Minor fixes

This commit is contained in:
Yash Karandikar 2022-10-06 16:09:53 -05:00
parent b891ff76b4
commit 884b23c5a5
2 changed files with 14 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
pub mod physics;
pub mod vec2;
@ -107,9 +108,6 @@ use sdl2::{
video::{Window, WindowBuildError, WindowContext},
EventPump, IntegerOrSdlError,
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::thread;
use std::{
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
@ -782,13 +780,21 @@ impl Game {
#[cfg(feature = "audio")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "audio")))]
/// Plays an audio file given the path of file and plays it for y seconds
/// ```no_run
/// # use cat_box::play;
/// play("/path/to/song.mp3", 15);
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "audio")]
pub fn play<P: AsRef<Path> + std::marker::Send + 'static>(x: P, y: u64) -> thread::JoinHandle<()> {
pub fn play<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, time: u64) -> std::thread::JoinHandle<Result<()>> {
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::thread;
// bypass the Send + 'static requirement
let p = path.as_ref();
thread::spawn(move || {
let (_stream, stream_handle) = OutputStream::try_default()?;
// Load a sound from a file, using a path relative to Cargo.toml

View file

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
use cat_box::{
draw_text, get_keyboard_state, get_mouse_state, play, Game, Sprite, SpriteCollection,
use cat_box::{draw_text, get_keyboard_state, get_mouse_state, Game, Sprite, SpriteCollection};
use sdl2::keyboard::Scancode;
fn main() {
@ -21,7 +19,8 @@ fn main() {
play(String::from("output.mp3"), 120);
#[cfg(feature = "audio")]
cat_box::play("output.mp3", 120);
game.run(|ctx| {
i = (i + 1) % 255;
ctx.set_background_colour(i as u8, 64, 255);