Updated Home (markdown)

siduck76 2021-07-30 08:18:43 +05:30
parent a924f2c554
commit 390f1d164a


@ -85,16 +85,7 @@ g.auto_save = true
1. The base16 plugin's colorschemes for syntax highlighting only
2. The theme files in lua/themes folder ( These manage overall colors for NvChad like statusline , tabline , file tree colors etc)
3. The terminal's BG color should be set according to the theme's BG for SURE! for example in nord theme the bg color is #2E3440 ,
so set your terminal's bg color to this. Since NvChad just uses the terminal's bg color! If It had some color set already like
hi Normal guibg=#2E3440 then this will kill the transparency for neovim! :(
So NvChad uses no color for Normal and just uses terminal bg color , if the terminal's transparent then nvchad is transparent too.
Anyways you can change this behaviour tho , check highlights.lua config.
2. The theme files in lua/themes folder ( These manage overall UI colors for NvChad like statusline , tabline , file tree colors etc)
(PART 1)
- Making your own theme is very very easy. You have to check the lua/themes folder , for now it just has onedark.lua and gruvbox.lua.