Updated Home (markdown)

siduck76 2021-06-27 08:49:54 +05:30
parent 6f3acac208
commit 929ee98131


@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Welcome to the NvChad wiki!
- The init.lua is used instead of init.vim.
- The init.lua is used instead of init.vim.
- The lua folder contains modules ( config files ) , in the example above anything.lua file in lua folder could be considered as a module.
- The anything.lua file is supposed to have any neovim config written in lua , its like splitting the overall config into small bits and make it more organized , like one module for highlights and colors , another one for statusline and so on!.
- To load or source that "anything" module (like making it load with init.lua ) ,add this is in init.lua : require "anything".
@ -78,12 +78,13 @@ base16(base16.themes["onedark"], true)
g.nvchad_theme = "gruvbox"
local base16 = require "base16"
base16(base16.themes["nvchad-softgruv"], true)
## Submitting your own themes
# Submitting your own themes
- NvChad is depended on 3 things for the themes :
1. The base16 plugin's colorschemes for syntax highlighting only
2. The theme files in lua/themes folder ( These manage overall colors for NvChad like statusline , tabline , file tree colors etc)
3. The terminal's BG color should be set according to the theme's BG for SURE! for example in nord theme the bg color is #2E3440 ,
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ base16(base16.themes["nvchad-softgruv"], true)
So NvChad uses no color for Normal and just uses terminal bg color , if the terminal's transparent then nvchad is transparent too.
Anyways you can change this behaviour tho , check highlights.lua config.
(PART 1)
- Making your own theme is very very easy. You have to check the lua/themes folder , for now it just has onedark.lua and gruvbox.lua.
@ -102,14 +103,14 @@ base16(base16.themes["nvchad-softgruv"], true)
- Now change all the 29 hex colors in the colors table , dont change the variable names in the table or you'll break everything!
- Those hex colors must match the theme you want like nordish color palettes etc.
- Ok now once the chad.lua has all sexy colors set then go to init.lua and set the theme:
```g.nvchad_theme = "chad" ```
```g.nvchad_theme = "chad"
(PART 2)
- Go to [repo](https://github.com/siduck76/nvim-base16.lua/blob/master/lua/base16.lua#L345)
- If you want nord syntax highlighting for chad.lua then just search "nord" in that repo , confirm that nord is named as nord only
- Go to init.lua
```base16(base16.themes["nord"], true)```
```base16(base16.themes["nord"], true)
(PART 3)