package; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.Config; import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.geometry.Pose2d; import com.acmerobotics.roadrunner.localization.ThreeTrackingWheelLocalizer; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotorEx; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.HardwareMap; import org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.util.Encoder; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /* * Sample tracking wheel localizer implementation assuming the standard configuration: * * /--------------\ * | ____ | * | ---- | * | || || | * | || || | * | | * | | * \--------------/ * */ @Config public class StandardTrackingWheelLocalizer extends ThreeTrackingWheelLocalizer { public static double TICKS_PER_REV = 0; public static double WHEEL_RADIUS = 2; // in public static double GEAR_RATIO = 1; // output (wheel) speed / input (encoder) speed public static double LATERAL_DISTANCE = 10; // in; distance between the left and right wheels public static double FORWARD_OFFSET = 4; // in; offset of the lateral wheel private Encoder leftEncoder, rightEncoder, frontEncoder; public StandardTrackingWheelLocalizer(HardwareMap hardwareMap) { super(Arrays.asList( new Pose2d(0, LATERAL_DISTANCE / 2, 0), // left new Pose2d(0, -LATERAL_DISTANCE / 2, 0), // right new Pose2d(FORWARD_OFFSET, 0, Math.toRadians(90)) // front )); leftEncoder = new Encoder(hardwareMap.get(DcMotorEx.class, "leftEncoder")); rightEncoder = new Encoder(hardwareMap.get(DcMotorEx.class, "rightEncoder")); frontEncoder = new Encoder(hardwareMap.get(DcMotorEx.class, "frontEncoder")); // TODO: reverse any encoders using Encoder.setDirection(Encoder.Direction.REVERSE) } public static double encoderTicksToInches(double ticks) { return WHEEL_RADIUS * 2 * Math.PI * GEAR_RATIO * ticks / TICKS_PER_REV; } @NonNull @Override public List getWheelPositions() { return Arrays.asList( encoderTicksToInches(leftEncoder.getCurrentPosition()), encoderTicksToInches(rightEncoder.getCurrentPosition()), encoderTicksToInches(frontEncoder.getCurrentPosition()) ); } @NonNull @Override public List getWheelVelocities() { // TODO: If your encoder velocity can exceed 32767 counts / second (such as the REV Through Bore and other // competing magnetic encoders), change Encoder.getRawVelocity() to Encoder.getCorrectedVelocity() to enable a // compensation method return Arrays.asList( encoderTicksToInches(leftEncoder.getRawVelocity()), encoderTicksToInches(rightEncoder.getRawVelocity()), encoderTicksToInches(frontEncoder.getRawVelocity()) ); } }