;vim:ft=dosini [config] # DPI value for HiDPI screen dpi = 82 monitor = ${env:MONITOR:eDP1} # bar position, apply globally width = 100% height = 3% offset-x = 0 offset-y = 0 radius = 0.0 fixed-center = true override-redirect = false wm-restack = bspwm # module list: # alsa: Display current volume # backlight: Display screen brightness # date: Display date # notify: Notify icon, can customize its binding # network-short: Network connect icon, can customize its binding # battery: Battery info # keyboard: CapsLock indicator # mpd: mpd status and controls # i3: i3 workspace icons # bspwm: bspwm workspace icons # workspace-name: i3 current workspace name, need to be in the format like "1:Home" # title: title of the active window # network-detail: Download and upload speed # weather: Display openweather info # powermenu: menu to control system power # info-hackspeed: Numper of characters clicked per minute # daily-poem: Display poem # temperature: Display internal temperature # memory: Display memory usage # cpu: Display cpu usage # show-desktop: Display desktop (i3 only) # clash-widget: showing clash service # onedrive-widget: showing onedrive service # clipmenu-widget: showing clipmenu service # Top modules bottom-left = powermenu title bluetooth wireguard bottom-center = i3 bottom-right = alsa battery date top-left = cpu memory backlight top-center = cava top-right = spotify-prev spotify-play-pause spotify-next spotify network-detail systray-top = none systray-bottom = right # global style line-size = 6 # Modules configure option # the default value in this section should work in most cases, # if some of them doesn't suit your environment, you can change # it from here. # network interface, check by `ip link show` interface = wlp1s0 # when the current battery capacity excess this value, # the full-capacity format will be displayed. battery-full-at = 95 # battery and adapter battery-bat = BAT0 battery-adp = AC # soundcard setting master-soundcard = default speaker-soundcard = default headphone-soundcard = default master-mixer = Master # mpd service connection setting mpd-host = mpd-port = 6600 thermal-zone = 3 # Base temperature for where to start the ramp (in degrees celsius) base-temperature = 20 # Threshold temperature to display warning label (in degrees celsius) warn-temperature = 70 # GitHub personal token, generate from https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=notifications&description=Notifier+for+Polybar # where select at least `notifications` option github-token = 00ed987a6d7efd532c5b4ca0849c2803228d1b5d # notify module setting notify-click-left = xdotool key control+grave # network module setting network-click-left = i3-msg workspace 2 # i3 # Only show workspaces defined on the same output as the bar # # Useful if you want to show monitor specific workspaces # on different bars # # Default: false i3-pin-workspaces = false # For spotify status enable-ipc = true