use irc::{client::Client as IrcClient, proto::Command}; use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc}; use tokio::sync::{mpsc::unbounded_channel, Mutex}; use tokio_stream::wrappers::UnboundedReceiverStream; use serenity::{ futures::StreamExt, http::Http, model::{ prelude::{ChannelId, GuildChannel, Member, UserId}, webhook::Webhook, }, prelude::*, }; use crate::{regex, OptionReplacer}; use fancy_regex::{Captures, Replacer}; macro_rules! unwrap_or_continue { ($opt:expr) => { match $opt { ::core::option::Option::Some(v) => v, ::core::option::Option::None => continue, } }; } #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] // missing, fight me pub async fn irc_loop( mut client: IrcClient, http: Arc, mapping: Arc>, webhooks: HashMap, members: Arc>>, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (send, recv) = unbounded_channel(); tokio::spawn(msg_task(UnboundedReceiverStream::new(recv))); let mut avatar_cache: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); let mut id_cache: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); let mut channel_users: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); client.identify()?; let mut stream =; for k in mapping.keys() { client.send(Command::NAMES(Some(k.clone()), None))?; } while let Some(orig_message) = { if let Command::Response(response, args) = orig_message.command { use irc::client::prelude::Response; if response == Response::RPL_NAMREPLY { let channel = args[2].to_string(); let users = args[3] .split(' ') .map(ToOwned::to_owned) .collect::>(); channel_users.insert(channel, users); } continue; }; let nickname = "polarbear"; if let Command::PRIVMSG(ref channel, ref message) = orig_message.command { let channel_id = ChannelId::from(*unwrap_or_continue!(mapping.get(channel))); let channels = channel_id .to_channel(&http) .await? .guild() .unwrap() .guild_id .channels(&http) .await?; let members_lock = members.lock().await; let computed = irc_to_discord_processing(message, &*members_lock, &mut id_cache, &channels); if let Some(webhook) = webhooks.get(channel) { let avatar = &*avatar_cache.entry(nickname.to_owned()).or_insert_with(|| { members_lock.iter().find_map(|member| { (*member.display_name() == nickname) .then(|| member.user.avatar_url()) .flatten() }) }); let m = QueuedMessage::Webhook { webhook: webhook.clone(), http: http.clone(), avatar_url: avatar.clone(), content: computed, nickname: nickname.to_string(), }; send.send(m)?; } else { send.send(QueuedMessage::Raw { channel_id, http: http.clone(), message: format!("<{}>, {}", nickname, computed), })?; } } else if let Command::JOIN(ref channel, _, _) = orig_message.command { let channel_id = ChannelId::from(*unwrap_or_continue!(mapping.get(channel))); let users = unwrap_or_continue!(channel_users.get_mut(channel)); users.push(nickname.to_string()); send.send(QueuedMessage::Raw { channel_id, http: http.clone(), message: format!("*{}* has joined the channel", nickname), })?; } else if let Command::PART(ref channel, ref reason) = orig_message.command { let users = unwrap_or_continue!(channel_users.get_mut(channel)); let channel_id = ChannelId::from(*unwrap_or_continue!(mapping.get(channel))); let pos = unwrap_or_continue!(users.iter().position(|u| u == nickname)); users.swap_remove(pos); let reason = reason.as_deref().unwrap_or("Connection closed"); send.send(QueuedMessage::Raw { channel_id, http: http.clone(), message: format!("*{}* has quit ({})", nickname, reason), })?; } else if let Command::QUIT(ref reason) = orig_message.command { for (channel, users) in &mut channel_users { let channel_id = ChannelId::from(*unwrap_or_continue!(mapping.get(channel))); let pos = unwrap_or_continue!(users.iter().position(|u| u == nickname)); users.swap_remove(pos); let reason = reason.as_deref().unwrap_or("Connection closed"); send.send(QueuedMessage::Raw { channel_id, http: http.clone(), message: format!("*{}* has quit ({})", nickname, reason), })?; } } else if let Command::NICK(ref new_nick) = orig_message.command { for (channel, users) in &mut channel_users { let channel_id = ChannelId::from(*unwrap_or_continue!(mapping.get(channel))); let pos = unwrap_or_continue!(users.iter().position(|u| u == nickname)); users[pos] = new_nick.to_string(); send.send(QueuedMessage::Raw { channel_id, http: http.clone(), message: format!("*{}* is now known as *{}*", nickname, new_nick), })?; } } } Ok(()) } fn irc_to_discord_processing( message: &str, members: &[Member], id_cache: &mut HashMap>, channels: &HashMap, ) -> String { struct MemberReplacer<'a> { id_cache: &'a mut HashMap>, members: &'a [Member], } impl<'a> Replacer for MemberReplacer<'a> { fn replace_append(&mut self, caps: &Captures<'_>, dst: &mut String) { let slice = &caps[1]; let id = self .id_cache .entry(slice.to_owned()) .or_insert_with(|| { self.members.iter().find_map(|member| { (slice == member.display_name().as_str()).then(|| }) }) .map(UserId); if let Some(id) = id { dst.push_str(&id.mention().to_string()); } else { dst.push_str(caps.get(0).unwrap().as_str()); } } } regex! { static PING_NICK_1 = r"^([\w+]+)(?::|,)"; static PING_RE_2 = r"(?<=\s|^)@([\w\S]+)"; static CONTROL_CHAR_RE = r"\x1f|\x02|\x12|\x0f|\x16|\x03(?:\d{1,2}(?:,\d{1,2})?)?"; static WHITESPACE_RE = r"^\s"; static CHANNEL_RE = r"#([A-Za-z-*]+)"; } if WHITESPACE_RE.is_match(message).unwrap() && !PING_RE_2.is_match(message).unwrap() { return format!("`{}`", message); } let mut computed = message.to_owned(); computed = PING_NICK_1 .replace_all(&computed, MemberReplacer { id_cache, members }) .into_owned(); computed = PING_RE_2 .replace_all(&computed, MemberReplacer { id_cache, members }) .into_owned(); computed = CHANNEL_RE .replace_all( &computed, OptionReplacer(|caps: &Captures| { channels .iter() .find_map(|(id, c)| ( == caps[1]).then(|| format!("<#{}>", id.0))) }), ) .into_owned(); #[allow(clippy::map_unwrap_or)] { computed = computed .strip_prefix("\x01ACTION ") .and_then(|s| s.strip_suffix('\x01')) .map(|s| format!("*{}*", s)) .unwrap_or_else(|| computed); // if any step in the way fails, fall back to using computed } computed = { let mut new = String::with_capacity(computed.len()); let mut has_opened_bold = false; let mut has_opened_italic = false; for c in computed.chars() { if c == '\x02' || (c == '\x0F' && has_opened_bold) { new.push_str("**"); has_opened_bold = !has_opened_bold; } else if c == '\x1D' || (c == '\x0F' && has_opened_italic) { new.push('*'); has_opened_italic = !has_opened_italic; } else { new.push(c); } } if has_opened_italic { new.push('*'); } if has_opened_bold { new.push_str("**"); } CONTROL_CHAR_RE.replace_all(&new, "").into_owned() }; computed } #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] // lmao #[derive(Debug)] enum QueuedMessage { Webhook { webhook: Webhook, http: Arc, avatar_url: Option, content: String, nickname: String, }, Raw { channel_id: ChannelId, http: Arc, message: String, }, } async fn msg_task(mut recv: UnboundedReceiverStream) -> anyhow::Result<()> { while let Some(msg) = { match msg { QueuedMessage::Webhook { webhook, http, avatar_url, content, nickname, } => { webhook .execute(&http, true, |w| { if let Some(ref url) = avatar_url { w.avatar_url(url); } w.username(nickname).content(content) }) .await?; } QueuedMessage::Raw { channel_id, http, message, } => { channel_id.say(&http, message).await?; } } } Ok(()) }