remove legacy code now that its in the history

This commit is contained in:
missing 2023-01-23 23:59:48 -06:00
parent 8cdd3dd447
commit c4e2385d0a
3 changed files with 0 additions and 364 deletions

View file

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
//package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;
//import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
//import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
//import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Acceleration;
//import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.DistanceUnit;
//import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.NavUtil;
//import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Position;
//import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Velocity;
//public class AutonMovement {
// final Hardware hardware;
// final MovementAPI movementAPI;
// final CustomAccelerationIntegrator integrator;
//// ExecutorService integratorThread;
//// final Object integratorLock = new Object();
// public AutonMovement(Hardware hardware) {
// this.hardware = hardware;
// this.movementAPI = new MovementAPI(hardware);
// this.integrator = new CustomAccelerationIntegrator(FieldVector.ZERO);
// this.hardware.initIMU();
// this.hardware.initPosIMU(this.integrator);
//// this.integratorThread = ThreadPool.newSingleThreadExecutor("imu acceleration integration");
//// this.integratorThread.execute(() -> {
//// while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
//// synchronized (this.integratorLock) {
//// this.integrator.update();
//// }
//// Thread.yield();
//// }
//// });
// }
// public void move(FieldVector relativePos) {
// this.moveTo(this.hardware.getIMUPosition().add(relativePos));
// }
// public void moveTo(FieldVector targetPos) {
// final double KP = 1;
// final double KI = 0;
// final double KD = 0;
// FieldVector currentPos2 = this.hardware.getIMUPosition();
// double scaleFactor = currentPos2.sub(targetPos).magnitude();
// FieldVector integral = FieldVector.ZERO;
// FieldVector prevPos = currentPos2;
// while (true) {
// FieldVector currentPos = this.hardware.getIMUPosition();
// FieldVector posDiff = targetPos.sub(currentPos);
// if (posDiff.sqMagnitude() < 100 * 100) return;
// integral = integral.add(posDiff);
// FieldVector unscaled = posDiff.mul(KP)
// .add(currentPos.sub(prevPos).mul(KD))
// .add(integral.mul(KI));
// FieldVector scaled = unscaled.div(scaleFactor * 2);
// double yaw = this.hardware.getImuYaw();
// FieldVector rotated = scaled.rot(-yaw);
// this.movementAPI.move(rotated.x, rotated.y, 0, 0.7);
// prevPos = currentPos;
// }
// }
// public void rotTo(double targetAngle) {
// final double KP = 1;
// final double KI = 0;
// final double KD = 0;
// double integral = 0;
// double prevYaw = this.hardware.getImuYaw();
// while (true) {
// double currentYaw = this.hardware.getImuYaw();
// double yawDiff = targetAngle - currentYaw;
// if (yawDiff < 2) return;
// integral += yawDiff;
// double turnSpeed = yawDiff * KP
// + (currentYaw - prevYaw) * KD
// + integral * KI;
// // note: should be `-turnSpeed` but `MovementAPI.move` has the reverse mapping of +/- to cw/ccw
// this.movementAPI.move(0, 0, turnSpeed, 0.7);
// prevYaw = currentYaw;
// }
// }
// public static class CustomAccelerationIntegrator implements BNO055IMU.AccelerationIntegrator {
// BNO055IMU.Parameters parameters = null;
// Position position = new Position();
// Velocity velocity = new Velocity();
// Acceleration acceleration = null;
// public Position getPosition() {
// return this.position;
// }
// public Velocity getVelocity() {
// return this.velocity;
// }
// public Acceleration getAcceleration() {
// return this.acceleration;
// }
// public CustomAccelerationIntegrator(FieldVector initialPosition) {
// this.position = new Position(DistanceUnit.MM, initialPosition.x, initialPosition.y, 0, 0);
// }
// public void initialize(@NonNull BNO055IMU.Parameters parameters, @Nullable Position initialPosition, @Nullable Velocity initialVelocity) {
// this.parameters = parameters;
// this.position = initialPosition != null ? initialPosition : this.position;
// this.velocity = initialVelocity != null ? initialVelocity : this.velocity;
// this.acceleration = null;
// }
// public void update(Acceleration linearAcceleration) {
// if (linearAcceleration.acquisitionTime != 0L) {
// if (Math.sqrt(
// linearAcceleration.xAccel * linearAcceleration.xAccel
// + linearAcceleration.yAccel * linearAcceleration.yAccel
// + linearAcceleration.zAccel * linearAcceleration.zAccel
// ) < 0.05) {
// linearAcceleration.xAccel = 0;
// linearAcceleration.yAccel = 0;
// linearAcceleration.zAccel = 0;
// }
// if (this.acceleration != null) {
// Acceleration accelPrev = this.acceleration;
// Velocity velocityPrev = this.velocity;
// this.acceleration = linearAcceleration;
// if (accelPrev.acquisitionTime != 0L) {
// Velocity deltaVelocity = NavUtil.meanIntegrate(this.acceleration, accelPrev);
// this.velocity =, deltaVelocity);
// }
// if (Math.sqrt(
// this.velocity.xVeloc * this.velocity.xVeloc
// + this.velocity.yVeloc * this.velocity.yVeloc
// + this.velocity.zVeloc * this.velocity.zVeloc
// ) < 0.05) {
// this.velocity.xVeloc = 0;
// this.velocity.yVeloc = 0;
// this.velocity.zVeloc = 0;
// }
// if (velocityPrev.acquisitionTime != 0L) {
// Position deltaPosition = NavUtil.meanIntegrate(this.velocity, velocityPrev);
// this.position =, deltaPosition);
// }
// } else {
// this.acceleration = linearAcceleration;
// }
// }
// }
// }

View file

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
//package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;
//import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode;
//public class AutonMovement2 {
// final Hardware hardware;
// final MovementAPI movementAPI;
// final OpMode opMode;
// FieldVector currentPosition;
// public AutonMovement2(OpMode opMode, FieldVector initialPosition) {
// this.opMode = opMode;
// this.hardware = new Hardware(opMode);
// this.movementAPI = new MovementAPI(hardware);
// this.hardware.initIMU();
// this.currentPosition = initialPosition;
// }
// public void move(FieldVector relativePos) {
// this.moveTo(currentPosition.add(relativePos));
// }
// public void moveTo(FieldVector targetPos) {
// final double KP = 1;
// final double KI = 0.3;
// final double KD = 0.5;
// final double encoderTicksPerRev = 537.7;
// final double mmPerRev = 96 /* diameter of gobilda mecanums */ * Math.PI;
// final double encoderTicksPerMm = encoderTicksPerRev / mmPerRev;
// FieldVector posDiffNormalized = targetPos.sub(currentPosition).normalized();
// MotorPowers powers = MotorPowers.calculateUnscaled(posDiffNormalized.x, posDiffNormalized.y, 0, 1);
// final double port0EncoderScale = powers.fl;
// final double port3EncoderScale =;
// double port0EncoderStart = hardware.fl.getCurrentPosition();
// double port3EncoderStart =;
// FieldVector integral = FieldVector.ZERO;
// FieldVector prevPos = this.currentPosition;
// while (true) {
// double port0Encoder = hardware.fl.getCurrentPosition();
// double port3Encoder =;
// double port0EncoderScaled = (port0Encoder - port0EncoderStart) / port0EncoderScale;
// double port3EncoderScaled = (port3Encoder - port3EncoderStart) / port3EncoderScale;
// double encoderTicksMoved = (port0EncoderScaled + port3EncoderScaled) / 2;
// double mmMoved = encoderTicksMoved / encoderTicksPerMm;
// opMode.telemetry.addLine("the port 0 encoder is " + port0Encoder);
// opMode.telemetry.addLine("and it started as " + port0EncoderStart);
// opMode.telemetry.addLine("oh and the scale value is " + port0EncoderScale);
// opMode.telemetry.addLine("the port 3 encoder is " + port3Encoder);
// opMode.telemetry.addLine("and it started as " + port3EncoderStart);
// opMode.telemetry.addLine("oh and the scale value is " + port3EncoderScale);
// opMode.telemetry.addLine("i think we have moved " + encoderTicksMoved + " encoder ticks");
// opMode.telemetry.addLine("i think we have moved " + mmMoved + "mm");
// FieldVector currentPos = posDiffNormalized.mul(mmMoved).add(this.currentPosition /* actually more like initialPosition */);
// FieldVector posDiff = targetPos.sub(currentPos);
// opMode.telemetry.addLine("i think we are at (" + currentPos.x + ", " + currentPos.y + ")");
// opMode.telemetry.update();
// if (posDiff.sqMagnitude() < 5 * 5) {
// movementAPI.stop();
// this.currentPosition = currentPos; // finally update `this.currentPosition`
// return;
// }
// integral = integral.add(posDiff);
// FieldVector unscaled = posDiff.mul(KP)
// .add(currentPos.sub(prevPos).mul(KD))
// .add(integral.mul(KI));
// FieldVector scaled = unscaled.div(Distance.MM_PER_FOOT);
// double yaw = this.hardware.getImuYaw();
// FieldVector rotated = scaled.rot(yaw);
// this.movementAPI.move(rotated.x, rotated.y, 0, 0.4);
// prevPos = currentPos;
// }
// }
// public void rotTo(double targetAngle) {
// final double KP = 1;
// final double KI = 0;
// final double KD = 0;
// double integral = 0;
// double prevYaw = this.hardware.getImuYaw();
// while (true) {
// double currentYaw = this.hardware.getImuYaw();
// double yawDiff = targetAngle - currentYaw;
// if (yawDiff < 2) return;
// integral += yawDiff;
// double turnSpeed = yawDiff * KP
// + (currentYaw - prevYaw) * KD
// + integral * KI;
// // note: should be `-turnSpeed` but `MovementAPI.move` has the reverse mapping of +/- to cw/ccw
// this.movementAPI.move(0, 0, turnSpeed / 15, 0.4);
// prevYaw = currentYaw;
// }
// }

View file

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
//package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;
//public class AutonMovement3 {
// Hardware hardware;
// MovementAPI movement;
// double speed;
// public AutonMovement3(Hardware hardware, double speed) {
// this.hardware = hardware;
// this.movement = new MovementAPI(hardware);
// this.speed = speed;
// }
// private void sleep(double seconds) {
// double startTime = System.nanoTime();
// double targetTime = startTime + seconds * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
// while (System.nanoTime() < targetTime);
// }
// public void straight(double power, double tiles) {
// this.moveFor(0, power, tiles * (23/18.));
// }
// public void strafe(double power, double tiles) {
// this.moveFor(power, 0, tiles * (23/17.));
// }
// public void moveFor(double powerX, double powerY, double seconds) {
// movement.move(powerX, powerY, 0, this.speed);
// this.sleep(seconds);
// movement.stop();
// this.sleep(1);
// }
// private double modAngle(double angle) {
// double angle2 = angle % 360;
// if (angle2 >= 180) {
// return angle2 - 360;
// } else {
// return angle2;
// }
// }
// public void turn(double degrees) {
// double startYaw = hardware.getImuYaw();
// double targetYaw = startYaw + (-degrees);
// while (true) {
// double yaw = hardware.getImuYaw();
// double yawDiff = this.modAngle(targetYaw - yaw);
// if (Math.abs(yawDiff) < 1) {
// break;
// }
// if (Math.abs(yawDiff) > 20) {
// movement.move(0, 0, Math.signum(yawDiff), this.speed);
// } else {
// movement.move(0, 0, Math.signum(yawDiff) * (yawDiff / 40 + 0.5), this.speed);
// }
// }
// movement.stop();
// this.sleep(0.3);
// }