use std::io; fn main() { let mut wack = String::new(); f_to_c(); println!("Do you want to hear the singing? (y/n): "); io::stdin() .read_line(&mut wack) .expect("ay yo that ain't it chief"); let choice: &str = wack.trim(); let mut done = false; while done == false{ if choice == "y" || choice == "n"{ if choice == "y"{ done = true; sing_goddamn_it(); } else{ done = true; } } else{ println!("man try again...or I'll slap your balls"); } } println!("{}",fibbonacci(-10)); } fn f_to_c() { let mut s = String::new(); println!("Type a float to be a fahrenheit: "); io::stdin() .read_line(&mut s) .expect("Failed to read number, or number was formatted as an integer. Try putting a .0 at the end of the number..."); let x: f32 = s.trim().parse().unwrap(); let y = (x - 32.0)*(5.0/9.0); println!("Fahrenheit: {} to Celsius: {}",x, y); } fn sing_goddamn_it() { let sents = ["a partridge in a pear tree", "2 turtle-doves", "3 French hens", "4 calling birds", "5 golden rings", "6 geese a-laying", "7 swans a-swimming", "8 maids a-milking", "9 ladies dancing", "10 lords a-leaping", "11 pipers piping", "12 drummers drumming"]; let mut days = 1; for _number in 1..13{ println!("On the {} day of christmas, my true love sent to me", days); for number2 in (0..0+days).rev(){ println!("{}", sents[number2]); } days += 1; } } fn fibbonacci(n: i32) -> i32{ if n < 0 { panic!("{} is a negative number, mucho no bueno...", n); }else if n == 0{ panic!("equals zero, error"); }else if n == 1{ return 1; } let mut sum = 0; let mut temp = 0; let mut temp2 = 1; for _i in 1..n { sum = temp + temp2; temp = temp2; temp2 = sum; } sum }