1. Dependencies a. OpenSSL OpenSSL has to be installed on your system (possibly through a package manager). b. tomlc99 and SQlite3 Download these libraries in their single-file form (one .c and one .h file) and put them in the `extsrc` folder. CMake will automatically include all source files in that directory, so you don't have to do anything else. 2. Building a. Create a `build` directory inside the lemonbbs root directory. b. Open `src/settings.h` and adjust compile-time settings if you need to. c. Run `cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=""` in that `build` directory. d. Build the project using `make`. 3. Setup a. Copy the `sample_config.toml` file as `config.toml` b. Edit the `config.toml` file and adjust the settings. c. Run the lemonbbs binary (config.toml has to be in the working directory).