use crate::bot::{Command, Context}; use crate::database::Quote; use async_trait::async_trait; pub struct Grab; pub struct Quot; #[async_trait] impl Command for Grab { async fn execute(&mut self, msg: Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result { let content = if let Some(c) = msg.content { c } else { return Ok("Invalid usage.".into()); }; let mut split = content.splitn(2, ' '); let split = (,; let (author, count) = if let Some(author) = split.1 { (author, split.0.parse::()?) } else { (split.0, 1) }; if count == 0 { return Ok("So are you going to grab anything?".into()); } if author == { return Ok("You can't grab yourself.".into()); } let message = msg .history .last_msgs(author, count) .await .map(|v| v.join(" | ")); if let Some(message) = message { msg.db .add_quote(Quote { author: author.into(), quote: message, }) .await?; Ok("Quote added ({} messages).".into()) } else { Ok("No previous messages to grab.".into()) } } } #[async_trait] impl Command for Quot { async fn execute(&mut self, msg: Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result { let author =; if let Some(q) = msg.db.get_quote(author).await? { Ok(format!("\"{}\" ~{}", q.quote, } else { Ok("No quotes found from this user.".into()) } } }