package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode.createdcode.enhancedautos; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.ColorSensor; @Autonomous public class AutoBlueColorSensor extends LinearOpMode { @Override public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException { ColorSensor sensor = hardwareMap.get(ColorSensor.class, "color"); API api = new API(this); MovementAPI movementAPI = new MovementAPI(api); waitForStart(); movementAPI.move(0, 0.7); api.pause(0.25); movementAPI.stop(); api.pause(5); int r =; int g =; int b =; if (r < 100 && g < 100 && b < 100) { movementAPI.move(-180, 0.7); api.pause(0.25); movementAPI.move(-180, 0.7); api.pause(0.5); movementAPI.move(90, 0.7); api.pause(0.7); movementAPI.stop(); terminateOpModeNow(); } int largest = api.getLargest(r, g, b); api.print("r", String.valueOf(r)); api.print("g", String.valueOf(g)); api.print("b", String.valueOf(b)); if (largest == g) { // move to position 1 movementAPI.move(90, 0.7); api.pause(0.25); } else if (largest == r) { // move to position 2 movementAPI.move(0, 0.7); api.pause(0.25); } else if (largest == b) { // move to position 3 movementAPI.move(-90, 0.7); api.pause(0.25); } movementAPI.stop(); } }