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package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.kinematics;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.Telemetry;
import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.Hardware;
public class EncoderIntegrator {
Hardware hardware;
FieldVector pos;
// `yaw` is the robot angle. `imuYaw` is the last measured value from the imu. usually just
// offset by a constant but that could be different in the future, i.e. radians or smth.
double yaw;
int fl;
int fr;
int bl;
int br;
double imuYaw;
Telemetry telemetry;
public final double MM_PER_ENCODER_TICK = (96 * Math.PI) / 537.7;
public final double WHEELBASE_LENGTH = 337;
public final double WHEELBASE_WIDTH = 355;
public final double DEGREES_PER_MM = 360 / (WHEELBASE_DIAGONAL * Math.PI);
public EncoderIntegrator(Hardware hardware, FieldVector initialPos, double initialYaw, Telemetry telemetry) {
this.hardware = hardware;
this.pos = initialPos;
this.yaw = initialYaw;
this.telemetry = telemetry;
this.fl = hardware.fl.getCurrentPosition();
this.fr = hardware.fr.getCurrentPosition();
this.bl = hardware.bl.getCurrentPosition();
this.br = hardware.br.getCurrentPosition();
this.imuYaw = hardware.getImuYaw();
private static double sinc(double x) {
if (x == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return Math.sin(x) / x;
// this function has no generally well-known name, but its similar to `sinc` so im calling it `cosc`
private static double cosc(double x) {
if (x == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return (1 - Math.cos(x)) / x;
public void update() {
int newFl = hardware.fl.getCurrentPosition();
int newFr = hardware.fr.getCurrentPosition();
int newBl = hardware.bl.getCurrentPosition();
int newBr = hardware.br.getCurrentPosition();
double newImuYaw = hardware.getImuYaw();
double flDiff = newFl - this.fl;
double frDiff = newFr - this.fr;
double blDiff = newBl - this.bl;
double brDiff = newBr - this.br;
double imuYawDiff = newImuYaw - this.imuYaw;
// fl = powerY + powerX + turn + noop
// fr = powerY - powerX - turn + noop
// bl = powerY - powerX + turn - noop
// br = powerY + powerX - turn - noop
double relativeYDiff = ((flDiff + frDiff + blDiff + brDiff) / 4.) * MM_PER_ENCODER_TICK;
double relativeXDiff = ((flDiff - frDiff - blDiff + brDiff) / 4.) * MM_PER_ENCODER_TICK;
double turnDiff = ((flDiff - frDiff + blDiff - brDiff) / 4.) * MM_PER_ENCODER_TICK * DEGREES_PER_MM;
double noopDiff = (flDiff + frDiff - blDiff - brDiff) / 4.;
// aaaaand then we are just going to ignore `turnDiff` and `noopDiff`. there is nothing
// meaningful we can do with these values to help correct the other values. the noop value
// is ignored for obvious reasons. the turn value is ignored since we get the turn from the
// imu and using encoders for turn has proven to work poorly.
double imuYawDiffRadians = Math.toRadians(imuYawDiff);
double poseExponentiationX = cosc(imuYawDiffRadians);
double poseExponentiationY = sinc(imuYawDiffRadians);
FieldVector relativePosDiff = FieldVector.inMM(
relativeYDiff * poseExponentiationX + relativeXDiff * poseExponentiationY,
relativeYDiff * poseExponentiationY - relativeXDiff * poseExponentiationX
FieldVector posDiff = relativePosDiff.rot(this.imuYaw);
double yawDiff = imuYawDiff;
this.pos = this.pos.add(posDiff);
this.yaw += yawDiff;
this.fl = newFl;
this.fr = newFr;
this.bl = newBl;
this.br = newBr;
this.imuYaw = newImuYaw;