  • Joined on 2022-03-14
gallant pushed to master at gallant/catbox3d 2022-10-02 23:50:58 -05:00
d372aedfa2 Made pathing AsRef but with more bounds due to thread shenanigans, locked behind audio feature
22b71a3ffe Made pathing AsRef but with more bounds due to thread shenanigans, locked behind audio feature
Compare 2 commits »
gallant commented on pull request karx/catbox#5 2022-10-02 15:53:31 -05:00
added music theory

i'm not exactly sure how to make those changes so it would be really helpful if you did that haha

gallant pushed to master at gallant/catbox3d 2022-10-02 11:12:12 -05:00
b8ddcdb423 moved function and added docs
gallant created pull request karx/catbox#5 2022-10-01 14:16:44 -05:00
WIP: added music theory
gallant pushed to master at gallant/catbox3d 2022-10-01 14:15:48 -05:00
8658fabc8e added music theory
gallant created repository gallant/catbox3d 2022-10-01 13:29:40 -05:00
gallant pushed to master at gallant/sshuttle-gui 2022-10-01 08:21:30 -05:00
7da5e13b91 decent setup
gallant pushed to master at gallant/greedy-rs 2022-09-23 06:56:51 -05:00
a607158d9b not working yet, just for portability
gallant pushed to master at gallant/greedy-rs 2022-09-23 06:42:51 -05:00
9bb6c0a361 initial commit
gallant created branch master in gallant/greedy-rs 2022-09-23 06:42:51 -05:00
gallant created repository gallant/greedy-rs 2022-09-23 06:38:36 -05:00
gallant pushed to master at gallant/trx 2022-08-21 07:18:31 -05:00
6618429f88 gold glory and god
gallant pushed to master at gallant/trx 2022-08-21 06:57:52 -05:00
fd5a815896 was missing a few things
gallant pushed to master at gallant/trx 2022-08-21 06:33:54 -05:00
6b059d0992 this maybe works?
gallant pushed to master at gallant/uberbot 2022-08-11 15:57:12 -05:00
10dd6a607f ur welcome karx
gallant pushed to master at gallant/uberbot 2022-08-11 06:26:25 -05:00
37fe9a8687 it works
gallant pushed to master at gallant/uberbot 2022-08-08 10:11:26 -05:00
411fb28ae0 yo delta check this out
gallant pushed to master at gallant/uberbot 2022-08-06 18:29:02 -05:00
4c660c7e77 better
gallant pushed to master at gallant/uberbot 2022-08-06 17:51:28 -05:00
2642f6111f working
gallant pushed to master at gallant/uberbot 2022-08-05 19:32:46 -05:00
6f100adf80 setup