// // build.gradle in TeamCode // // Most of the definitions for building your module reside in a common, shared // file 'build.common.gradle'. Being factored in this way makes it easier to // the build definitions, you can place those customizations in this file, but // please think carefully as to whether such customizations are really necessary // before doing so. // Custom definitions may go here // Include common definitions from above. apply from: '../build.common.gradle' apply from: '../build.dependencies.gradle' android { sourceSets { main { jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs'] } } aaptOptions { noCompress 'tflite' } packagingOptions { pickFirsts += ['**/*.so'] } } dependencies { implementation project(':FtcRobotController') annotationProcessor files('lib/OpModeAnnotationProcessor.jar') implementation 'org.openftc:easyopencv:1.5.2' implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1' implementation 'com.acmerobotics.roadrunner:core:0.5.4' implementation 'org.openftc:apriltag:1.1.0' // implementation('com.acmeroborics.dashboard:dashboard:0.4.6') { // exclude group: 'org.firstinspires.ftc' // } }