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2022-02-21 05:10:32 -06:00
local easing = require(RUBATO_DIR.."easing")
local subscribable = require(RUBATO_DIR.."subscribable")
local gears = require "gears"
--- Get the slope (this took me forever to find).
-- i is intro duration
-- o is outro duration
-- t is total duration
-- d is distance to cover
-- F_1 is the value of the antiderivate at 1: F_1(1)
-- F_2 is the value of the outro antiderivative at 1: F_2(1)
-- b is the y-intercept
-- m is the slope
-- @see timed
local function get_slope(i, o, t, d, F_1, F_2, b)
return (d + i * b * (F_1 - 1)) / (i * (F_1 - 1) + o * (F_2 - 1) + t)
--- Get the dx based off of a bunch of factors
-- @see timed
local function get_dx(time, duration, intro, intro_e, outro, outro_e, m, b)
-- Intro math. Scales by difference between initial slope and target slope
if time <= intro then
return intro_e(time / intro) * (m - b) + b
-- Outro math
elseif (duration - time) <= outro then
return outro_e((duration - time) / outro) * m
-- Otherwise (it's in the plateau)
else return m end
--weak table for memoizing results
local simulate_easing_mem = {}
setmetatable(simulate_easing_mem, {__mode="kv"})
--- Simulates the easing to get the result to find an error coefficient
-- Uses the coefficient to adjust dx so that it's guaranteed to hit the target
-- This must be called when the sign of the target slope is changing
-- @see timed
local function simulate_easing(pos, duration, intro, intro_e, outro, outro_e, m, b, dt)
local ps_time = 0
local ps_pos = pos
local dx
-- Key for cacheing results
local key = string.format("%f %f %f %s %f %s %s %s",
pos, duration,
intro, intro_e,
outro, outro_e,
m, b)
-- Short circuits if it's already done the calculation
if simulate_easing_mem[key] then return simulate_easing_mem[key] end
-- Effectively runs the exact same code to find what the target will be
while duration - ps_time >= dt / 2 do
--increment time
ps_time = ps_time + dt
--get dx, but use the pseudotime as to not mess with stuff
dx = get_dx(ps_time, duration,
intro, intro_e,
outro, outro_e,
m, b)
--increment pos by dx
ps_pos = ps_pos + dx * dt
simulate_easing_mem[key] = ps_pos
return ps_pos
--- INTERPOLATE. bam. it still ends in a period. But this one is timed.
-- So documentation isn't super necessary here since it's all on the README and idk how to do
-- documentation correctly, so please see the README or read the code to better understand how
-- it works
local function timed(args)
local obj = subscribable()
--set up default arguments
obj.duration = args.duration or 1
obj.pos = args.pos or 0
obj.prop_intro = args.prop_intro or false
obj.intro = args.intro or 0.2
obj.inter = args.inter or args.intro
--set args.outro nicely based off how large args.intro is
if obj.intro > (obj.prop_intro and 0.5 or obj.duration) and not args.outro then
obj.outro = math.max((args.prop_intro and 1 or args.duration - args.intro), 0)
elseif not args.outro then obj.outro = obj.intro
else obj.outro = args.outro end
--assert that these values are valid
assert(obj.intro + obj.outro <= obj.duration or obj.prop_intro, "Intro and Outro must be less than or equal to total duration")
assert(obj.intro + obj.outro <= 1 or not obj.prop_intro, "Proportional Intro and Outro must be less than or equal to 1")
obj.easing = args.easing or easing.linear
obj.easing_outro = args.easing_outro or obj.easing
obj.easing_inter = args.easing_inter or obj.easing
--dev interface changes
obj.log = args.log or false
obj.awestore_compat = args.awestore_compat or false
--animation logic changes
obj.override_simulate = args.override_simulate or true
obj.rapid_set = args.rapid_set ~= nil and args.rapid_set or obj.awestore_compat
obj.rate = args.rate or RUBATO_DEF_RATE or 30
obj.override_dt = args.override_dt or RUBATO_OVERRIDE_DT or true
-- hidden properties
obj._props = {
target = obj.pos
-- annoying awestore compatibility
if obj.awestore_compat then
obj._initial = obj.pos
obj._last = 0
function obj:initial() return obj._initial end
function obj:last() return obj._last end
obj.started = subscribable()
obj.ended = subscribable()
--TODO: fix double pos thing
-- Variables used in calculation
local time = 0
local dt = 1 / obj.rate
local dx = 0
local m
local b
local is_inter --whether or not it's in an intermittent state
local last_frame_time = 0 --the time before the last frame
local raw_dt = dt
-- Variables used in simulation
local ps_pos
local coef
-- The timer that does all the animating
local timer = gears.timer()
timer:connect_signal("timeout", function()
-- Find the correct dt if it's not already correct
if (obj.override_dt) then
dt = os.clock() - last_frame_time
if (raw_dt < dt) then timer.timeout = dt
else dt = raw_dt end
last_frame_time = os.clock()
--increment time
time = time + dt
--get dx
dx = get_dx(time, obj.duration,
(is_inter and obj.inter or obj.intro) * (obj.prop_intro and obj.duration or 1),
is_inter and obj.easing_inter.easing or obj.easing.easing,
obj.outro * (obj.prop_intro and obj.duration or 1),
m, b)
--increment pos by dx
--scale by dt and correct with coef if necessary
obj.pos = obj.pos + dx * dt * coef
--sets up when to stop by time
--weirdness is to try to get closest to duration
if obj.duration - time < dt / 2 then
obj.pos = --snaps to target in case of small error
time = obj.duration --snaps time to duration
is_inter = false --resets intermittent
timer:stop() --stops itself
--run subscribed in functions
obj:fire(obj.pos, time, dx)
-- awestore compatibility....
if obj.awestore_compat then obj.ended:fire(obj.pos, time, dx) end
--otherwise it just fires normally
else obj:fire(obj.pos, time, dx) end
-- Set target and begin interpolation
local function set(target_new)
--disallow setting it twice (because it makes it go wonky)
if not obj.rapid_set and == target_new then return end
--animation values = target_new --sets target
time = 0 --resets time
coef = 1 --resets coefficient
--rate stuff
dt = 1 / obj.rate
raw_dt = dt
last_frame_time = os.clock()
timer.timeout = dt
-- does annoying awestore compatibility
if obj.awestore_compat then
obj._last =
obj.started:fire(obj.pos, time, dx)
is_inter = timer.started
--set initial position if interrupting another animation
b = timer.started and dx or 0
--get the slope of the plateau
m = get_slope((is_inter and obj.inter or obj.intro) * (obj.prop_intro and obj.duration or 1),
obj.outro * (obj.prop_intro and obj.duration or 1),
obj.duration, - obj.pos,
is_inter and obj.easing_inter.F or obj.easing.F,
--if it will make a mistake (or override_simulate is true), fix it
if obj.override_simulate or b / math.abs(b) ~= m / math.abs(m) then
ps_pos = simulate_easing(obj.pos, obj.duration,
(is_inter and obj.inter or obj.intro) * (obj.prop_intro and obj.duration or 1),
is_inter and obj.easing_inter.easing or obj.easing.easing,
obj.outro * (obj.prop_intro and obj.duration or 1),
m, b, dt)
--get coefficient by calculating ratio of theoretical range : experimental range
coef = (obj.pos - / (obj.pos - ps_pos)
if coef ~= coef then coef = 1 end --check for div by 0 resulting in nan
if not timer.started then timer:start() end
if obj.awestore_compat then function obj:set(target) set(target) end end
-- Functions for setting state
-- Completely resets the timer
function obj:reset()
time = 0 = obj.pos
dx = 0
m = nil
b = nil
is_inter = false
coef = 1
dt = 1 / obj.rate
timer.timeout = dt
-- Effectively pauses the timer
function obj:abort()
is_inter = false
--subscribe stuff initially and add callback
obj.subscribe_callback = function(func) func(obj.pos, time, dt) end
if args.subscribed ~= nil then obj:subscribe(args.subscribed) end
-- Metatable for cooler api
local mt = {}
function mt:__index(key)
-- Returns the state value
if key == "state" then return timer.started
-- If it's in _props return it from props
elseif self._props[key] then return self._props[key]
-- Otherwise just be nice
else return rawget(self, key) end
function mt:__newindex(key, value)
-- Don't allow for setting state
if key == "state" then return
-- Changing target should call set
elseif key == "target" then set(value) --set target
-- If it's in _props set it there
elseif self._props[key] ~= nil then self._props[key] = value
-- Otherwise just set it normally
else rawset(self, key, value) end
setmetatable(obj, mt)
return obj
return timed