- name: Apps and Rofi keybinds: - name: Terminal (alacritty) key: super + return - name: Terminal (floating) key: super + shift + return - name: Terminal (fullscreen) key: super + t - name: Rofi App Launcher key: ctrl + space - name: Rofi Network Menu key: super + n - name: Rofi Themes Menu key: ctrl + alt + t - name: Rofi WIN/MPD/POWER/ASROOT/SC key: super + {w,m,x,r,s} - name: Launch Apps key: super + shift + {f,w,e} - name: Terminal Apps key: ctrl + alt + {v,r,h} - name: Color Picker key: super + p - name: Lockscreen key: ctrl + alt + l - name: SC and Music keybinds: - name: Take a screenshot key: Print - name: Take screenshot in 5 second key: alt + print - name: Take screenshot in 10 second key: shift + print - name: Take screenshot of active window key: ctrl + print - name: Take screenshot of area key: ctrl + alt + print - name: Brighness control key: XF86MonBrightness{Up,Down} - name: Volume control key: XF86Audio{RaiseVolume,LowerVolume} - name: Music control key: XF86Audio{Next,Prev,Play,Stop} - name: BSPWM keybinds: - name: Close App key: super + {_,shift + }c - name: Reload Keybindings key: super + Escape - name: kill window key: ctrl + alt + escape - name: Quit/Restart bspwm key: ctrl + shift + {q,r} - name: Split horizontal, vertical or cancel key: super + {h,v,q} - name: Preselect the ratio key: super + ctrl + {1-9} - name: Fullscreen or Monocle key: super + f - name: Toggle beetwen floating & tiled key: super + space - name: Pseudo Tiled & tiled mode key: super + shift + space - name: Set the node flags key: super + ctrl + {m,x,y,z} - name: Send the window to another edge of the screen key: super + {_,shift + }{Left,Down,Up,Right} - name: Change focus to next window, including floating window key: alt + {_,shift + }Tab - name: Switch workspace key: ctrl + alt + {Left,Right} - name: Switch to last opened workspace key: super + {Tab,grave} - name: Send focused window to another workspace key: super + {_,shift + }{1-8} - name: Expanding windows key: super + control + {Left,Right,Up,Down} - name: Shrinking windows key: super + alt + {Left,Right,Up,Down} - name: Move floating windows key: alt + shift + {Left,Down,Up,Right} - name: Hide/Unhide Window key: super + shift + i