#![warn(clippy::pedantic)] #![allow(clippy::module_name_repetitions, clippy::too_many_lines)] use fancy_regex::Regex; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{env, fs}; use std::{process, thread}; use crate::bot::Bot; use crate::commands::eval::Eval; use crate::commands::help::Help; use crate::commands::leek::{Leet, Mock, Owo}; use crate::commands::quotes::{Grab, Quot, Search, SearchNext}; use crate::commands::sed::Sed; use crate::commands::spotify::Spotify; use crate::commands::title::Title; use crate::commands::waifu::Waifu; use crate::web::HttpContext; use futures_util::stream::StreamExt; use irc::client::prelude::Config; use irc::client::{Client, ClientStream}; use irc::proto::{ChannelExt, Command, Prefix}; use rspotify::Credentials; use tokio::select; use tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel; use tokio::sync::{broadcast, mpsc}; use tracing::Level; use crate::config::UberConfig; use crate::database::{DbExecutor, ExecutorConnection}; mod bot; mod commands; mod config; mod database; mod history; mod web; #[cfg(unix)] async fn terminate_signal() { use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind}; let mut sigterm = signal(SignalKind::terminate()).unwrap(); let mut sigint = signal(SignalKind::interrupt()).unwrap(); tracing::debug!("Installed ctrl+c handler"); select! { _ = sigterm.recv() => (), _ = sigint.recv() => () } } #[cfg(windows)] async fn terminate_signal() { use tokio::signal::windows::ctrl_c; let mut ctrlc = ctrl_c().unwrap(); tracing::debug!("Installed ctrl+c handler"); let _ = ctrlc.recv().await; } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let config_var = env::var("UBERBOT_CONFIG"); let config_path = config_var.as_deref().unwrap_or("uberbot.toml"); println!("Loading config from '{}'...", config_path); let config_str = fs::read_to_string(config_path)?; let cfg: UberConfig = toml::from_str(&config_str)?; tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt() .with_max_level({ if let Some(o) = cfg.log_level.as_deref() { Level::from_str(o)? } else { Level::INFO } }) .init(); if cfg.bot.prefixes.is_empty() { tracing::error!("You have to specify at least one prefix"); process::exit(1); } let (db_exec, db_conn) = DbExecutor::create(cfg.bot.db_path.as_deref().unwrap_or("uberbot.db3"))?; let exec_thread = thread::spawn(move || db_exec.run()); let uber_ver = concat!("Überbot ", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); let irc_config = Config { nickname: Some(cfg.irc.nickname.unwrap_or_else(|| cfg.irc.username.clone())), username: Some(cfg.irc.username.clone()), realname: Some(cfg.irc.username), server: Some(cfg.irc.host), port: Some(cfg.irc.port), use_tls: Some(cfg.irc.tls), channels: cfg.irc.channels, umodes: cfg.irc.mode, user_info: Some(uber_ver.into()), version: Some(uber_ver.into()), ..Config::default() }; let mut client = Client::from_config(irc_config).await?; let stream = client.stream()?; client.identify()?; let client = Arc::new(client); let (ctx, _) = broadcast::channel(1); let (etx, mut erx) = unbounded_channel(); let sf = { let client = client.clone(); move |target, msg| Ok(client.send_privmsg(target, msg)?) }; let http_task = cfg.web.map(|http| { let http_ctx = ctx.subscribe(); let context = HttpContext { cfg: http, sendmsg: sf.clone(), }; tokio::spawn(async move { if let Err(e) = web::run(context, http_ctx).await { tracing::error!("Fatal error in web service: {}", e); } }) }); let mut bot = Bot::new(cfg.bot.prefixes, db_conn, cfg.bot.history_depth, sf); bot.add_command("help".into(), Help); bot.add_command("waifu".into(), Waifu::default()); bot.add_command("owo".into(), Owo); bot.add_command("leet".into(), Leet); bot.add_command("mock".into(), Mock); bot.add_command("ev".into(), Eval::default()); bot.add_command("grab".into(), Grab); bot.add_command("quot".into(), Quot); let search_limit = cfg.bot.search_limit.unwrap_or(3); bot.add_command("qsearch".into(), Search::new(search_limit)); bot.add_command("qnext".into(), SearchNext::new(search_limit)); bot.add_trigger( Regex::new(r"^(?:(?\S+):\s+)?s/(?[^/]*)/(?[^/]*)(?:/(?[a-z]*))?\s*")?, Sed, ); if let Some(spotcfg) = cfg.spotify { let creds = Credentials::new(&spotcfg.client_id, &spotcfg.client_secret); let spotify = Spotify::new(creds).await?; bot.add_trigger(Regex::new(r"(?:https?|spotify):(?://open\.spotify\.com/)?(track|artist|album|playlist)[/:]([a-zA-Z\d]*)")?, spotify); } else { tracing::warn!("Spotify module is disabled, because the config is missing"); } bot.add_trigger(Regex::new(r"https?://[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*")?, Title::new()?); #[cfg(feature = "debug")] { use commands::debug::*; bot.add_command("lastmsg".into(), LastMsg); } let message_loop_task = tokio::spawn(async move { if let Err(e) = message_loop(stream, bot).await { let _err = etx.send(e); } }); select! { _ = terminate_signal() => { tracing::info!("Received shutdown signal, sending QUIT message"); client.send_quit("überbot shutting down")?; } e = erx.recv() => { if let Some(e) = e { tracing::error!("An error has occurred, shutting down: {}", e); } else { tracing::error!("Error channel has been dropped due to an unknown error, shutting down"); } } } tracing::info!("Closing services..."); let _ = ctx.send(()); message_loop_task.await.unwrap(); tracing::info!("Message loop finished"); if let Some(t) = http_task { t.await.unwrap(); tracing::info!("Web service finished"); } exec_thread.join().unwrap(); tracing::info!("DB Executor thread finished"); tracing::info!("Shutdown complete!"); Ok(()) } async fn message_loop(mut stream: ClientStream, bot: Bot) -> anyhow::Result<()> where SF: Fn(String, String) -> anyhow::Result<()> + Send + Sync + 'static, { let bot = Arc::new(bot); let (cancelled_send, mut cancelled_recv) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1); while let Some(message) = stream.next().await.transpose()? { if let Command::PRIVMSG(origin, content) = message.command { if origin.is_channel_name() { if let Some(author) = message.prefix.and_then(|p| match p { Prefix::Nickname(name, _, _) => Some(name), Prefix::ServerName(_) => None, }) { let bot = bot.clone(); let cancelled_send = cancelled_send.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { bot.handle_message(origin, author, content, cancelled_send) .await; }); } else { tracing::warn!("Couldn't get the author for a message"); } } } } drop(cancelled_send); let _ = cancelled_recv.recv().await; Ok(()) }