mod cpu; mod clock; //mod mem; not done yet, would like to find a different implementation of these shenanigans use std::env; use std::process; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::sync::Arc; use cpu::CPU; use clock::Clock; use lazy_static::lazy_static; lazy_static!{ static ref G_CPU: Arc>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(CPU::new()))); static ref G_CLOCK: Arc>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(Clock::new()))); } pub extern "C" fn handler(env: sketchybar_rs::Env) { // Environment variables passed from sketchybar can be accessed as seen below let name = env.get_v_for_c("NAME"); let sender = env.get_v_for_c("SENDER"); let info = env.get_v_for_c("INFO"); let selected = env.get_v_for_c("SELECTED"); if selected.len() > 0 { // Space items let width = if selected == "true" { "0" } else { "dynamic" }; let command = format!( "--animate tanh 20 --set {} icon.highlight={} label.width={}", name, selected, width ); println!("{}", name); sketchybar_rs::message(&command).unwrap(); } else if sender == "front_app_switched" { // front_app item let command = format!("--set {} label=\"{}\"", name, info); sketchybar_rs::message(&command).unwrap(); } else if sender == "routine" || sender == "forced" { // CPU and Clock routine updates let mut temp_cpu = G_CPU.lock().unwrap(); let cpu = temp_cpu.as_mut().unwrap(); let mut temp_clock = G_CLOCK.lock().unwrap(); let clock = temp_clock.as_mut().unwrap(); cpu.update(); clock.update(); if !cpu.command.is_empty() && !clock.command.is_empty() { let command = format!("{} {}", cpu.command, clock.command); let _ = sketchybar_rs::message(&command); } drop(temp_clock); drop(temp_cpu); } } fn main() { let mut args = env::args(); let program_name =; if args.len() < 1 { eprintln!("Usage: {} ", program_name); process::exit(1); } let bootstrap_name =; sketchybar_rs::server_begin(handler, &bootstrap_name); G_CPU.lock().unwrap().take(); G_CLOCK.lock().unwrap().take(); }