package; import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.FtcDashboard; import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.Config; import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.telemetry.MultipleTelemetry; import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.geometry.Pose2d; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.VoltageSensor; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.util.ElapsedTime; import; import; import java.util.Objects; /** * This routine is designed to calculate the maximum velocity your bot can achieve under load. It * will also calculate the effective kF value for your velocity PID. *

* Upon pressing start, your bot will run at max power for RUNTIME seconds. *

* Further fine tuning of kF may be desired. */ @Config @Autonomous(group = "drive") public class MaxVelocityTuner extends LinearOpMode { public static double RUNTIME = 2.0; private ElapsedTime timer; private double maxVelocity = 0.0; private VoltageSensor batteryVoltageSensor; @Override public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException { SampleMecanumDrive drive = new SampleMecanumDrive(hardwareMap); drive.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); batteryVoltageSensor = hardwareMap.voltageSensor.iterator().next(); telemetry = new MultipleTelemetry(telemetry, FtcDashboard.getInstance().getTelemetry()); telemetry.addLine("Your bot will go at full speed for " + RUNTIME + " seconds."); telemetry.addLine("Please ensure you have enough space cleared."); telemetry.addLine(""); telemetry.addLine("Press start when ready."); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); telemetry.clearAll(); telemetry.update(); drive.setDrivePower(new Pose2d(1, 0, 0)); timer = new ElapsedTime(); while (!isStopRequested() && timer.seconds() < RUNTIME) { drive.updatePoseEstimate(); Pose2d poseVelo = Objects.requireNonNull(drive.getPoseVelocity(), "poseVelocity() must not be null. Ensure that the getWheelVelocities() method has been overridden in your localizer."); maxVelocity = Math.max(poseVelo.vec().norm(), maxVelocity); } drive.setDrivePower(new Pose2d()); double effectiveKf = DriveConstants.getMotorVelocityF(veloInchesToTicks(maxVelocity)); telemetry.addData("Max Velocity", maxVelocity); telemetry.addData("Voltage Compensated kF", effectiveKf * batteryVoltageSensor.getVoltage() / 12); telemetry.update(); while (!isStopRequested() && opModeIsActive()) idle(); } private double veloInchesToTicks(double inchesPerSec) { return inchesPerSec / (2 * Math.PI * DriveConstants.WHEEL_RADIUS) / DriveConstants.GEAR_RATIO * DriveConstants.TICKS_PER_REV; } }