# Pomo [Live App](https://etc.karx.xyz/rgl/pomo/) ## Running Locally 1. Install dependencies First, install `rust` from [the Rust website](https://www.rust-lang.org/). Then, install `trunk`: ```bash cargo install --locked trunk ``` This project requires `rustc` version `1.56.0` because it uses the 2021 edition of Rust! 2. Build project ```bash cd /path/to/pomo trunk serve ``` 3. Open in browser [Check the supported browser list](https://rustwasm.github.io/docs/wasm-bindgen/reference/browser-support.html) and open https://localhost:8080 in one of the supported browsers. Created using [Sycamore](https://crates.io/crates/sycamore) and Rust with WebAssembly