open-terminal Open Terminal Here 1581593230771688-1 /usr/bin/alacritty Example for a custom action * go-parent-folder Open as root 1622790717174452-1 ~/.config/openbox/rofi/bin/apps_as_root 'dbus-run-session thunar' Open directory as root * document-edit-sign Edit as root 1622790919788057-2 ~/.config/openbox/rofi/bin/apps_as_root 'geany %f' Edit file as root * kr_comparedirs Compare 1622791692322694-4 meld %F Compare files and directories with meld * kr_diskusage Disk Usage 1622791401529558-3 baobab %d Disk usages by directory and its sub directories * view-preview Set as wallpaper 1622798756568291-1 nitrogen --save --set-zoom-fill %f Set wallpaper with nitrogen in openbox * rotation-locked-landscape Set as lockscreen 1622799434407260-2 notify-send 'Please wait...' && betterlockscreen -u %f Set image as lockscreen background *