#!/usr/bin/env bash ## Uncomment to disable git info #POWERLINE_GIT=0 __powerline() { # Colors COLOR_RESET='\[\033[m\]' COLOR_CWD=${COLOR_CWD:-'\[\033[0;34m\]'} # blue COLOR_GIT=${COLOR_GIT:-'\[\033[0;36m\]'} # cyan COLOR_SUCCESS=${COLOR_SUCCESS:-'\[\033[0;32m\]'} # green COLOR_FAILURE=${COLOR_FAILURE:-'\[\033[0;31m\]'} # red # Symbols SYMBOL_GIT_BRANCH=${SYMBOL_GIT_BRANCH:-⑂} SYMBOL_GIT_MODIFIED=${SYMBOL_GIT_MODIFIED:-*} SYMBOL_GIT_PUSH=${SYMBOL_GIT_PUSH:-↑} SYMBOL_GIT_PULL=${SYMBOL_GIT_PULL:-↓} if [[ -z "$PS_SYMBOL" ]]; then case "$(uname)" in Darwin) PS_SYMBOL='';; Linux) PS_SYMBOL='';; *) PS_SYMBOL='%';; esac fi __git_info() { [[ $POWERLINE_GIT = 0 ]] && return # disabled hash git 2>/dev/null || return # git not found local git_eng="env LANG=C git" # force git output in English to make our work easier # get current branch name local ref=$($git_eng symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n "$ref" ]]; then # prepend branch symbol ref=$SYMBOL_GIT_BRANCH$ref else # get tag name or short unique hash ref=$($git_eng describe --tags --always 2>/dev/null) fi [[ -n "$ref" ]] || return # not a git repo local marks # scan first two lines of output from `git status` while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ $line =~ ^## ]]; then # header line [[ $line =~ ahead\ ([0-9]+) ]] && marks+=" $SYMBOL_GIT_PUSH${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" [[ $line =~ behind\ ([0-9]+) ]] && marks+=" $SYMBOL_GIT_PULL${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" else # branch is modified if output contains more lines after the header line marks="$SYMBOL_GIT_MODIFIED$marks" break fi done < <($git_eng status --porcelain --branch 2>/dev/null) # note the space between the two < # print the git branch segment without a trailing newline printf " $ref$marks" } ps1() { # Check the exit code of the previous command and display different # colors in the prompt accordingly. if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local symbol="$COLOR_SUCCESS$PS_SYMBOL $COLOR_RESET" else local symbol="$COLOR_FAILURE$PS_SYMBOL $COLOR_RESET" fi local cwd="$COLOR_CWD\w$COLOR_RESET" # Bash by default expands the content of PS1 unless promptvars is disabled. # We must use another layer of reference to prevent expanding any user # provided strings, which would cause security issues. # POC: https://github.com/njhartwell/pw3nage # Related fix in git-bash: https://github.com/git/git/blob/9d77b0405ce6b471cb5ce3a904368fc25e55643d/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh#L324 if shopt -q promptvars; then __powerline_git_info="$(__git_info)" local git="$COLOR_GIT\${__powerline_git_info}$COLOR_RESET" else # promptvars is disabled. Avoid creating unnecessary env var. local git="$COLOR_GIT$(__git_info)$COLOR_RESET" fi PS1="\e[1;31m\e[0m $cwd$git \e[1;35m\e[0m\e[1;33m\e[0m$symbol" } PROMPT_COMMAND="ps1${PROMPT_COMMAND:+; $PROMPT_COMMAND}" } __powerline unset __powerline