2022-10-20 21:34:22 -05:00

210 lines
7.1 KiB

package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.createdcode.utils;
import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.FtcDashboard;
import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.Config;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp;
import org.opencv.core.Core;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint;
import org.opencv.core.Point;
import org.opencv.core.Rect;
import org.opencv.core.Scalar;
import org.opencv.core.Size;
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
import org.openftc.easyopencv.OpenCvCamera;
import org.openftc.easyopencv.OpenCvCameraFactory;
import org.openftc.easyopencv.OpenCvCameraRotation;
import org.openftc.easyopencv.OpenCvPipeline;
import org.openftc.easyopencv.OpenCvWebcam;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class ObjectDetectionTest extends LinearOpMode {
public static int minH = 100;
public static int minS = 100;
public static int minV = 100;
public static int maxH = 120;
public static int maxS = 255;
public static int maxV = 255;
OpenCvWebcam webcam;
FtcDashboard dashboard = FtcDashboard.getInstance();
public void runOpMode() {
int cameraMonitorViewId = hardwareMap.appContext.getResources().getIdentifier("cameraMonitorViewId", "id", hardwareMap.appContext.getPackageName());
webcam = OpenCvCameraFactory.getInstance().createWebcam(hardwareMap.get(WebcamName.class, "Webcam 1"), cameraMonitorViewId);
// OR... Do Not Activate the Camera Monitor View
//webcam = OpenCvCameraFactory.getInstance().createWebcam(hardwareMap.get(WebcamName.class, "Webcam 1"));
webcam.setPipeline(new SamplePipeline());
webcam.setMillisecondsPermissionTimeout(2500); // Timeout for obtaining permission is configurable. Set before opening.
webcam.openCameraDeviceAsync(new OpenCvCamera.AsyncCameraOpenListener() {
public void onOpened() {
webcam.startStreaming(320, 240, OpenCvCameraRotation.UPRIGHT);
public void onError(int errorCode) {
telemetry.addLine("Waiting for start");
while (opModeIsActive()) {
dashboard.startCameraStream(webcam, 0);
telemetry.addData("Frame Count", webcam.getFrameCount());
telemetry.addData("FPS", String.format("%.2f", webcam.getFps()));
telemetry.addData("Total frame time ms", webcam.getTotalFrameTimeMs());
telemetry.addData("Pipeline time ms", webcam.getPipelineTimeMs());
telemetry.addData("Overhead time ms", webcam.getOverheadTimeMs());
telemetry.addData("Theoretical max FPS", webcam.getCurrentPipelineMaxFps());
if (gamepad1.a) {
class SamplePipeline extends OpenCvPipeline {
boolean viewportPaused;
public Mat processFrame(Mat input) {
Mat blurredImage = new Mat();
Mat hsvImage = new Mat();
Mat mask = new Mat();
Mat morphOutput = new Mat();
// remove some noise
Imgproc.blur(input, blurredImage, new Size(7, 7));
// convert the frame to HSV
Imgproc.cvtColor(blurredImage, hsvImage, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2HSV);
Scalar minValues = new Scalar(minH, minS, minV);
Scalar maxValues = new Scalar(maxH, maxS, maxV);
Core.inRange(hsvImage, minValues, maxValues, mask);
//erodes the little things
Mat dilateElement = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(24, 24));
Mat erodeElement = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(12, 12));
Imgproc.erode(mask, morphOutput, erodeElement);
Imgproc.dilate(mask, morphOutput, dilateElement);
List<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<>();
Mat hierarchy = new Mat();
Mat output = input.clone();
List<Rect> rectList = new ArrayList<>();
// find contours
Imgproc.findContours(morphOutput, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_CCOMP, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
if (hierarchy.size().height > 0 && hierarchy.size().width > 0) {
// for each contour, display it in blue
for (int idx = 0; idx >= 0; idx = (int) hierarchy.get(0, idx)[0]) {
Imgproc.drawContours(output, contours, idx, new Scalar(250, 0, 0));
Rect rect = Imgproc.boundingRect(contours.get(idx));
int pos = 0;
if (rectList.size() > 0) {
double largestArea = -1;
Rect largestRect = new Rect();
for (int i = 0; i < rectList.size(); i++) {
Rect checkRect = rectList.get(i);
if (checkRect.area() > largestArea /*&& Math.abs(checkRect.y + checkRect.height/2 - 135) < 10*/) {
largestArea = checkRect.area();
largestRect = checkRect;
new Point(
new Point(
largestRect.x + largestRect.width,
largestRect.y + largestRect.height),
new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 4);
int centerX = largestRect.x + largestRect.width / 2;
int centerY = largestRect.y + largestRect.height / 2;
telemetry.addData("Center X", centerX);
telemetry.addData("Center Y", centerY);
if (centerX <= 75)
pos = 1;
if (Math.abs(centerX - 150) < 75)
pos = 2;
if (centerX >= 225)
pos = 3;
telemetry.addData("Position is", pos);
if (gamepad1.y)
return mask;
if (gamepad1.b)
return morphOutput;
if (gamepad1.x)
return input;
if (gamepad1.left_bumper)
return blurredImage;
if (gamepad1.right_bumper)
return hsvImage;
//Imgproc.line(output, new Point(0, 170), new Point(320, 170), new Scalar(255, 0, 0));
//Imgproc.line(output, new Point(0, 70), new Point(320, 70), new Scalar(255, 0, 0));
return output;
public void onViewportTapped() {
viewportPaused = !viewportPaused;
if (viewportPaused) {
} else {