/* Copyright (C) 1997-2022 Sam Lantinga This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely. */ /******************************************************************************** * * * Test of the overlay used for moved pictures, test more closed to real life. * * Running trojan moose :) Coded by Mike Gorchak. * * * ********************************************************************************/ #include #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include "testutils.h" #define MOOSEPIC_W 64 #define MOOSEPIC_H 88 #define MOOSEFRAME_SIZE (MOOSEPIC_W * MOOSEPIC_H) #define MOOSEFRAMES_COUNT 10 /* *INDENT-OFF* */ /* clang-format off */ SDL_Color MooseColors[84] = { {49, 49, 49, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {66, 24, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {66, 33, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {66, 66, 66, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {66, 115, 49, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {74, 33, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {74, 41, 16, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {82, 33, 8, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {82, 41, 8, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {82, 49, 16, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {82, 82, 82, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {90, 41, 8, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {90, 41, 16, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {90, 57, 24, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {99, 49, 16, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {99, 66, 24, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {99, 66, 33, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {99, 74, 33, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {107, 57, 24, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {107, 82, 41, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {115, 57, 33, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {115, 66, 33, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {115, 66, 41, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {115, 74, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {115, 90, 49, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {115, 115, 115, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {123, 82, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {123, 99, 57, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {132, 66, 41, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {132, 74, 41, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {132, 90, 8, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {132, 99, 33, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {132, 99, 66, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {132, 107, 66, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {140, 74, 49, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {140, 99, 16, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {140, 107, 74, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {140, 115, 74, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {148, 107, 24, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {148, 115, 82, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {148, 123, 74, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {148, 123, 90, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {156, 115, 33, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {156, 115, 90, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {156, 123, 82, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {156, 132, 82, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {156, 132, 99, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {156, 156, 156, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {165, 123, 49, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {165, 123, 90, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {165, 132, 82, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {165, 132, 90, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {165, 132, 99, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {165, 140, 90, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {173, 132, 57, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {173, 132, 99, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {173, 140, 107, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {173, 140, 115, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {173, 148, 99, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {173, 173, 173, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {181, 140, 74, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {181, 148, 115, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {181, 148, 123, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {181, 156, 107, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {189, 148, 123, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {189, 156, 82, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {189, 156, 123, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {189, 156, 132, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {189, 189, 189, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {198, 156, 123, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {198, 165, 132, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {206, 165, 99, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {206, 165, 132, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {206, 173, 140, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {206, 206, 206, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {214, 173, 115, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {214, 173, 140, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {222, 181, 148, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {222, 189, 132, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {222, 189, 156, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {222, 222, 222, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {231, 198, 165, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {231, 231, 231, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} , {239, 206, 173, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE} }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* clang-format on */ static SDLTest_CommonState *state; static Uint64 next_fps_check; static Uint32 frames; static const Uint32 fps_check_delay = 5000; SDL_Surface *MooseYUVSurfaces[MOOSEFRAMES_COUNT]; SDL_Texture *MooseTexture = NULL; SDL_FRect displayrect; int window_w; int window_h; int paused = 0; int done = 0; static int fpsdelay; SDL_bool streaming = SDL_TRUE; Uint8 *RawMooseData = NULL; /* Call this instead of exit(), so we can clean up SDL: atexit() is evil. */ static void quit(int rc) { int i; /* If rc is 0, just let main return normally rather than calling exit. * This allows testing of platforms where SDL_main is required and does meaningful cleanup. */ SDL_free(RawMooseData); for (i = 0; i < MOOSEFRAMES_COUNT; i++) { SDL_DestroySurface(MooseYUVSurfaces[i]); } SDLTest_CommonQuit(state); if (rc != 0) { exit(rc); } } void MoveSprites(SDL_Renderer *renderer) { static int i = 0; if (streaming) { if (!paused) { i = (i + 1) % MOOSEFRAMES_COUNT; SDL_UpdateTexture(MooseTexture, NULL, MooseYUVSurfaces[i]->pixels, MooseYUVSurfaces[i]->pitch); } SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_RenderTexture(renderer, MooseTexture, NULL, &displayrect); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } else { SDL_Texture *tmp; /* Test SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface */ if (!paused) { i = (i + 1) % MOOSEFRAMES_COUNT; } tmp = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, MooseYUVSurfaces[i]); if (tmp == NULL) { SDL_Log("Error %s", SDL_GetError()); quit(7); } SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_RenderTexture(renderer, tmp, NULL, &displayrect); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); SDL_DestroyTexture(tmp); } } void loop() { Uint64 now; int i; SDL_Event event; SDL_Renderer *renderer = state->renderers[0]; /* only 1 window */ /* Check for events */ while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { SDLTest_CommonEvent(state, &event, &done); switch (event.type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: SDL_SetRenderViewport(renderer, NULL); window_w = event.window.data1; window_h = event.window.data2; displayrect.w = (float)window_w; displayrect.h = (float)window_h; break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: displayrect.x = event.button.x - window_w / 2; displayrect.y = event.button.y - window_h / 2; break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if (event.motion.state) { displayrect.x = event.motion.x - window_w / 2; displayrect.y = event.motion.y - window_h / 2; } break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE) { paused = !paused; break; } if (event.key.keysym.sym != SDLK_ESCAPE) { break; } } } #ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__ SDL_Delay(fpsdelay); #endif for (i = 0; i < state->num_windows; ++i) { if (state->windows[i] == NULL) { continue; } MoveSprites(state->renderers[i]); } #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ if (done) { emscripten_cancel_main_loop(); } #endif frames++; now = SDL_GetTicks(); if (now >= next_fps_check) { /* Print out some timing information */ const Uint64 then = next_fps_check - fps_check_delay; const double fps = ((double)frames * 1000) / (now - then); SDL_Log("%2.2f frames per second\n", fps); next_fps_check = now + fps_check_delay; frames = 0; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { SDL_RWops *handle; int i; int j; int fps = 12; int nodelay = 0; int scale = 5; char *filename = NULL; int yuv_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YV12; /* Initialize test framework */ state = SDLTest_CommonCreateState(argv, SDL_INIT_VIDEO); if (state == NULL) { return 1; } SDL_zeroa(MooseYUVSurfaces); for (i = 1; i < argc;) { int consumed; consumed = SDLTest_CommonArg(state, i); if (consumed == 0) { consumed = -1; if (SDL_strcmp(argv[i], "--fps") == 0) { if (argv[i + 1]) { consumed = 2; fps = SDL_atoi(argv[i + 1]); if (fps == 0) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The --fps option requires an argument [from 1 to 1000], default is 12.\n"); quit(10); } if ((fps < 0) || (fps > 1000)) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The --fps option must be in range from 1 to 1000, default is 12.\n"); quit(10); } } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The --fps option requires an argument [from 1 to 1000], default is 12.\n"); quit(10); } } else if (SDL_strcmp(argv[i], "--nodelay") == 0) { consumed = 1; nodelay = 1; } else if (SDL_strcmp(argv[i], "--nostreaming") == 0) { consumed = 1; streaming = SDL_FALSE; } else if (SDL_strcmp(argv[i], "--scale") == 0) { consumed = 2; if (argv[i + 1]) { scale = SDL_atoi(argv[i + 1]); if (scale == 0) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The --scale option requires an argument [from 1 to 50], default is 5.\n"); quit(10); } if ((scale < 0) || (scale > 50)) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The --scale option must be in range from 1 to 50, default is 5.\n"); quit(10); } } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The --fps option requires an argument [from 1 to 1000], default is 12.\n"); quit(10); } } else if (SDL_strcmp(argv[i], "--yuvformat") == 0) { consumed = 2; if (argv[i + 1]) { char *fmt = argv[i + 1]; if (SDL_strcmp(fmt, "YV12") == 0) { yuv_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YV12; } else if (SDL_strcmp(fmt, "IYUV") == 0) { yuv_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_IYUV; } else if (SDL_strcmp(fmt, "YUY2") == 0) { yuv_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YUY2; } else if (SDL_strcmp(fmt, "UYVY") == 0) { yuv_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_UYVY; } else if (SDL_strcmp(fmt, "YVYU") == 0) { yuv_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_YVYU; } else if (SDL_strcmp(fmt, "NV12") == 0) { yuv_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV12; } else if (SDL_strcmp(fmt, "NV21") == 0) { yuv_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_NV21; } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The --yuvformat option requires one of the: YV12 (default), IYUV, YUY2, UYVY, YVYU, NV12, NV21)\n"); quit(10); } } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "The --yuvformat option requires one of the: YV12 (default), IYUV, YUY2, UYVY, YVYU, NV12, NV21)\n"); quit(10); } } } if (consumed < 0) { static const char *options[] = { "[--fps ]", "[--nodelay]", "[--yuvformat ] (one of the: YV12 (default), IYUV, YUY2, UYVY, YVYU, NV12, NV21)", "[--scale ] (initial scale of the overlay)", "[--nostreaming] path that use SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface() not STREAMING texture", NULL }; SDLTest_CommonLogUsage(state, argv[0], options); quit(1); } i += consumed; } /* Force window size */ state->window_w = MOOSEPIC_W * scale; state->window_h = MOOSEPIC_H * scale; if (!SDLTest_CommonInit(state)) { quit(2); } RawMooseData = (Uint8 *)SDL_malloc(MOOSEFRAME_SIZE * MOOSEFRAMES_COUNT); if (RawMooseData == NULL) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Can't allocate memory for movie !\n"); quit(1); } /* load the trojan moose images */ filename = GetResourceFilename(NULL, "moose.dat"); if (filename == NULL) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Out of memory\n"); quit(2); } handle = SDL_RWFromFile(filename, "rb"); SDL_free(filename); if (handle == NULL) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Can't find the file moose.dat !\n"); quit(2); } SDL_RWread(handle, RawMooseData, MOOSEFRAME_SIZE * MOOSEFRAMES_COUNT); SDL_RWclose(handle); /* Create the window and renderer */ window_w = MOOSEPIC_W * scale; window_h = MOOSEPIC_H * scale; if (state->num_windows != 1) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Only one window allowed\n"); quit(1); } for (i = 0; i < state->num_windows; ++i) { SDL_Renderer *renderer = state->renderers[i]; if (streaming) { MooseTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, yuv_format, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, MOOSEPIC_W, MOOSEPIC_H); if (MooseTexture == NULL) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Couldn't set create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); quit(5); } } } /* Uncomment this to check vertex color with a YUV texture */ /* SDL_SetTextureColorMod(MooseTexture, 0xff, 0x80, 0x80); */ for (i = 0; i < MOOSEFRAMES_COUNT; i++) { /* Create RGB SDL_Surface */ SDL_Surface *mooseRGBSurface = SDL_CreateSurface(MOOSEPIC_W, MOOSEPIC_H, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB24); if (mooseRGBSurface == NULL) { quit(6); } /* Load Moose into a RGB SDL_Surface */ { Uint8 *rgb = mooseRGBSurface->pixels; Uint8 *frame = RawMooseData + i * MOOSEFRAME_SIZE; for (j = 0; j < MOOSEFRAME_SIZE; ++j) { rgb[0] = MooseColors[frame[j]].r; rgb[1] = MooseColors[frame[j]].g; rgb[2] = MooseColors[frame[j]].b; rgb += 3; } } /* Convert to YUV SDL_Surface */ MooseYUVSurfaces[i] = SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(mooseRGBSurface, yuv_format); if (MooseYUVSurfaces[i] == NULL) { quit(7); } SDL_DestroySurface(mooseRGBSurface); } SDL_free(RawMooseData); RawMooseData = NULL; /* set the start frame */ i = 0; if (nodelay) { fpsdelay = 0; } else { fpsdelay = 1000 / fps; } displayrect.x = 0; displayrect.y = 0; displayrect.w = (float)window_w; displayrect.h = (float)window_h; /* Ignore key up events, they don't even get filtered */ SDL_SetEventEnabled(SDL_KEYUP, SDL_FALSE); /* Main render loop */ frames = 0; next_fps_check = SDL_GetTicks() + fps_check_delay; done = 0; /* Loop, waiting for QUIT or RESIZE */ #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ emscripten_set_main_loop(loop, nodelay ? 0 : fps, 1); #else while (!done) { loop(); } #endif quit(0); return 0; }