🔥 Rex's Linux Dotfiles 🔥

- Repo to my Vim-dotfiles : https://github.com/Mangeshrex/vim-dots. # Nord Bspwm Screenshot ![Nord](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/82205152/119094670-f6fd7600-ba2e-11eb-934d-b494e6714c6e.png) - ![config](https://github.com/mangeshrex/dotfiles/tree/nord) # To be Noted - Install All the Below Listed Polybar fonts. - Do not forget to configure your Workspace Names in polybar if you want the workspace name on the bar. That can be changed in your bspwmrc `bspc monitor -d 1 2 3 4 5` at this line. - Here I used Kitty as my default terminal emulator. - Color scheme : Nord with some variations. - You need to edit some values like in the bar like wlan or monitor or some other things. - Also to note in the polybar menu module I have my name in Japanese you can change that to anything you want or maybe icon.