  • Joined on 2022-02-10
RiftBlade pushed to kyleexperimentalbranch at karx/FtcRobotController 2022-02-11 21:31:11 -06:00
a675d064a3 TEST
ca483abd5a Merge branch 'kyleexperimentalbranch' of https://git.karx.xyz/karx/FtcRobotController
684aac8aff Convert double to String better.
Compare 3 commits »
RiftBlade pushed to master at karx/FtcRobotController 2022-02-10 19:37:24 -06:00
684aac8aff Convert double to String better.
RiftBlade pushed to kyleexperimentalbranch at karx/FtcRobotController 2022-02-10 14:25:47 -06:00
1cb623f843 Untest
RiftBlade pushed to kyleexperimentalbranch at karx/FtcRobotController 2022-02-10 14:25:09 -06:00
10a03b8478 Test
RiftBlade created branch kyleexperimentalbranch in karx/FtcRobotController 2022-02-10 14:23:59 -06:00
RiftBlade pushed to kyleexperimentalbranch at karx/FtcRobotController 2022-02-10 14:23:59 -06:00
a4b7d4402a Change from adjusting speed every 15ms to properly calculating it.