package; import static; import static; import static; import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.FtcDashboard; import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.Config; import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.telemetry.MultipleTelemetry; import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.geometry.Pose2d; import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.util.NanoClock; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.RobotLog; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.system.Misc; import; import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.util.LoggingUtil; import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.util.RegressionUtil; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /* * Op mode for computing kV, kStatic, and kA from various drive routines. For the curious, here's an * outline of the procedure: * 1. Slowly ramp the motor power and record encoder values along the way. * 2. Run a linear regression on the encoder velocity vs. motor power plot to obtain a slope (kV) * and an optional intercept (kStatic). * 3. Accelerate the robot (apply constant power) and record the encoder counts. * 4. Adjust the encoder data based on the velocity tuning data and find kA with another linear * regression. */ @Config @Autonomous(group = "drive") public class AutomaticFeedforwardTuner extends LinearOpMode { public static double MAX_POWER = 0.7; public static double DISTANCE = 100; // in @Override public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException { if (RUN_USING_ENCODER) { RobotLog.setGlobalErrorMsg("Feedforward constants usually don't need to be tuned " + "when using the built-in drive motor velocity PID."); } telemetry = new MultipleTelemetry(telemetry, FtcDashboard.getInstance().getTelemetry()); SampleMecanumDrive drive = new SampleMecanumDrive(hardwareMap); NanoClock clock = NanoClock.system(); telemetry.addLine("Press play to begin the feedforward tuning routine"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (isStopRequested()) return; telemetry.clearAll(); telemetry.addLine("Would you like to fit kStatic?"); telemetry.addLine("Press (Y/Δ) for yes, (B/O) for no"); telemetry.update(); boolean fitIntercept = false; while (!isStopRequested()) { if (gamepad1.y) { fitIntercept = true; while (!isStopRequested() && gamepad1.y) { idle(); } break; } else if (gamepad1.b) { while (!isStopRequested() && gamepad1.b) { idle(); } break; } idle(); } telemetry.clearAll(); telemetry.addLine(Misc.formatInvariant( "Place your robot on the field with at least %.2f in of room in front", DISTANCE)); telemetry.addLine("Press (Y/Δ) to begin"); telemetry.update(); while (!isStopRequested() && !gamepad1.y) { idle(); } while (!isStopRequested() && gamepad1.y) { idle(); } telemetry.clearAll(); telemetry.addLine("Running..."); telemetry.update(); double maxVel = rpmToVelocity(MAX_RPM); double finalVel = MAX_POWER * maxVel; double accel = (finalVel * finalVel) / (2.0 * DISTANCE); double rampTime = Math.sqrt(2.0 * DISTANCE / accel); List timeSamples = new ArrayList<>(); List positionSamples = new ArrayList<>(); List powerSamples = new ArrayList<>(); drive.setPoseEstimate(new Pose2d()); double startTime = clock.seconds(); while (!isStopRequested()) { double elapsedTime = clock.seconds() - startTime; if (elapsedTime > rampTime) { break; } double vel = accel * elapsedTime; double power = vel / maxVel; timeSamples.add(elapsedTime); positionSamples.add(drive.getPoseEstimate().getX()); powerSamples.add(power); drive.setDrivePower(new Pose2d(power, 0.0, 0.0)); drive.updatePoseEstimate(); } drive.setDrivePower(new Pose2d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); RegressionUtil.RampResult rampResult = RegressionUtil.fitRampData( timeSamples, positionSamples, powerSamples, fitIntercept, LoggingUtil.getLogFile(Misc.formatInvariant( "DriveRampRegression-%d.csv", System.currentTimeMillis()))); telemetry.clearAll(); telemetry.addLine("Quasi-static ramp up test complete"); if (fitIntercept) { telemetry.addLine(Misc.formatInvariant("kV = %.5f, kStatic = %.5f (R^2 = %.2f)", rampResult.kV, rampResult.kStatic, rampResult.rSquare)); } else { telemetry.addLine(Misc.formatInvariant("kV = %.5f (R^2 = %.2f)", rampResult.kStatic, rampResult.rSquare)); } telemetry.addLine("Would you like to fit kA?"); telemetry.addLine("Press (Y/Δ) for yes, (B/O) for no"); telemetry.update(); boolean fitAccelFF = false; while (!isStopRequested()) { if (gamepad1.y) { fitAccelFF = true; while (!isStopRequested() && gamepad1.y) { idle(); } break; } else if (gamepad1.b) { while (!isStopRequested() && gamepad1.b) { idle(); } break; } idle(); } if (fitAccelFF) { telemetry.clearAll(); telemetry.addLine("Place the robot back in its starting position"); telemetry.addLine("Press (Y/Δ) to continue"); telemetry.update(); while (!isStopRequested() && !gamepad1.y) { idle(); } while (!isStopRequested() && gamepad1.y) { idle(); } telemetry.clearAll(); telemetry.addLine("Running..."); telemetry.update(); double maxPowerTime = DISTANCE / maxVel; timeSamples.clear(); positionSamples.clear(); powerSamples.clear(); drive.setPoseEstimate(new Pose2d()); drive.setDrivePower(new Pose2d(MAX_POWER, 0.0, 0.0)); startTime = clock.seconds(); while (!isStopRequested()) { double elapsedTime = clock.seconds() - startTime; if (elapsedTime > maxPowerTime) { break; } timeSamples.add(elapsedTime); positionSamples.add(drive.getPoseEstimate().getX()); powerSamples.add(MAX_POWER); drive.updatePoseEstimate(); } drive.setDrivePower(new Pose2d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); RegressionUtil.AccelResult accelResult = RegressionUtil.fitAccelData( timeSamples, positionSamples, powerSamples, rampResult, LoggingUtil.getLogFile(Misc.formatInvariant( "DriveAccelRegression-%d.csv", System.currentTimeMillis()))); telemetry.clearAll(); telemetry.addLine("Constant power test complete"); telemetry.addLine(Misc.formatInvariant("kA = %.5f (R^2 = %.2f)", accelResult.kA, accelResult.rSquare)); telemetry.update(); } while (!isStopRequested()) { idle(); } } }