delta f42a3a2cc9 major update of awesome config
add new icons, switch over to using stylesheets instead of gears.color.recolor_image, add a music widget to the panel, optimize services in common.lua, fix the application lense filtering and increase the update rate of services in common.lua

Signed-off-by: delta <>
2023-05-21 10:12:46 +02:00

20 lines
1 KiB

-- --
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-- \/\::/ / \;:::/ / \::/\/__/ \:\:\/__/ \/_/:/ / \::/\/__/ /:/\/__/ \:\:\/ / --
-- \/__/ |:\/__/ \:\__\ \::/ / /:/ / \:\__\ \/__/ \:\/ / --
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---=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A colourful and comfy AWM theme =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=---
pcall(require, "luarocks.loader")
require("beautiful").init(require("gears.filesystem").get_configuration_dir() .. "/prismite.lua")
require "signals"
require "services"
require "misc"
require "ui"