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2022-07-23 14:14:50 -05:00
android-chrome-192x192.png Second 2022-06-27 21:49:11 +02:00
android-chrome-512x512.png Second 2022-06-27 21:49:11 +02:00
apple-touch-icon.png Second 2022-06-27 21:49:11 +02:00
favicon-16x16.png Second 2022-06-27 21:49:11 +02:00
favicon-32x32.png Second 2022-06-27 21:49:11 +02:00
favicon.ico Second 2022-06-27 21:49:11 +02:00
firacode.ttf moved fonts out of assets 2022-07-01 13:05:42 +02:00
index.css i am going insane 2022-07-01 13:28:34 +02:00
index.css.map i am going insane 2022-07-01 13:28:34 +02:00
index.html look idk i'm running out of ideas 2022-07-01 13:10:39 +02:00
index.scss hopefully fix font 2022-07-01 13:19:04 +02:00
jetbrains.ttf moved fonts out of assets 2022-07-01 13:05:42 +02:00
LICENSE Add license 2022-07-23 14:14:50 -05:00
site.webmanifest Second 2022-06-27 21:49:11 +02:00