local wibox = require("wibox") local awful = require("awful") local naughty = require("naughty") local find_widget_in_wibox = function(wb, widget) local function find_widget_in_hierarchy(h, widget) if h:get_widget() == widget then return h end local result for _, ch in ipairs(h:get_children()) do result = result or find_widget_in_hierarchy(ch, widget) end return result end local h = wb._drawable._widget_hierarchy return h and find_widget_in_hierarchy(h, widget) end local focused = awful.screen.focused() local h = find_widget_in_wibox(focused.top_panel, focused.music) local x, y, width, height = h:get_matrix_to_device():transform_rectangle(0, 0, h:get_size()) -- local geo = focused.mywibox:geometry() -- x, y = x + geo.x, y + geo.y -- print(string.format("The widget is inside of the rectangle (%d, %d, %d, %d) on the screen", x, y, width, height) naughty.notification({ message = tostring(height) })