tparam[opt=gears.shape.rectangle] shape clip_shape A `gears.shape` compatible shape function.
-- @propemits true false
-- @see gears.shape
--- Set a clip shape for this imagebox.
-- A clip shape defines an area and dimensions to which the content should be
-- trimmed.
-- Additional parameters will be passed to the clip shape function.
-- @tparam function|gears.shape clip_shape A `gears_shape` compatible shape function.
-- @method set_clip_shape
-- @hidden
-- @see gears.shape
-- @see clip_shape
function imagebox:set_clip_shape(clip_shape, ...)
self._private.clip_shape = clip_shape
self._private.clip_args = {...}
self:emit_signal("property::clip_shape", clip_shape)
--- Should the image be resized to fit into the available space?
-- Note that `upscale` and `downscale` can affect the value of `resize`.
-- If conflicting values are passed to the constructor, then the result
-- is undefined.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_resize_EXAMPLE@
-- @property resize
-- @propemits true false
-- @tparam[opt=true] boolean resize
--- Allow the image to be upscaled (made bigger).
-- Note that `upscale` and `downscale` can affect the value of `resize`.
-- If conflicting values are passed to the constructor, then the result
-- is undefined.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_upscale_EXAMPLE@
-- @property upscale
-- @tparam[opt=self.resize] boolean upscale
-- @see downscale
-- @see resize
--- Allow the image to be downscaled (made smaller).
-- Note that `upscale` and `downscale` can affect the value of `resize`.
-- If conflicting values are passed to the constructor, then the result
-- is undefined.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_downscale_EXAMPLE@
-- @property downscale
-- @tparam[opt=self.resize] boolean downscale
-- @see upscale
-- @see resize
--- Set the SVG CSS stylesheet.
-- If the image is an SVG (vector graphics), this property allows to set
-- a CSS stylesheet. It can be used to set colors and much more.
-- Note that this property is a string, not a path. If the stylesheet is
-- stored on disk, read the content first.
-- @property stylesheet
-- @tparam[opt=""] string stylesheet
-- @propemits true false
--- Set the SVG DPI (dot per inch).
-- Force a specific DPI when rendering the `.svg`. For other file formats,
-- this does nothing.
-- It can either be a number of a table containing the `x` and `y` keys.
-- Please note that DPI and `resize` can "fight" each other and end up
-- making the image smaller instead of bigger.
-- @property dpi
-- @tparam[opt=96] number|table dpi
-- @negativeallowed false
-- @propemits true false
-- @see auto_dpi
--- Use the object DPI when rendering the SVG.
-- By default, the SVG are interpreted as-is. When this property is set,
-- the screen DPI will be passed to the SVG renderer. Depending on which
-- tool was used to create the `.svg`, this may do nothing at all. However,
-- for example, if the `.svg` uses `<text>` elements and doesn't have an
-- hardcoded stylesheet, the result will differ.
-- @property auto_dpi
-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean auto_dpi
-- @propemits true false
-- @see dpi
for _, prop in ipairs {"stylesheet", "dpi", "auto_dpi"} do
imagebox["set_" .. prop] = function(self, value)
-- It will be set in :fit and :draw. The handle is shared
-- by multiple imagebox, so it cannot be set just once.
self._private[prop] = value
self:emit_signal("property::" .. prop)
function imagebox:set_resize(allowed)
self._private.resize = allowed
if allowed then
self._private.downscale = true
self._private.upscale = true
self:emit_signal("property::downscale", allowed)
self:emit_signal("property::upscale", allowed)
self:emit_signal("property::resize", allowed)
for _, prop in ipairs {"downscale", "upscale" } do
imagebox["set_" .. prop] = function(self, allowed)
self._private[prop] = allowed
if self._private.resize ~= (self._private.upscale or self._private.downscale) then
self._private.resize = self._private.upscale or self._private.downscale
self:emit_signal("property::resize", self._private.resize)
self:emit_signal("property::"..prop, allowed)
--- Set the horizontal fit policy.
-- Here is the result for a 22x32 image:
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_horizontal_fit_policy_EXAMPLE@
-- @property horizontal_fit_policy
-- @tparam[opt="auto"] string horizontal_fit_policy
-- @propertyvalue "auto" Honor the `resize` variable and preserve the aspect ratio.
-- @propertyvalue "none" Do not resize at all.
-- @propertyvalue "fit" Resize to the widget width.
-- @propertyvalue "cover" Resize to fill widget and preserve the aspect ratio.
-- @propemits true false
-- @see vertical_fit_policy
-- @see resize
--- Set the vertical fit policy.
-- Here is the result for a 32x22 image:
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_vertical_fit_policy_EXAMPLE@
-- @property vertical_fit_policy
-- @tparam[opt="auto"] string vertical_fit_policy
-- @propertyvalue "auto" Honor the `resize` variable and preserve the aspect ratio.
-- @propertyvalue "none" Do not resize at all.
-- @propertyvalue "fit" Resize to the widget height.
-- @propertyvalue "cover" Resize to fill widget and preserve the aspect ratio.
-- @propemits true false
-- @see horizontal_fit_policy
-- @see resize
--- The vertical alignment.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_valign_EXAMPLE@
-- @property valign
-- @tparam[opt="center"] string valign
-- @propertyvalue "top"
-- @propertyvalue "center"
-- @propertyvalue "bottom"
-- @propemits true false
-- @see
-- @see halign
--- The horizontal alignment.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_halign_EXAMPLE@
-- @property halign
-- @tparam[opt="center"] string halign
-- @propertyvalue "left"
-- @propertyvalue "center"
-- @propertyvalue "right"
-- @propemits true false
-- @see
-- @see valign
--- The maximum scaling factor.
-- If an image is scaled too much, it gets very blurry. This
-- property allows to limit the scaling.
-- Use the properties `valign` and `halign` to control how the image will be
-- aligned.
-- In the example below, the original size is 22x22
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_max_scaling_factor_EXAMPLE@
-- @property max_scaling_factor
-- @tparam[opt=0] number max_scaling_factor Use `0` for "no limit".
-- @negativeallowed false
-- @propemits true false
-- @see valign
-- @see halign
-- @see scaling_quality
--- Set the scaling aligorithm.
-- Depending on how the image is used, what is the "correct" way to
-- scale can change. For example, upscaling a pixel art image should
-- not make it blurry. However, scaling up a photo should not make it
-- blocky.
--<table class='widget_list' border=1>
-- <tr style='font-weight: bold;'>
-- <th align='center'>Value</th>
-- <th align='center'>Description</th>
-- </tr>
-- <tr><td>fast</td><td>A high-performance filter</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>good</td><td>A reasonable-performance filter</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>best</td><td>The highest-quality available</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>nearest</td><td>Nearest-neighbor filtering (blocky)</td></tr>
-- <tr><td>bilinear</td><td>Linear interpolation in two dimensions</td></tr>
-- The image used in the example below has a resolution of 32x22 and is
-- intentionally blocky to highlight the difference.
-- It is zoomed by a factor of 3.
-- @DOC_wibox_widget_imagebox_scaling_quality_EXAMPLE@
-- @property scaling_quality
-- @tparam[opt="good"] string scaling_quality
-- @propertyvalue "fast" A high-performance filter.
-- @propertyvalue "good" A reasonable-performance filter.
-- @propertyvalue "best" The highest-quality available.
-- @propertyvalue "nearest" Nearest-neighbor filtering (blocky).
-- @propertyvalue "bilinear" Linear interpolation in two dimensions.
-- @propemits true false
-- @see resize
-- @see horizontal_fit_policy
-- @see vertical_fit_policy
-- @see max_scaling_factor
local defaults = {
halign = "left",
valign = "top",
horizontal_fit_policy = "auto",
vertical_fit_policy = "auto",
max_scaling_factor = 0,
scaling_quality = "good"
local function get_default(prop, value)
if value == nil then return defaults[prop] end
return value
for prop in pairs(defaults) do
imagebox["set_"..prop] = function(self, value)
if value == self._private[prop] then return end
self._private[prop] = get_default(prop, value)
self:emit_signal("property::"..prop, self._private[prop])
imagebox["get_"..prop] = function(self)
if self._private[prop] == nil then
return defaults[prop]
return self._private[prop]
--- Returns a new `wibox.widget.imagebox` instance.
-- This is the constructor of `wibox.widget.imagebox`. It creates a new
-- instance of imagebox widget.
-- Alternatively, the declarative layout syntax can handle
-- `wibox.widget.imagebox` instanciation.
-- The image can be a file, a cairo image surface, or an rsvg handle object
-- (see the [image property](#image)).
-- Any additional arguments will be passed to the clip shape function.
-- @tparam[opt] image image The image to display (may be `nil`).
-- @tparam[opt] boolean resize_allowed If `false`, the image will be
-- clipped, else it will be resized to fit into the available space.
-- @tparam[opt] function clip_shape A `gears.shape` compatible function.
-- @treturn wibox.widget.imagebox A new `wibox.widget.imagebox` widget instance.
-- @constructorfct wibox.widget.imagebox
local function new(image, resize_allowed, clip_shape, ...)
local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {enable_properties = true})
gtable.crush(ret, imagebox, true)
ret._private.resize = true
if image then
if resize_allowed ~= nil then
ret.resize = resize_allowed
ret._private.clip_shape = clip_shape
ret._private.clip_args = {...}
return ret
return new(...)
return setmetatable(imagebox,
-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80

View file

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
local cairo = require "lgi".cairo
local gcolor = require "gears.color"
local gsurface = require "gears.surface"
local imagebox = require "ui.statusbar.panel.widgets.imagebox"
local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
local playerctl = require "services.playerctl"
local qnative = require "quarrel.native"
local qui = require "quarrel.ui"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox"
local default_cover = phosphor.vinyl_record_fill
local default_text = "Nothing playing"
local function faded_cover(cover)
local surface = gsurface(cover)
local w,h = gsurface.get_size(surface)
local cr = cairo.Context(surface)
local pattern = gcolor( .. "aa")
cr:rectangle(0, 0, w, h)
return surface
local w_title = wibox.widget {
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
text = "Nothing playing",
local w_artist = wibox.widget {
widget = wibox.container.background,
fg = qvars.colors.dim.fg,
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
text = ""
local w_cover = wibox.widget {
widget = imagebox,
image = default_cover,
stylesheet = qui.recolor(,
forced_height = qvars.char_height * 6 + qvars.big_padding * 2,
forced_width = qvars.expanded_bar_size - qvars.big_padding,
horizontal_fit_policy = "cover",
vertical_fit_policy = "cover",
valign = "center",
halign = "center"
local w_progress_bar = wibox.widget {
widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
max_value = 0,
value = 0,
forced_height = qvars.char_height / 2,
forced_width = qvars.expanded_bar_size - (qvars.big_padding + qvars.big_padding * 2 + qvars.padding * 2) - (qvars.char_height / 1.25 + qvars.padding) * 3,
color = qvars.colors.yellow,
background_color =,
shape = qvars.shape,
local w_play_pause = qui.toggle {
widget = {
forced_height = qvars.char_height / 1.25,
forced_width = qvars.char_height / 1.25
off = phosphor.play_fill,
on = phosphor.pause_fill,
manual = true,
press = function()
local w_skip_forward = qui.button {
widget = {
forced_height = qvars.char_height / 1.25,
forced_width = qvars.char_height / 1.25
image = phosphor.skip_forward_fill,
press = function()
local w_skip_back = qui.button {
widget = {
forced_height = qvars.char_height / 1.25,
forced_width = qvars.char_height / 1.25
image = phosphor.skip_back_fill,
press = function()
local music = wibox.widget(qui.styled {
widget = wibox.container.background,
widget = wibox.container.background,
bg =
widget = wibox.container.margin,
margins = qvars.big_padding,
widget = wibox.container.background,
bg =,
shape = qvars.shape,
widget = wibox.container.margin,
margins = qvars.padding,
widget = wibox.container.constraint,
width = qvars.expanded_bar_size - (qvars.big_padding + qvars.big_padding * 2 + qvars.padding * 2),
height = qvars.char_height,
widget = wibox.container.scroll.horizontal,
speed = 50,
step_function = wibox.container.scroll.step_functions.waiting_nonlinear_back_and_forth,
widget = wibox.container.constraint,
width = qvars.expanded_bar_size - (qvars.big_padding + qvars.big_padding * 2 + qvars.padding * 2),
height = qvars.char_height,
widget = wibox.container.scroll.horizontal,
speed = 50,
step_function = wibox.container.scroll.step_functions.waiting_nonlinear_back_and_forth,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical
layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal
widget = wibox.container.background,
bg =,
shape = qvars.shape,
widget = wibox.container.margin,
margins = qvars.padding,
widget =,
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
spacing = qvars.padding
layout = wibox.layout.align.vertical
layout = wibox.layout.stack
awesome.connect_signal("services::playerctl::metadata", function(title, artist, album_path)
w_title.text = title ~= "" and qnative.decode_html(title) or default_text
w_artist.widget.text = qnative.decode_html(artist)
w_cover.image = faded_cover(album_path)
awesome.connect_signal("services::playerctl::position", function(position, length)
w_progress_bar.value = position
w_progress_bar.max_value = length
awesome.connect_signal("services::playerctl::no_players", function()
w_title = default_text
w_artist = ""
w_cover.image = default_cover
w_progress_bar.value = 0
w_progress_bar.max_value = 0
awesome.connect_signal("services::playerctl::playback_status", function(playing)
return music

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
local q = require "quarrel" local q = require "quarrel"
local qbind = require "quarrel.bind" local qbind = require "quarrel.bind"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local qui = require "quarrel.ui" local qui = require "quarrel.ui"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox" local wibox = require "wibox"
local power_menu = wibox.widget { local power_menu = wibox.widget {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
local qui = require "quarrel.ui"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox"
local wifi = wibox.widget(qui.styled {
widget = wibox.container.background,
widget = wibox.container.margin,
margins = qvars.big_padding,
widget =,
valign = "center",
halign = "center",
qui.icon(phosphor.wifi_x_fill,, { id = "icon" })
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
text = "Disconnected",
id = "essid"
layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
spacing = qvars.padding
awesome.connect_signal("services::wifi", function(essid, _, connected)
if connected then
wifi:get_children_by_id("essid")[1].text = essid
wifi:get_children_by_id("essid")[1].text = "Disconnected"
awesome.connect_signal("services::wifi::icon", function(icon, color)
wifi:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].image = icon
wifi:get_children_by_id("icon")[1].stylesheet = qui.recolor(color)
return wifi

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
local gcolor = require "gears.color"
local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
local qmath = require "quarrel.math"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox"
local battery = wibox.widget {
widget =,
valign = "center",
halign = "center",
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.battery_vertical_warning_fill,,
forced_width = qvars.char_height,
forced_height = qvars.char_height
awesome.connect_signal("services::battery", function(capacity, status)
local icon_data = status == "Charging" and { "charging", "green" } or qmath.step_value(capacity, {
{ 0, { "empty", "red" } },
{ 20, { "low", "red" } },
{ 40, { "medium", "yellow" } },
{ 60, { "high", "green" } },
{ 80, { "full", "green" } },
{ 100 }
battery.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["battery_vertical_" .. icon_data[1] .. "_fill"], qvars.colors[icon_data[2]])
return battery

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
local gcolor = require "gears.color"
local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
local qmath = require "quarrel.math"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox"
local brightness = wibox.widget {
widget =,
valign = "center",
halign = "center",
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.moon_fill, qvars.colors.fg),
forced_width = qvars.char_height,
forced_height = qvars.char_height
awesome.connect_signal("services::brightness", function(value)
local icon_data = qmath.step_value(value, {
{ 0, "cloud_moon" },
{ 51, "moon" },
{ 102, "sun_horizon" },
{ 153, "sun_dim" },
{ 204, "sun" },
{ 255 }
brightness.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor[icon_data .. "_fill"], qvars.colors.fg)
return brightness

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
local qui = require "quarrel.ui"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox"
local function create_display(icon, color)
return wibox.widget {
widget =,
valign = "center",
halign = "center",
qui.icon(icon, color)
local battery = create_display(phosphor.battery_vertical_warning_fill,
awesome.connect_signal("services::battery::icon", function(icon, color)
battery.widget.image = icon
battery.widget.stylesheet = qui.recolor(color)
local brightness = create_display(phosphor.moon_fill, qvars.colors.fg)
awesome.connect_signal("services::brightness::icon", function(icon, color)
brightness.widget.image = icon
brightness.widget.stylesheet = qui.recolor(color)
local audio = create_display(phosphor.speaker_simple_slash_fill,
awesome.connect_signal("services::audio::icon", function(icon, color)
audio.widget.image = icon
audio.widget.stylesheet = qui.recolor(color)
local wifi = create_display(phosphor.wifi_x_fill,
awesome.connect_signal("services::wifi::icon", function(icon, color)
wifi.widget.image = icon
wifi.widget.stylesheet = qui.recolor(color)
return { audio = audio, battery = battery, brightness = brightness, wifi = wifi }

View file

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
local awful = require "awful" local awful = require "awful"
local gcolor = require "gears.color" local gcolor = require "gears.color"
local gdebug = require "gears.debug"
local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor" local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
local qbind = require "quarrel.bind" local qbind = require "quarrel.bind"
local qui = require "quarrel.ui"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars" local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox" local wibox = require "wibox"
@ -16,42 +18,33 @@ return awful.widget.taglist {
widget =, widget =,
valign = "center", valign = "center",
halign = "center", halign = "center",
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.circle_bold, qvars.colors.fg),
forced_width = qvars.char_height,
forced_height = qvars.char_height,
icon = phosphor.dot_fill
create_callback = function(self, tag) create_callback = function(self, tag)
-- self.widget.icon = phosphor[next(tag:clients()) and "circle_fill" or "circle_bold"] self.widget = qui.icon(tag.icon)
self:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function() self:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function()
if tag.selected then return end if tag.selected then return end
self.widget.stylesheet = qui.recolor(qvars.colors.yellow)
self.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(self.widget.icon, qvars.colors.yellow)
end) end)
self:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function() self:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function()
if tag.selected then return end if tag.selected then return end
self.widget.stylesheet = qui.recolor(qvars.colors.fg)
self.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(self.widget.icon, qvars.colors.fg)
end) end)
if tag.selected then if tag.selected then
self.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(self.widget.icon, qvars.colors.yellow) self.widget.stylesheet = qui.recolor(qvars.colors.yellow)
return return
end end
self.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(self.widget.icon, qvars.colors.fg) self.widget.stylesheet = qui.recolor(qvars.colors.fg)
end, end,
update_callback = function(self, tag) update_callback = function(self, tag)
-- self.widget.icon = phosphor[next(tag:clients()) and "circle_fill" or "circle_bold"] -- self.widget.icon = phosphor[next(tag:clients()) and "circle_fill" or "circle_bold"]
if tag.selected then if tag.selected then
self.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(self.widget.icon, qvars.colors.yellow) self.widget.stylesheet = qui.recolor(qvars.colors.yellow)
else else
self.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(self.widget.icon, qvars.colors.fg) self.widget.stylesheet = qui.recolor(qvars.colors.fg)
end end
end end
}, },

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
local gcolor = require "gears.color"
local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
local qmath = require "quarrel.math"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox"
local volume_widget = wibox.widget {
widget =,
valign = "center",
halign = "center",
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.speaker_simple_slash_fill,,
forced_width = qvars.char_height,
forced_height = qvars.char_height
awesome.connect_signal("services::audio", function(volume, muted)
if muted then
volume_widget.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["speaker_simple_x_fill"],
local icon_data = qmath.step_value(volume, {
{ 0, "slash" },
{ 25, "none" },
{ 50, "low" },
{ 75, "high" },
{ 100 }
volume_widget.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["speaker_simple_" .. icon_data .. "_fill"], qvars.colors.fg)
return volume_widget

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
local gcolor = require "gears.color"
local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor"
local qmath = require "quarrel.math"
local qvars = require "quarrel.vars"
local wibox = require "wibox"
local q = require "quarrel"
local gdebug = require "gears.debug"
local wifi = wibox.widget {
widget =,
valign = "center",
halign = "center",
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.wifi_x_fill,,
forced_width = qvars.char_height,
forced_height = qvars.char_height
awesome.connect_signal("services::wifi", function(essid, strength, connected)
if not connected then
wifi.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.wifi_x_fill,
local icon_data = qmath.step_value(strength, {
{ 0, { "none", "red" } },
{ 25, { "low", "yellow" } },
{ 50, { "medium", "yellow" } },
{ 75, { "high", "green" } },
{ 100 }
wifi.widget.image = gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["wifi_" .. icon_data[1] .. "_fill"], qvars.colors[icon_data[2]])
return wifi