god bless rxyhn

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gallant 2022-07-11 20:13:44 -05:00
parent 3616876454
commit 863179bae0
15 changed files with 469 additions and 176 deletions

.github/README.md vendored
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@ -1,227 +1,520 @@
<!-- Screenshot --> <h1> let it be known that I do not own the code to this rice, this is only a modified fork.</br>
Go support them at <span href="https://github.com/rxyhn/dotfiles"> here </span></h1>
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<b> Aesthetic AwesomeWM Dotfiles </b>
<a href="https://awesomewm.org/"><img alt="AwesomeWM Logo" height="150" align = "left" src="https://awesomewm.org/doc/api/images/AUTOGEN_wibox_logo_logo_and_name.svg"></a>
<b> Rxyhn's Aesthetic AwesomeWM Configuration Files! </b>
Welcome to my AwesomeWM configuration files! Welcome to my AwesomeWM configuration files!
so yeah now i'm using awesomewm, looks like i'll be use this wm forever. This is my personal collection of configuration files.
Because only this wm can satisfy me. You might be here for looking my AwesomeWM configuration files? or looking for **Linux Rice** reference?
Fyi, I use night colorscheme, and it's so beautiful. feel free to steal anything from here but don't forget to give me **credits** :)
These dotfiles are made with love, for sure. AwesomeWM is the most powerful and highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X,
Although it takes time and effort to configure it, but I'm very satisfied with this aesthetic result.
<h2></h2><br> <!-- INFORMATION -->
**Here are some details about my setup:** ## :snowflake: <samp>Information</samp>
| Programs | Using | Here are some details about my setup:
| ---------- | ----------------- |
| WM | awesome |
| OS | arch linux |
| Terminal | wezterm |
| Shell | zsh |
| Editor | neovim / vscode |
| Compositor | picom |
| Launcher | rofi |
<h2></h2><br> - **OS:** [Arch Linux](https://archlinux.org)
- **WM:** [awesome](https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome)
- **Terminal:** [wezterm](https://github.com/wez/wezterm)
- **Shell:** [zsh](https://www.zsh.org/)
- **Editor:** [neovim](https://github.com/neovim/neovim) / [vscode](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode)
- **Compositor:** [picom](https://github.com/yshui/picom)
- **Application Launcher:** [rofi](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi)
- **Music Player** [ncmpcpp](https://github.com/ncmpcpp/ncmpcpp)
<details> AwesomeWM Modules:
<summary><strong>S E T U P</strong></summary>
> This is step-by-step how to install these dotfiles. Just [R.T.F.M](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTFM). - **[bling](https://github.com/blingcorp/bling)**
- Adds new layouts, modules, and widgets that try to primarily focus on window management
- **[color](https://github.com/andOrlando/color)**
- Clean and efficient api for color conversion in lua
- **[layout-machi](https://github.com/xinhaoyuan/layout-machi)**
- Manual layout for Awesome with an interactive editor
- **[UPower Battery Widget](https://github.com/Aire-One/awesome-battery_widget)**
- A UPowerGlib based battery widget for the Awesome WM
1. Install dependencies and enable services Main Features:
+ Dependencies - **Eye-catching Colorscheme**
- **MacOS like window decorations**
- **Arch Linux** (and all Arch-based distributions) - **Dashboard**
- **Info Center**
*Assuming your AUR helper is* `yay` - **Notification Center**
- **Bottom Panel**
```shell - **Word Clock Lockscreen**
yay -Sy awesome-git picom-ibhagwan-git wezterm rofi todo-bin acpi acpid \ - **Minimalist Exit Screen**
wireless_tools jq inotify-tools polkit-gnome xdotool xclip maim \ - **Music Player**
brightnessctl alsa-utils alsa-tools pulseaudio lm_sensors \ - **App Launcher**
mpd mpc mpdris2 ncmpcpp playerctl --needed - **Github Activity Previews**
``` - **Brightness / Volume OSD**
- **LayoutList PopUP**
+ Services - **Battery Indicator**
- **Wifi Indicator**
```shell - **Calendar**
# For automatically launching mpd on login - **Weather**
systemctl --user enable mpd.service - **Animated Workspace Indicator**
systemctl --user start mpd.service - **Beautiful Naughty Notification**
- **Main Menu**
# For charger plug/unplug events (if you have a battery)
sudo systemctl enable acpid.service
sudo systemctl start acpid.service
2. Install needed fonts
You will need to install a few fonts (mainly icon fonts) in order for text and icons to be rendered properly.
Necessary fonts:
+ **Iosevka** - [here](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/)
+ **Icomoon** - [here](https://www.dropbox.com/s/hrkub2yo9iapljz/icomoon.zip?dl=0)
+ **Material** - [here](https://github.com/google/material-design-icons)
Once you download them and unpack them, place them into `~/.fonts` or `~/.local/share/fonts`.
3. Install my AwesomeWM configuration files
> Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/rxyhn/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
> Copy config and binaries files
cp -r config/* ~/.config/
cp -r bin/* ~/.local/bin/
cp -r misc/. ~/
> You have to add `TODO_PATH` in your env variable
export TODO_PATH="path/to/todo"
4. Configure stuff
The relevant files are inside your `~/.config/awesome` directory.
+ User preferences and default applications
In `rc.lua` there is a *Default Applications* section where user preferences and default applications are defined.
You should change those to your liking.
Note: For the weather widgets to work, you will also need to create an account on [openweathermap](https://openweathermap.org), get your key, look for your city ID, and set `openweathermap_key` and `openweathermap_city_id` accordingly.
5. Lastly, log out from your current desktop session and log in into AwesomeWM.
<br> <br>
> This repo has a wiki! You can check it by clicking ~~[here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIp6_0kct_U)~~ [here](https://github.com/rxyhn/dotfiles/wiki).
<!-- SETUP -->
## :wrench: <samp>Setup</samp>
> This is step-by-step how to install these dotfiles. Just [R.T.F.M](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTFM).
<details> <details>
<summary><strong>F E A T U R E S</strong></summary> <summary><b>1. Install Required Dependencies and Enable Services</b></summary>
<b>These are the features included in my AwesomeWM setups!</b> :warning: **This setup instructions only provided for Arch Linux (and other Arch-based distributions)**
Assuming your _AUR Helper_ is [paru](https://github.com/Morganamilo/paru).
+ Beautiful `colorscheme` ikr, named `night` and created by [ner0z](https://github.com/ner0z) > First of all you should install the [git version of AwesomeWM](https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/).
+ Aesthetic `Dashboard` ngl.
+ Custom mouse-friendly `ncmpcpp` UI with album art ofc.
- <details>
*this is so aesthetic isn't it?* ```sh
paru -S awesome-git
<div align="left"> > Install necessary dependencies
<img src="assets/ncmpcpp.png" width="500px" alt="ncmpcpp preview">
+ `Word Clock Lockscreen` with PAM Integration
- <details>
*A beautiful word clock is on the lockscreen!* ```sh
paru -Sy picom-git wezterm rofi acpi acpid acpi_call upower lxappearance-gtk3 \
jq inotify-tools polkit-gnome xdotool xclip gpick ffmpeg blueman redshift \
pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pamixer brightnessctl feh scrot \
mpv mpd mpc mpdris2 python-mutagen ncmpcpp playerctl --needed
<summary>Preview</summary> > Enable Services
<div align="left">
<img src="assets/lockscreen.png" width="500px" alt="word clock lockscreen preview"> ```sh
</div> systemctl --user enable mpd.service
</details> systemctl --user start mpd.service
+ Notification Center ```
+ Control Panel
+ ToDo Reminder
+ Battery Indicator
+ PopUp Notifications
+ Applications Launcher
+ Some Tooltip Widget
+ Hardware Monitor
</details> </details>
<details> <details>
<summary><strong>K E Y B I N D S</strong></summary> <summary><b>2. Install My AwesomeWM Dotfiles</b></summary>
I use <kbd>super</kbd> AKA Windows key as my main modifier.
also with <kbd>alt, shift, and ctrl</kbd>
| Keybind | Action |
| <kbd>super + enter</kbd> | Spawn terminal |
| <kbd>super + w</kbd> | Spawn web browser |
| <kbd>super + x</kbd> | Spawn color picker |
| <kbd>super + f</kbd> | Spawn file manager |
| <kbd>super + d</kbd> | Launch applications launcher |
| <kbd>super + shift + d</kbd> | Toggle dashboard |
| <kbd>super + q</kbd> | Close client |
| <kbd>super + ctrl + l</kbd> | Toggle lock screen |
| <kbd>super + [1-0]</kbd> | View tag AKA change workspace (for you i3/bsp folks) |
| <kbd>super + shift + [1-0]</kbd> | Move focused client to tag |
| <kbd>super + space</kbd> | Select next layout |
| <kbd>super + s</kbd> | Set tiling layout |
| <kbd>super + shift + s</kbd> | Set floating layout |
| <kbd>super + c</kbd> | Center floating client |
| <kbd>super + [arrow keys]</kbd> | Change focus by direction |
| <kbd>super + shift + f</kbd> | Toggle fullscreen |
| <kbd>super + m</kbd> | Toggle maximize |
| <kbd>super + n</kbd> | Minimize |
| <kbd>ctrl + shift + n</kbd> | Restore minimized |
| <kbd>alt + tab</kbd> | Window switcher |
<br> <br>
**Mouse on the desktop** > Clone this repository
| Mousebind | Action | ```sh
|--------------------|--------------------------------------------| git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules https://github.com/rxyhn/dotfiles.git
| `left click` | Dismiss all notifications | cd dotfiles && git submodule update --remote --merge
| `right click` | App drawer | ```
| `middle click` | Toggle Dashboard |
| `scroll up/down` | Cycle through tags |
*... And many many more! for more information check `awesome/configuration/keys.lua`* > Copy config files
cp -r config/* ~/.config/
> Install a few fonts (mainly icon fonts) in order for text and icons to be rendered properly.
cp -r misc/fonts/* ~/.fonts/
# or to ~/.local/share/fonts
cp -r misc/fonts/* ~/.local/share/fonts/
And run this command for your system to detect the newly installed fonts.
fc-cache -v
> Finally, now you can login with AwesomeWM
Congratulations, at this point you have installed this aesthetic dotfiles! :tada:
Log out from your current desktop session and log in into AwesomeWM
</details> </details>
<h2></h2><br> <!-- MISCELLANEOUS -->
**Acknowledgements** ## :four_leaf_clover: <samp>Miscellaneous</samp>
- **Credits** <details>
+ [ner0z](https://github.com/ner0z) <summary><b>GTK Theme</b></summary>
- **Special thanks to** <a href="#--------">
+ [ChocolateBread799](https://github.com/ChocolateBread799) <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93292023/174969899-0fc0587f-72fa-4324-a884-8713981c7531.png" width="500px">
+ [JavaCafe01](https://github.com/JavaCafe01) </a>
<h2></h2><br> :milky_way: <samp>Aesthetic-Night gtk theme</samp>
<p align="center"><a href="https://github.com/rxyhn/AwesomeWM-Dotfiles/blob/main/.github/LICENSE"><img src="https://img.shields.io/static/v1.svg?style=flat-square&label=License&message=GPL-3.0&logoColor=eceff4&logo=github&colorA=061115&colorB=67AFC1"/></a></p> Setup:
1. Copy the themes to the themes folders
sudo cp -rf misc/themes/Aesthetic-Night/* /usr/share/themes
cp -rf misc/themes/Aesthetic-Night-GTK4/* ~/.config/gtk-4.0
2. Add this line on `~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini` for left controls
To apply the theme use ~~[lxappearance](https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/lxappearance)~~ [lxappearance-gtk3](https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/lxappearance-gtk3)
<summary><b>VSCode Theme</b></summary>
<a href="#--------">
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93292023/174243639-e02473ac-82cc-41b9-a54a-915b4e0e58e5.png" alt="VSCode theme preview" width="500px">
:comet: <samp>Aesthetic VSCode</samp>
1. Install required extension
- [Customize UI](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=iocave.customize-ui)
- [Carbon Product Icons](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=antfu.icons-carbon)
note: You can use any themes, but some of the colors will be overwritten by mine
2. copy config file
cp misc/vscode/User/settings.json ~/.config/Code/User
<summary><b>Neovim Theme</b></summary>
<a href="#--------">
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93292023/174063775-d246c4be-a08b-49dd-8597-5bb8a3e2520f.png" alt="neovim theme preview" width="500px">
:cyclone: <samp>Aesthetic Neovim</samp>
This is nvchad's port of my aesthetic theme named `rxyhn`
To get this theme you have to use [nvchad](https://github.com/NvChad/NvChad) as your neovim config, and then apply my theme.
<summary><b>Firefox Theme</b></summary>
<a href="#--------">
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93292023/174238121-51774ec2-e553-4944-a2c4-c3b94dd97777.png" alt="firefox theme preview" width="500px">
:snowman_with_snow: <samp>Aesthetic Firefox</samp>
1. Go to `about:config` in Firefox.
2. Search for `toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets` and set it to `true`.
3. move the contents from [`misc/firefox`](misc/firefox) to `$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxxxx.default-release/chrome`.
<summary><b>Touchpad tap-to-click & natural (reverse) scrolling (<a href="https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Libinput#Tapping_button_re-mapping">libinput</a>)</b></summary>
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "touchpad"
Driver "libinput"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
Option "Tapping" "on"
Option "TappingButtonMap" "lmr"
Option "NaturalScrolling" "true"
<!-- Aesthetic Night Colorscheme -->
## :art: <samp>Colorscheme</samp>
<a href="#--------"><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/93292023/178188349-a1c99905-a44f-493f-b4ff-3e89ab741076.png" width="500px" alt="colorscheme preview"></a>
Introducing the Aesthetic Night colorscheme!
Beautiful and elegant color scheme, perfect for programmers who live in the middle of the night.
With the neat color combination that it can keep the eyes from getting tired! so you can keep writing code and continue all your work all night!
This colorscheme is used for all aspects in these dotfiles, yeeaaaah this aesthetic dotfiles is combined with an aesthetic colorscheme <3
This colorscheme was made by [`ner0z`](https://github.com/ner0z) and modified by me [`rxyhn`](https://github.com/rxyhn)
<!-- ToDo: Fix Color Pallete -->
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! special
*.foreground: #d9d7d6
*.background: #061115
! black
*.color0: #1c252c
*.color8: #484e5b
! red
*.color1: #df5b61
*.color9: #f16269
! green
*.color2: #78b892
*.color10: #8cd7aa
! yellow
*.color3: #de8f78
*.color11: #e9967e
! blue
*.color4: #6791c9
*.color12: #79aaeb
! magenta
*.color5: #bc83e3
*.color13: #c488ec
! cyan
*.color6: #67afc1
*.color14: #7acfe4
! white
*.color7: #d9d7d6
*.color15: #e5e5e5
<!-- GALLERY -->
## :ocean: <samp>Gallery</samp>
| <b>Modern Bottom Panel with Animation</b> |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <a href="#--------"><img src="assets/bottom-panel.gif" width="500px" alt="bottom panel preview"></a> |
| <b>Aesthetic Dashboard with neat grid layout</b> |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <a href="#--------"><img src="assets/central-panel.gif" width="500px" alt="dashboard preview"></a> |
| <b>Good looking Info Center</b>
| --- |
| <a href="#--------"><img src="assets/info-panel.gif" width="500px" alt="info center preview"></a> |
| <b>Beautiful Notification Center</b> |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <a href="#--------"><img src="assets/notif-panel.gif" width="500px" alt="notification center preview"></a> |
| <b>Naughty Notifications</b> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| <a href="#--------"><img src="assets/naughty.gif" width="500px" alt="notifications preview"></a> |
| <b>Custom mouse-friendly ncmpcpp UI</b> |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <a href="#--------"><img src="assets/music-player.gif" width="500px" alt="ncmpcpp preview"></a> |
| <b>Lockscreen with [PAM Integration](https://github.com/RMTT/lua-pam)</b> |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <a href="#--------"><img src="assets/lockscreen.gif" width="500px" alt="word clock lockscreen preview"></a> |
| <b>Minimalist Exitscreen</b> |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| <a href="#--------"><img src="assets/exitscreen.gif" width="500px" alt="exitscreen preview"></a> |
<!-- HISTORY -->
## :japan: <samp>History</samp>
Ngl this is started when im feel bored lol and decided to start using Linux, more precisely in January 2022. When it's in [Linuxer Desktop Art](https://facebook.com/groups/linuxart) i saw a linux setup that caught my eye, then I'm interested in and trying something similar, So yeaaaaaah this is my current setup, I made this with all Aesthetic I have. Yes! you're right! everything you see here is all about beautiful and aesthetic, and ofc apart from targeting the beautiful UI I also pay attention to the functionality, because I'm targeting an OS that's comfortable to wear and look at. Have a Nice Day! <3
I wanna say thank you to those of you who like and love my setup <3
<pre align="center">
<a href="#japan--history">
<img alt="" align="center" width="96%" src="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=rxyhn/dotfiles&type=Date"/>
<!-- TIP JAR -->
## :money_with_wings: <samp>TIP JAR</samp>
I've ko-fi account, So if you enjoyed it and would like to show your appreciation, you may want to tip me here.
It is never required but always appreciated.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart! :heartpulse:
## :bulb: <samp>Acknowledgements</samp>
- _Contributors_
- [`rxyhn`](https://github.com/rxyhn)
- [`ner0z`](https://github.com/ner0z)
- [`Kasper24`](https://github.com/Kasper24)
- [`paulhersch`](https://github.com/paulhersch)
- [`rototrash`](https://github.com/rototrash)
- [`Deathemonic`](https://github.com/Deathemonic)
- [`janleigh`](https://github.com/janleigh)
- [`ChocolateBread799`](https://github.com/ChocolateBread799)
- _Thanks to_
- [`rxyhn`](https://github.com/rxyhn) _there's nothing wrong with thanking yourself right?_
- [`elenapan`](https://github.com/elenapan)
- [`manilarome`](https://github.com/manilarome)
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