VincentKnightTesting 0cc6886341 updated
2022-04-25 09:51:27 -05:00

100 lines
3.8 KiB

-- Provides:
-- signal::weather
-- temperature (integer)
-- description (string)
-- icon_code (string)
local awful = require("awful")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local helpers = require("helpers")
-- Configuration
local key = openweathermap_key
local city_id = openweathermap_city_id
local units = weather_units
-- Don't update too often, because your requests might get blocked for 24 hours
local update_interval = 1200
local temp_file = "/tmp/awesomewm-signal-weather-" .. city_id .. "-" .. units
local sun_icon = ""
local moon_icon = ""
local dcloud_icon = ""
local ncloud_icon = ""
local cloud_icon = ""
local rain_icon = ""
local storm_icon = ""
local snow_icon = ""
local mist_icon = ""
local whatever_icon = ""
local weather_icons = {
["01d"] = { icon = sun_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor3 },
["01n"] = { icon = moon_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor4 },
["02d"] = { icon = dcloud_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor3 },
["02n"] = { icon = ncloud_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor6 },
["03d"] = { icon = cloud_icon, color = beautiful.xforeground },
["03n"] = { icon = cloud_icon, color = beautiful.xforeground },
["04d"] = { icon = cloud_icon, color = beautiful.xforeground },
["04n"] = { icon = cloud_icon, color = beautiful.xforeground },
["09d"] = { icon = rain_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor4 },
["09n"] = { icon = rain_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor4 },
["10d"] = { icon = rain_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor4 },
["10n"] = { icon = rain_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor4 },
["11d"] = { icon = storm_icon, color = beautiful.xforeground },
["11n"] = { icon = storm_icon, color = beautiful.xforeground },
["13d"] = { icon = snow_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor6 },
["13n"] = { icon = snow_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor6 },
["40d"] = { icon = mist_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor5 },
["40n"] = { icon = mist_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor5 },
["50d"] = { icon = mist_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor5 },
["50n"] = { icon = mist_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor5 },
["_"] = { icon = whatever_icon, color = beautiful.xcolor2 },
local weather_details_script = [[
bash -c '
KEY="]] .. key .. [["
CITY="]] .. city_id .. [["
UNITS="]] .. units .. [["
weather=$(curl -sf "$KEY&id=$CITY&units=$UNITS")
if [ ! -z "$weather" ]; then
weather_temp=$(echo "$weather" | jq ".main.temp" | cut -d "." -f 1)
weather_icon=$(echo "$weather" | jq -r ".weather[].icon" | head -1)
weather_description=$(echo "$weather" | jq -r ".weather[].description" | head -1)
echo "$weather_icon" "$weather_description"@@"$weather_temp"
echo "..."
helpers.remote_watch(weather_details_script, update_interval, temp_file, function(stdout)
local icon_code = string.sub(stdout, 1, 3)
local weather_details = string.sub(stdout, 5)
weather_details = string.gsub(weather_details, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
-- Replace "-0" with "0" degrees
weather_details = string.gsub(weather_details, "%-0", "0")
-- Capitalize first letter of the description
weather_details = weather_details:sub(1, 1):upper() .. weather_details:sub(2)
local description = weather_details:match("(.*)@@")
local temperature = weather_details:match("@@(.*)")
local icon
local color
local weather_icon
if icon_code == "..." then
-- Remove temp_file to force an update the next time
awful.spawn.with_shell("rm " .. temp_file)
icon = weather_icons["_"].icon
color = weather_icons["_"].color
weather_icon = helpers.colorize_text(icon, color)
awesome.emit_signal("signal::weather", 999, "Weather unavailable", weather_icon)
icon = weather_icons[icon_code].icon
color = weather_icons[icon_code].color
weather_icon = helpers.colorize_text(icon, color)
awesome.emit_signal("signal::weather", tonumber(temperature), description, weather_icon)