Add UserDataFields API.

Provide safe access to UserData metatable and allow to define custom metamethods..
This commit is contained in:
Alex Orlenko 2021-02-19 11:48:56 +00:00
parent cb1ac28f2a
commit 2b2df708f9
8 changed files with 989 additions and 148 deletions

View file

@ -131,6 +131,18 @@ pub enum Error {
/// [`AnyUserData`]: struct.AnyUserData.html
/// [`UserData`]: trait.UserData.html
/// A [`MetaMethod`] operation is restricted (typically for `__gc` or `__metatable`).
/// [`MetaMethod`]: enum.MetaMethod.html
/// A [`MetaMethod`] (eg. `__index` or `__newindex`) has invalid type.
/// [`MetaMethod`]: enum.MetaMethod.html
MetaMethodTypeError {
method: StdString,
type_name: &'static str,
message: Option<StdString>,
/// A `RegistryKey` produced from a different Lua state was used.
/// A Rust callback returned `Err`, raising the contained `Error` as a Lua error.
@ -203,22 +215,14 @@ impl fmt::Display for Error {
"too many arguments to Function::bind"
Error::ToLuaConversionError {
ref message,
} => {
Error::ToLuaConversionError { from, to, ref message } => {
write!(fmt, "error converting {} to Lua {}", from, to)?;
match *message {
None => Ok(()),
Some(ref message) => write!(fmt, " ({})", message),
Error::FromLuaConversionError {
ref message,
} => {
Error::FromLuaConversionError { from, to, ref message } => {
write!(fmt, "error converting Lua {} to {}", from, to)?;
match *message {
None => Ok(()),
@ -230,6 +234,14 @@ impl fmt::Display for Error {
Error::UserDataDestructed => write!(fmt, "userdata has been destructed"),
Error::UserDataBorrowError => write!(fmt, "userdata already mutably borrowed"),
Error::UserDataBorrowMutError => write!(fmt, "userdata already borrowed"),
Error::MetaMethodRestricted(ref method) => write!(fmt, "metamethod {} is restricted", method),
Error::MetaMethodTypeError { ref method, type_name, ref message } => {
write!(fmt, "metamethod {} has unsupported type {}", method, type_name)?;
match *message {
None => Ok(()),
Some(ref message) => write!(fmt, " ({})", message),
Error::MismatchedRegistryKey => {
write!(fmt, "RegistryKey used from different Lua state")

View file

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
//! The [`UserData`] trait can be implemented by user-defined types to make them available to Lua.
//! Methods and operators to be used from Lua can be added using the [`UserDataMethods`] API.
//! Fields are supported using the [`UserDataFields`] API.
//! # Serde support
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
//! [`FromLuaMulti`]: trait.FromLuaMulti.html
//! [`Function`]: struct.Function.html
//! [`UserData`]: trait.UserData.html
//! [`UserDataFields`]: trait.UserDataFields.html
//! [`UserDataMethods`]: trait.UserDataMethods.html
//! [`LuaSerdeExt`]: serde/trait.LuaSerdeExt.html
//! [`Value`]: enum.Value.html
@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ pub use crate::string::String;
pub use crate::table::{Table, TableExt, TablePairs, TableSequence};
pub use crate::thread::{Thread, ThreadStatus};
pub use crate::types::{Integer, LightUserData, Number, RegistryKey};
pub use crate::userdata::{AnyUserData, MetaMethod, UserData, UserDataMethods};
pub use crate::userdata::{AnyUserData, MetaMethod, UserData, UserDataFields, UserDataMethods};
pub use crate::value::{FromLua, FromLuaMulti, MultiValue, Nil, ToLua, ToLuaMulti, Value};
#[cfg(feature = "async")]

View file

@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ use crate::types::{
Callback, HookCallback, Integer, LightUserData, LuaRef, MaybeSend, Number, RegistryKey,
use crate::userdata::{AnyUserData, MetaMethod, UserData, UserDataMethods, UserDataWrapped};
use crate::userdata::{
AnyUserData, MetaMethod, UserData, UserDataFields, UserDataMethods, UserDataWrapped,
use crate::util::{
assert_stack, callback_error, check_stack, get_gc_userdata, get_main_state, get_userdata,
get_wrapped_error, init_error_registry, init_gc_metatable_for, init_userdata_metatable,
@ -1523,37 +1525,86 @@ impl Lua {
let _sg = StackGuard::new(self.state);
assert_stack(self.state, 8);
assert_stack(self.state, 10);
let mut fields = StaticUserDataFields::default();
let mut methods = StaticUserDataMethods::default();
T::add_fields(&mut fields);
T::add_methods(&mut methods);
// Prepare metatable, add meta methods first and then meta fields
protect_lua_closure(self.state, 0, 1, |state| {
for (k, m) in methods.meta_methods {
push_string(self.state, k.validate()?.name())?;
protect_lua_closure(self.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
for (k, f) in fields.meta_fields {
push_string(self.state, k.validate()?.name())?;
protect_lua_closure(self.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
let metatable_index = ffi::lua_absindex(self.state, -1);
let mut extra_tables_count = 0;
let mut field_getters_index = None;
let has_field_getters = fields.field_getters.len() > 0;
if has_field_getters {
protect_lua_closure(self.state, 0, 1, |state| {
for (k, m) in fields.field_getters {
push_string(self.state, &k)?;
protect_lua_closure(self.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
field_getters_index = Some(ffi::lua_absindex(self.state, -1));
extra_tables_count += 1;
let mut field_setters_index = None;
let has_field_setters = fields.field_setters.len() > 0;
if has_field_setters {
protect_lua_closure(self.state, 0, 1, |state| {
for (k, m) in fields.field_setters {
push_string(self.state, &k)?;
protect_lua_closure(self.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
field_setters_index = Some(ffi::lua_absindex(self.state, -1));
extra_tables_count += 1;
let mut methods_index = None;
#[cfg(feature = "async")]
let no_methods = methods.methods.is_empty() && methods.async_methods.is_empty();
let has_methods = methods.methods.len() > 0 || methods.async_methods.len() > 0;
#[cfg(not(feature = "async"))]
let no_methods = methods.methods.is_empty();
if no_methods {
init_userdata_metatable::<UserDataCell<T>>(self.state, -1, None)?;
} else {
let has_methods = methods.methods.len() > 0;
if has_methods {
protect_lua_closure(self.state, 0, 1, |state| {
for (k, m) in methods.methods {
push_string(self.state, &k)?;
protect_lua_closure(self.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
@ -1562,15 +1613,26 @@ impl Lua {
for (k, m) in methods.async_methods {
push_string(self.state, &k)?;
protect_lua_closure(self.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
init_userdata_metatable::<UserDataCell<T>>(self.state, -2, Some(-1))?;
ffi::lua_pop(self.state, 1);
methods_index = Some(ffi::lua_absindex(self.state, -1));
extra_tables_count += 1;
// Pop extra tables to get metatable on top of the stack
ffi::lua_pop(self.state, extra_tables_count);
let ptr = ffi::lua_topointer(self.state, -1);
let id = protect_lua_closure(self.state, 1, 0, |state| {
ffi::luaL_ref(state, ffi::LUA_REGISTRYINDEX)
@ -2317,41 +2379,48 @@ impl<'lua, T: 'static + UserData> UserDataMethods<'lua, T> for StaticUserDataMet
.push((name.as_ref().to_vec(), Self::box_async_function(function)));
fn add_meta_method<A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, method: M)
fn add_meta_method<S, A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: S, method: M)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, &T, A) -> Result<R>,
self.meta_methods.push((meta, Self::box_method(method)));
.push((meta.into(), Self::box_method(method)));
fn add_meta_method_mut<A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, method: M)
fn add_meta_method_mut<S, A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: S, method: M)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, &mut T, A) -> Result<R>,
self.meta_methods.push((meta, Self::box_method_mut(method)));
.push((meta.into(), Self::box_method_mut(method)));
fn add_meta_function<A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, function: F)
fn add_meta_function<S, A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: S, function: F)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>,
self.meta_methods.push((meta, Self::box_function(function)));
.push((meta.into(), Self::box_function(function)));
fn add_meta_function_mut<A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, function: F)
fn add_meta_function_mut<S, A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: S, function: F)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>,
.push((meta, Self::box_function_mut(function)));
.push((meta.into(), Self::box_function_mut(function)));
@ -2473,3 +2542,104 @@ impl<'lua, T: 'static + UserData> StaticUserDataMethods<'lua, T> {
struct StaticUserDataFields<'lua, T: 'static + UserData> {
field_getters: Vec<(Vec<u8>, Callback<'lua, 'static>)>,
field_setters: Vec<(Vec<u8>, Callback<'lua, 'static>)>,
meta_fields: Vec<(
Box<dyn Fn(&'lua Lua) -> Result<Value<'lua>> + 'static>,
_type: PhantomData<T>,
impl<'lua, T: 'static + UserData> Default for StaticUserDataFields<'lua, T> {
fn default() -> StaticUserDataFields<'lua, T> {
StaticUserDataFields {
field_getters: Vec::new(),
field_setters: Vec::new(),
meta_fields: Vec::new(),
_type: PhantomData,
impl<'lua, T: 'static + UserData> UserDataFields<'lua, T> for StaticUserDataFields<'lua, T> {
fn add_field_method_get<S, R, M>(&mut self, name: &S, method: M)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
R: ToLua<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, &T) -> Result<R>,
StaticUserDataMethods::box_method(move |lua, data, ()| method(lua, data)),
fn add_field_method_set<S, A, M>(&mut self, name: &S, method: M)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLua<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, &mut T, A) -> Result<()>,
fn add_field_function_get<S, R, F>(&mut self, name: &S, function: F)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
R: ToLua<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, AnyUserData<'lua>) -> Result<R>,
StaticUserDataMethods::<T>::box_function(move |lua, data| function(lua, data)),
fn add_field_function_set<S, A, F>(&mut self, name: &S, mut function: F)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLua<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, AnyUserData<'lua>, A) -> Result<()>,
StaticUserDataMethods::<T>::box_function_mut(move |lua, (data, val)| {
function(lua, data, val)
fn add_meta_field_with<S, R, F>(&mut self, meta: S, f: F)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
R: ToLua<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua) -> Result<R>,
let meta = meta.into();
Box::new(move |lua| {
let value = f(lua)?.to_lua(lua)?;
if meta == MetaMethod::Index || meta == MetaMethod::NewIndex {
match value {
Value::Nil | Value::Table(_) | Value::Function(_) => {}
_ => {
return Err(Error::MetaMethodTypeError {
method: meta.to_string(),
type_name: value.type_name(),
message: Some("expected nil, table or function".to_string()),

View file

@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ use crate::ffi;
use crate::function::Function;
use crate::lua::Lua;
use crate::types::{Callback, LuaRef, MaybeSend, UserDataCell};
use crate::userdata::{AnyUserData, MetaMethod, UserData, UserDataMethods, UserDataWrapped};
use crate::userdata::{
AnyUserData, MetaMethod, UserData, UserDataFields, UserDataMethods, UserDataWrapped,
use crate::util::{
assert_stack, init_userdata_metatable, protect_lua_closure, push_string, push_userdata,
take_userdata, StackGuard,
use crate::value::{FromLuaMulti, MultiValue, ToLuaMulti, Value};
use crate::value::{FromLua, FromLuaMulti, MultiValue, ToLua, ToLuaMulti, Value};
#[cfg(feature = "async")]
use {
@ -304,7 +306,9 @@ impl<'lua, 'scope> Scope<'lua, 'scope> {
let mut ud_fields = NonStaticUserDataFields::default();
let mut ud_methods = NonStaticUserDataMethods::default();
T::add_fields(&mut ud_fields);
T::add_methods(&mut ud_methods);
unsafe {
@ -325,37 +329,90 @@ impl<'lua, 'scope> Scope<'lua, 'scope> {
ffi::lua_setuservalue(lua.state, -2);
// Prepare metatable, add meta methods first and then meta fields
protect_lua_closure(lua.state, 0, 1, move |state| {
for (k, m) in ud_methods.meta_methods {
push_string(lua.state, k.validate()?.name())?;
lua.push_value(Value::Function(wrap_method(self, data.clone(), m)?))?;
protect_lua_closure(lua.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
for (k, f) in ud_fields.meta_fields {
push_string(lua.state, k.validate()?.name())?;
if ud_methods.methods.is_empty() {
init_userdata_metatable::<()>(lua.state, -1, None)?;
} else {
protect_lua_closure(lua.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
let metatable_index = ffi::lua_absindex(lua.state, -1);
let mut field_getters_index = None;
if ud_fields.field_getters.len() > 0 {
protect_lua_closure(lua.state, 0, 1, |state| {
for (k, m) in ud_fields.field_getters {
push_string(lua.state, &k)?;
lua.push_value(Value::Function(wrap_method(self, data.clone(), m)?))?;
protect_lua_closure(lua.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
field_getters_index = Some(ffi::lua_absindex(lua.state, -1));
let mut field_setters_index = None;
if ud_fields.field_setters.len() > 0 {
protect_lua_closure(lua.state, 0, 1, |state| {
for (k, m) in ud_fields.field_setters {
push_string(lua.state, &k)?;
lua.push_value(Value::Function(wrap_method(self, data.clone(), m)?))?;
protect_lua_closure(lua.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
field_setters_index = Some(ffi::lua_absindex(lua.state, -1));
let mut methods_index = None;
if ud_methods.methods.len() > 0 {
// Create table used for methods lookup
protect_lua_closure(lua.state, 0, 1, |state| {
for (k, m) in ud_methods.methods {
push_string(lua.state, &k)?;
lua.push_value(Value::Function(wrap_method(self, data.clone(), m)?))?;
protect_lua_closure(lua.state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
init_userdata_metatable::<()>(lua.state, -2, Some(-1))?;
ffi::lua_pop(lua.state, 1);
methods_index = Some(ffi::lua_absindex(lua.state, -1));
let count =|_| 1).unwrap_or(0)
+|_| 1).unwrap_or(0)
+|_| 1).unwrap_or(0);
ffi::lua_pop(lua.state, count);
let mt_id = ffi::lua_topointer(lua.state, -1);
ffi::lua_setmetatable(lua.state, -2);
@ -604,59 +661,166 @@ impl<'lua, T: UserData> UserDataMethods<'lua, T> for NonStaticUserDataMethods<'l
mlua_panic!("asynchronous functions are not supported for non-static userdata")
fn add_meta_method<A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, method: M)
fn add_meta_method<S, A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: S, method: M)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, &T, A) -> Result<R>,
NonStaticMethod::Method(Box::new(move |lua, ud, args| {
method(lua, ud, A::from_lua_multi(args, lua)?)?.to_lua_multi(lua)
fn add_meta_method_mut<A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, mut method: M)
fn add_meta_method_mut<S, A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: S, mut method: M)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, &mut T, A) -> Result<R>,
NonStaticMethod::MethodMut(Box::new(move |lua, ud, args| {
method(lua, ud, A::from_lua_multi(args, lua)?)?.to_lua_multi(lua)
fn add_meta_function<A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, function: F)
fn add_meta_function<S, A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: S, function: F)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>,
NonStaticMethod::Function(Box::new(move |lua, args| {
function(lua, A::from_lua_multi(args, lua)?)?.to_lua_multi(lua)
fn add_meta_function_mut<A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, mut function: F)
fn add_meta_function_mut<S, A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: S, mut function: F)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>,
NonStaticMethod::FunctionMut(Box::new(move |lua, args| {
function(lua, A::from_lua_multi(args, lua)?)?.to_lua_multi(lua)
struct NonStaticUserDataFields<'lua, T: UserData> {
field_getters: Vec<(Vec<u8>, NonStaticMethod<'lua, T>)>,
field_setters: Vec<(Vec<u8>, NonStaticMethod<'lua, T>)>,
meta_fields: Vec<(MetaMethod, Box<dyn Fn(&'lua Lua) -> Result<Value<'lua>>>)>,
impl<'lua, T: UserData> Default for NonStaticUserDataFields<'lua, T> {
fn default() -> NonStaticUserDataFields<'lua, T> {
NonStaticUserDataFields {
field_getters: Vec::new(),
field_setters: Vec::new(),
meta_fields: Vec::new(),
impl<'lua, T: UserData> UserDataFields<'lua, T> for NonStaticUserDataFields<'lua, T> {
fn add_field_method_get<S, R, M>(&mut self, name: &S, method: M)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
R: ToLua<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, &T) -> Result<R>,
NonStaticMethod::Method(Box::new(move |lua, ud, _| {
method(lua, ud)?.to_lua_multi(lua)
fn add_field_method_set<S, A, M>(&mut self, name: &S, mut method: M)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLua<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, &mut T, A) -> Result<()>,
NonStaticMethod::MethodMut(Box::new(move |lua, ud, args| {
method(lua, ud, A::from_lua_multi(args, lua)?)?.to_lua_multi(lua)
fn add_field_function_get<S, R, F>(&mut self, name: &S, function: F)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
R: ToLua<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, AnyUserData<'lua>) -> Result<R>,
NonStaticMethod::Function(Box::new(move |lua, args| {
function(lua, AnyUserData::from_lua_multi(args, lua)?)?.to_lua_multi(lua)
fn add_field_function_set<S, A, F>(&mut self, name: &S, mut function: F)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLua<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, AnyUserData<'lua>, A) -> Result<()>,
NonStaticMethod::FunctionMut(Box::new(move |lua, args| {
let (ud, val) = <_>::from_lua_multi(args, lua)?;
function(lua, ud, val)?.to_lua_multi(lua)
fn add_meta_field_with<S, R, F>(&mut self, meta: S, f: F)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua) -> Result<R>,
R: ToLua<'lua>,
let meta = meta.into();
Box::new(move |lua| {
let value = f(lua)?.to_lua(lua)?;
if meta == MetaMethod::Index || meta == MetaMethod::NewIndex {
match value {
Value::Nil | Value::Table(_) | Value::Function(_) => {}
_ => {
return Err(Error::MetaMethodTypeError {
method: meta.to_string(),
type_name: value.type_name(),
message: Some("expected nil, table or function".to_string()),

View file

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
use std::cell::{Ref, RefMut};
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::string::String as StdString;
#[cfg(feature = "async")]
use std::future::Future;
@ -13,7 +16,7 @@ use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::ffi;
use crate::function::Function;
use crate::lua::Lua;
use crate::table::Table;
use crate::table::{Table, TablePairs};
use crate::types::{LuaRef, MaybeSend, UserDataCell};
use crate::util::{assert_stack, get_destructed_userdata_metatable, get_userdata, StackGuard};
use crate::value::{FromLua, FromLuaMulti, ToLua, ToLuaMulti, Value};
@ -24,7 +27,7 @@ use crate::value::{FromLua, FromLuaMulti, ToLua, ToLuaMulti, Value};
/// generally no need to do so: [`UserData`] implementors can instead just implement `Drop`.
/// [`UserData`]: trait.UserData.html
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum MetaMethod {
/// The `+` operator.
@ -105,58 +108,147 @@ pub enum MetaMethod {
/// [lua_doc]:
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", doc))]
/// A custom metamethod.
/// Must not be in the protected list: `__gc`, `__metatable`.
impl PartialEq for MetaMethod {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { ==
impl Eq for MetaMethod {}
impl Hash for MetaMethod {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {;
impl fmt::Display for MetaMethod {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(fmt, "{}",
impl MetaMethod {
pub(crate) fn name(self) -> &'static [u8] {
pub(crate) fn name(&self) -> &str {
match self {
MetaMethod::Add => b"__add",
MetaMethod::Sub => b"__sub",
MetaMethod::Mul => b"__mul",
MetaMethod::Div => b"__div",
MetaMethod::Mod => b"__mod",
MetaMethod::Pow => b"__pow",
MetaMethod::Unm => b"__unm",
MetaMethod::Add => "__add",
MetaMethod::Sub => "__sub",
MetaMethod::Mul => "__mul",
MetaMethod::Div => "__div",
MetaMethod::Mod => "__mod",
MetaMethod::Pow => "__pow",
MetaMethod::Unm => "__unm",
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
MetaMethod::IDiv => b"__idiv",
MetaMethod::IDiv => "__idiv",
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
MetaMethod::BAnd => b"__band",
MetaMethod::BAnd => "__band",
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
MetaMethod::BOr => b"__bor",
MetaMethod::BOr => "__bor",
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
MetaMethod::BXor => b"__bxor",
MetaMethod::BXor => "__bxor",
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
MetaMethod::BNot => b"__bnot",
MetaMethod::BNot => "__bnot",
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
MetaMethod::Shl => b"__shl",
MetaMethod::Shl => "__shl",
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
MetaMethod::Shr => b"__shr",
MetaMethod::Shr => "__shr",
MetaMethod::Concat => b"__concat",
MetaMethod::Len => b"__len",
MetaMethod::Eq => b"__eq",
MetaMethod::Lt => b"__lt",
MetaMethod::Le => b"__le",
MetaMethod::Index => b"__index",
MetaMethod::NewIndex => b"__newindex",
MetaMethod::Call => b"__call",
MetaMethod::ToString => b"__tostring",
MetaMethod::Concat => "__concat",
MetaMethod::Len => "__len",
MetaMethod::Eq => "__eq",
MetaMethod::Lt => "__lt",
MetaMethod::Le => "__le",
MetaMethod::Index => "__index",
MetaMethod::NewIndex => "__newindex",
MetaMethod::Call => "__call",
MetaMethod::ToString => "__tostring",
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53", feature = "lua52"))]
MetaMethod::Pairs => b"__pairs",
MetaMethod::Pairs => "__pairs",
#[cfg(feature = "lua54")]
MetaMethod::Close => b"__close",
MetaMethod::Close => "__close",
MetaMethod::Custom(ref name) => name,
pub(crate) fn validate(self) -> Result<Self> {
match self {
MetaMethod::Custom(name) if name == "__gc" => Err(Error::MetaMethodRestricted(name)),
MetaMethod::Custom(name) if name == "__metatable" => {
_ => Ok(self),
impl From<StdString> for MetaMethod {
fn from(name: StdString) -> Self {
match name.as_str() {
"__add" => MetaMethod::Add,
"__sub" => MetaMethod::Sub,
"__mul" => MetaMethod::Mul,
"__div" => MetaMethod::Div,
"__mod" => MetaMethod::Mod,
"__pow" => MetaMethod::Pow,
"__unm" => MetaMethod::Unm,
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
"__idiv" => MetaMethod::IDiv,
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
"__band" => MetaMethod::BAnd,
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
"__bor" => MetaMethod::BOr,
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
"__bxor" => MetaMethod::BXor,
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
"__bnot" => MetaMethod::BNot,
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
"__shl" => MetaMethod::Shl,
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53"))]
"__shr" => MetaMethod::Shr,
"__concat" => MetaMethod::Concat,
"__len" => MetaMethod::Len,
"__eq" => MetaMethod::Eq,
"__lt" => MetaMethod::Lt,
"__le" => MetaMethod::Le,
"__index" => MetaMethod::Index,
"__newindex" => MetaMethod::NewIndex,
"__call" => MetaMethod::Call,
"__tostring" => MetaMethod::ToString,
#[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53", feature = "lua52"))]
"__pairs" => MetaMethod::Pairs,
#[cfg(feature = "lua54")]
"__close" => MetaMethod::Close,
_ => MetaMethod::Custom(name),
impl From<&str> for MetaMethod {
fn from(name: &str) -> Self {
/// Method registry for [`UserData`] implementors.
/// [`UserData`]: trait.UserData.html
pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// Add a method which accepts a `&T` as the first parameter.
/// Add a regular method which accepts a `&T` as the first parameter.
/// Regular methods are implemented by overriding the `__index` metamethod and returning the
/// accessed method. This allows them to be used with the expected `userdata:method()` syntax.
@ -165,7 +257,7 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// be used as a fall-back if no regular method is found.
fn add_method<S, A, R, M>(&mut self, name: &S, method: M)
S: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>,
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, &T, A) -> Result<R>;
@ -177,7 +269,7 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// [`add_method`]: #method.add_method
fn add_method_mut<S, A, R, M>(&mut self, name: &S, method: M)
S: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>,
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, &mut T, A) -> Result<R>;
@ -195,24 +287,25 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
fn add_async_method<S, A, R, M, MR>(&mut self, name: &S, method: M)
T: Clone,
S: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>,
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, T, A) -> MR,
MR: 'lua + Future<Output = Result<R>>;
/// Add a regular method as a function which accepts generic arguments, the first argument will
/// be a `UserData` of type T if the method is called with Lua method syntax:
/// be a [`AnyUserData`] of type `T` if the method is called with Lua method syntax:
/// `my_userdata:my_method(arg1, arg2)`, or it is passed in as the first argument:
/// `my_userdata.my_method(my_userdata, arg1, arg2)`.
/// Prefer to use [`add_method`] or [`add_method_mut`] as they are easier to use.
/// [`AnyUserData`]: struct.AnyUserData.html
/// [`add_method`]: #method.add_method
/// [`add_method_mut`]: #method.add_method_mut
fn add_function<S, A, R, F>(&mut self, name: &S, function: F)
S: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>,
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>;
@ -224,7 +317,7 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// [`add_function`]: #method.add_function
fn add_function_mut<S, A, R, F>(&mut self, name: &S, function: F)
S: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>,
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>;
@ -242,7 +335,7 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
fn add_async_function<S, A, R, F, FR>(&mut self, name: &S, function: F)
T: Clone,
S: ?Sized + AsRef<[u8]>,
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, A) -> FR,
@ -256,8 +349,9 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// side has a metatable. To prevent this, use [`add_meta_function`].
/// [`add_meta_function`]: #method.add_meta_function
fn add_meta_method<A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, method: M)
fn add_meta_method<S, A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: S, method: M)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, &T, A) -> Result<R>;
@ -270,8 +364,9 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// side has a metatable. To prevent this, use [`add_meta_function`].
/// [`add_meta_function`]: #method.add_meta_function
fn add_meta_method_mut<A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, method: M)
fn add_meta_method_mut<S, A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: S, method: M)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, &mut T, A) -> Result<R>;
@ -281,8 +376,9 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// Metamethods for binary operators can be triggered if either the left or right argument to
/// the binary operator has a metatable, so the first argument here is not necessarily a
/// userdata of type `T`.
fn add_meta_function<A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, function: F)
fn add_meta_function<S, A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: S, function: F)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>;
@ -292,13 +388,85 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// This is a version of [`add_meta_function`] that accepts a FnMut argument.
/// [`add_meta_function`]: #method.add_meta_function
fn add_meta_function_mut<A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, function: F)
fn add_meta_function_mut<S, A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: S, function: F)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>;
/// Field registry for [`UserData`] implementors.
/// [`UserData`]: trait.UserData.html
pub trait UserDataFields<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// Add a regular field getter as a method which accepts a `&T` as the parameter.
/// Regular field getters are implemented by overriding the `__index` metamethod and returning the
/// accessed field. This allows them to be used with the expected `userdata.field` syntax.
/// If `add_meta_method` is used to set the `__index` metamethod, the `__index` metamethod will
/// be used as a fall-back if no regular field or method are found.
fn add_field_method_get<S, R, M>(&mut self, name: &S, method: M)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
R: ToLua<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, &T) -> Result<R>;
/// Add a regular field setter as a method which accepts a `&mut T` as the first parameter.
/// Regular field setters are implemented by overriding the `__newindex` metamethod and setting the
/// accessed field. This allows them to be used with the expected `userdata.field = value` syntax.
/// If `add_meta_method` is used to set the `__newindex` metamethod, the `__newindex` metamethod will
/// be used as a fall-back if no regular field is found.
fn add_field_method_set<S, A, M>(&mut self, name: &S, method: M)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLua<'lua>,
M: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, &mut T, A) -> Result<()>;
/// Add a regular field getter as a function which accepts a generic [`AnyUserData`] of type `T`
/// argument.
/// Prefer to use [`add_field_method_get`] as it is easier to use.
/// [`AnyUserData`]: struct.AnyUserData.html
/// [`add_field_method_get`]: #method.add_field_method_get
fn add_field_function_get<S, R, F>(&mut self, name: &S, function: F)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
R: ToLua<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua, AnyUserData<'lua>) -> Result<R>;
/// Add a regular field setter as a function which accepts a generic [`AnyUserData`] of type `T`
/// first argument.
/// Prefer to use [`add_field_method_set`] as it is easier to use.
/// [`AnyUserData`]: struct.AnyUserData.html
/// [`add_field_method_set`]: #method.add_field_method_set
fn add_field_function_set<S, A, F>(&mut self, name: &S, function: F)
S: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
A: FromLua<'lua>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + FnMut(&'lua Lua, AnyUserData<'lua>, A) -> Result<()>;
/// Add a metamethod value computed from `f`.
/// This will initialize the metamethod value from `f` on `UserData` creation.
/// # Note
/// `mlua` will trigger an error on an attempt to define a protected metamethod,
/// like `__gc` or `__metatable`.
fn add_meta_field_with<S, R, F>(&mut self, meta: S, f: F)
S: Into<MetaMethod>,
F: 'static + MaybeSend + Fn(&'lua Lua) -> Result<R>,
R: ToLua<'lua>;
/// Trait for custom userdata types.
/// By implementing this trait, a struct becomes eligible for use inside Lua code. Implementations
@ -322,21 +490,21 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// # }
/// ```
/// Custom methods and operators can be provided by implementing `add_methods` (refer to
/// [`UserDataMethods`] for more information):
/// Custom fields, methods and operators can be provided by implementing `add_fields` or `add_methods`
/// (refer to [`UserDataFields`] and [`UserDataMethods`] for more information):
/// ```
/// # use mlua::{Lua, MetaMethod, Result, UserData, UserDataMethods};
/// # use mlua::{Lua, MetaMethod, Result, UserData, UserDataFields, UserDataMethods};
/// # fn main() -> Result<()> {
/// # let lua = Lua::new();
/// struct MyUserData(i32);
/// impl UserData for MyUserData {
/// fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
/// methods.add_method("get", |_, this, _: ()| {
/// Ok(this.0)
/// });
/// fn add_fields<'lua, F: UserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
/// fields.add_field_method_get("val", |_, this| Ok(this.0));
/// }
/// fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
/// methods.add_method_mut("add", |_, this, value: i32| {
/// this.0 += value;
/// Ok(())
@ -351,9 +519,9 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// lua.globals().set("myobject", MyUserData(123))?;
/// lua.load(r#"
/// assert(myobject:get() == 123)
/// assert(myobject.val == 123)
/// myobject:add(7)
/// assert(myobject:get() == 130)
/// assert(myobject.val == 130)
/// assert(myobject + 10 == 140)
/// "#).exec()?;
/// # Ok(())
@ -362,8 +530,12 @@ pub trait UserDataMethods<'lua, T: UserData> {
/// [`ToLua`]: trait.ToLua.html
/// [`FromLua`]: trait.FromLua.html
/// [`UserDataFields`]: trait.UserDataFields.html
/// [`UserDataMethods`]: trait.UserDataMethods.html
pub trait UserData: Sized {
/// Adds custom fields specific to this userdata.
fn add_fields<'lua, F: UserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(_fields: &mut F) {}
/// Adds custom methods and operators specific to this userdata.
fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(_methods: &mut M) {}
@ -537,11 +709,30 @@ impl<'lua> AnyUserData<'lua> {
V::from_lua(res, lua)
/// Checks for a metamethod in this `AnyUserData`
/// Returns a metatable of this `UserData`.
/// Returned [`UserDataMetatable`] object wraps the original metatable and
/// allows to provide safe access to it methods.
/// [`UserDataMetatable`]: struct.UserDataMetatable.html
pub fn get_metatable(&self) -> Result<UserDataMetatable<'lua>> {
/// Checks for a metamethod in this `AnyUserData`.
/// This function is deprecated and will be removed in v0.7.
/// Please use [`get_metatable`] function instead.
/// [`get_metatable`]: #method.get_metatable
since = "0.6.0",
note = "Please use the get_metatable function instead"
pub fn has_metamethod(&self, method: MetaMethod) -> Result<bool> {
match self.get_metatable() {
match self.get_raw_metatable() {
Ok(mt) => {
let name = self.0.lua.create_string(;
let name = self.0.lua.create_string(method.validate()?.name())?;
if let Value::Nil = mt.raw_get(name)? {
} else {
@ -553,7 +744,7 @@ impl<'lua> AnyUserData<'lua> {
fn get_metatable(&self) -> Result<Table<'lua>> {
fn get_raw_metatable(&self) -> Result<Table<'lua>> {
unsafe {
let lua = self.0.lua;
let _sg = StackGuard::new(lua.state);
@ -571,12 +762,13 @@ impl<'lua> AnyUserData<'lua> {
pub(crate) fn equals<T: AsRef<Self>>(&self, other: T) -> Result<bool> {
let other = other.as_ref();
// Uses lua_rawequal() under the hood
if self == other {
return Ok(true);
let mt = self.get_metatable()?;
if mt != other.get_metatable()? {
let mt = self.get_raw_metatable()?;
if mt != other.get_raw_metatable()? {
return Ok(false);
@ -640,6 +832,80 @@ impl<'lua> AsRef<AnyUserData<'lua>> for AnyUserData<'lua> {
/// Handle to a `UserData` metatable.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct UserDataMetatable<'lua>(pub(crate) Table<'lua>);
impl<'lua> UserDataMetatable<'lua> {
/// Gets the value associated to `key` from the metatable.
/// If no value is associated to `key`, returns the `Nil` value.
/// Access to restricted metamethods such as `__gc` or `__metatable` will cause an error.
pub fn get<K: Into<MetaMethod>, V: FromLua<'lua>>(&self, key: K) -> Result<V> {
/// Sets a key-value pair in the metatable.
/// If the value is `Nil`, this will effectively remove the `key`.
/// Access to restricted metamethods such as `__gc` or `__metatable` will cause an error.
/// Setting `__index` or `__newindex` metamethods is also restricted because their values are cached
/// for `mlua` internal usage.
pub fn set<K: Into<MetaMethod>, V: ToLua<'lua>>(&self, key: K, value: V) -> Result<()> {
let key = key.into().validate()?;
// `__index` and `__newindex` cannot be changed in runtime, because values are cached
if key == MetaMethod::Index || key == MetaMethod::NewIndex {
return Err(Error::MetaMethodRestricted(key.to_string()));
self.0.raw_set(, value)
/// Checks whether the metatable contains a non-nil value for `key`.
pub fn contains<K: Into<MetaMethod>>(&self, key: K) -> Result<bool> {
/// Consumes this metatable and returns an iterator over the pairs of the metatable.
/// The pairs are wrapped in a [`Result`], since they are lazily converted to `V` type.
/// [`Result`]: type.Result.html
pub fn pairs<K: FromLua<'lua>, V: FromLua<'lua>>(self) -> UserDataMetatablePairs<'lua, V> {
/// An iterator over the pairs of a [`UserData`] metatable.
/// It skips restricted metamethods, such as `__gc` or `__metatable`.
/// This struct is created by the [`UserDataMetatable::pairs`] method.
/// [`UserData`]: trait.UserData.html
/// [`UserDataMetatable::pairs`]: struct.UserDataMetatable.html#method.pairs
pub struct UserDataMetatablePairs<'lua, V>(TablePairs<'lua, StdString, V>);
impl<'lua, V> Iterator for UserDataMetatablePairs<'lua, V>
V: FromLua<'lua>,
type Item = Result<(MetaMethod, V)>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
loop {
match {
Ok((key, value)) => {
// Skip restricted metamethods
if let Ok(metamethod) = MetaMethod::from(key).validate() {
break Some(Ok((metamethod, value)));
Err(e) => break Some(Err(e)),
#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
impl<'lua> Serialize for AnyUserData<'lua> {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> StdResult<S::Ok, S::Error>

View file

@ -293,56 +293,149 @@ pub unsafe fn get_gc_userdata<T: Any>(state: *mut ffi::lua_State, index: c_int)
// Populates the given table with the appropriate members to be a userdata metatable for the given
// type. This function takes the given table at the `metatable` index, and adds an appropriate __gc
// member to it for the given type and a __metatable entry to protect the table from script access.
// The function also, if given a `members` table index, will set up an __index metamethod to return
// the appropriate member on __index. Additionally, if there is already an __index entry on the
// given metatable, instead of simply overwriting the __index, instead the created __index method
// will capture the previous one, and use it as a fallback only if the given key is not found in the
// provided members table. Internally uses 6 stack spaces and does not call checkstack.
// type. This function takes the given table at the `metatable` index, and adds an appropriate `__gc`
// member to it for the given type and a `__metatable` entry to protect the table from script access.
// The function also, if given a `field_getters` or `methods` tables, will create an `__index` metamethod
// (capturing previous one) to lookup in `field_getters` first, then `methods` and falling back to the
// captured `__index` if no matches found.
// The same is also applicable for `__newindex` metamethod and `field_setters` table.
// Internally uses 8 stack spaces and does not call checkstack.
pub unsafe fn init_userdata_metatable<T>(
state: *mut ffi::lua_State,
metatable: c_int,
members: Option<c_int>,
field_getters: Option<c_int>,
field_setters: Option<c_int>,
methods: Option<c_int>,
) -> Result<()> {
// Used if both an __index metamethod is set and regular methods, checks methods table
// first, then __index metamethod.
// Wrapper to lookup in `field_getters` first, then `methods`, ending original `__index`.
// Used only if `field_getters` or `methods` set.
unsafe extern "C" fn meta_index_impl(state: *mut ffi::lua_State) -> c_int {
// stack: self, key
ffi::luaL_checkstack(state, 2, ptr::null());
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, -1);
ffi::lua_gettable(state, ffi::lua_upvalueindex(2));
if ffi::lua_isnil(state, -1) == 0 {
ffi::lua_insert(state, -3);
ffi::lua_pop(state, 2);
} else {
ffi::lua_pop(state, 1);
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, ffi::lua_upvalueindex(1));
ffi::lua_insert(state, -3);
ffi::lua_call(state, 2, 1);
// lookup in `field_getters` table
if ffi::lua_isnil(state, ffi::lua_upvalueindex(2)) == 0 {
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, -1); // `key` arg
if ffi::lua_rawget(state, ffi::lua_upvalueindex(2)) != ffi::LUA_TNIL {
ffi::lua_insert(state, -3); // move function
ffi::lua_pop(state, 1); // remove `key`
ffi::lua_call(state, 1, 1);
return 1;
ffi::lua_pop(state, 1); // pop the nil value
// lookup in `methods` table
if ffi::lua_isnil(state, ffi::lua_upvalueindex(3)) == 0 {
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, -1); // `key` arg
if ffi::lua_rawget(state, ffi::lua_upvalueindex(3)) != ffi::LUA_TNIL {
ffi::lua_insert(state, -3);
ffi::lua_pop(state, 2);
return 1;
ffi::lua_pop(state, 1); // pop the nil value
// lookup in `__index`
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, ffi::lua_upvalueindex(1));
match ffi::lua_type(state, -1) {
ffi::LUA_TNIL => {
ffi::lua_pop(state, 1); // pop the nil value
let field = ffi::lua_tostring(state, -1);
ffi::luaL_error(state, cstr!("attempt to get an unknown field '%s'"), field);
ffi::LUA_TTABLE => {
ffi::lua_insert(state, -2);
ffi::lua_gettable(state, -2);
ffi::lua_insert(state, -3);
ffi::lua_call(state, 2, 1);
_ => unreachable!(),
// Similar to `meta_index_impl`, checks `field_setters` table first, then `__newindex` metamethod.
// Used only if `field_setters` set.
unsafe extern "C" fn meta_newindex_impl(state: *mut ffi::lua_State) -> c_int {
// stack: self, key, value
ffi::luaL_checkstack(state, 2, ptr::null());
// lookup in `field_setters` table
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, -2); // `key` arg
if ffi::lua_rawget(state, ffi::lua_upvalueindex(2)) != ffi::LUA_TNIL {
ffi::lua_remove(state, -3); // remove `key`
ffi::lua_insert(state, -3); // move function
ffi::lua_call(state, 2, 0);
return 0;
ffi::lua_pop(state, 1); // pop the nil value
// lookup in `__newindex`
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, ffi::lua_upvalueindex(1));
match ffi::lua_type(state, -1) {
ffi::LUA_TNIL => {
ffi::lua_pop(state, 1); // pop the nil value
let field = ffi::lua_tostring(state, -2);
ffi::luaL_error(state, cstr!("attempt to set an unknown field '%s'"), field);
ffi::LUA_TTABLE => {
ffi::lua_insert(state, -3);
ffi::lua_settable(state, -3);
ffi::lua_insert(state, -4);
ffi::lua_call(state, 3, 0);
_ => unreachable!(),
let members =|i| ffi::lua_absindex(state, i));
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, metatable);
if let Some(members) = members {
if field_getters.is_some() || methods.is_some() {
push_string(state, "__index")?;
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, -1);
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, -1);
let index_type = ffi::lua_rawget(state, -3);
if index_type == ffi::LUA_TNIL {
ffi::lua_pop(state, 1);
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, members);
} else if index_type == ffi::LUA_TFUNCTION {
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, members);
protect_lua_closure(state, 2, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_pushcclosure(state, meta_index_impl, 2);
} else {
mlua_panic!("improper __index type {}", index_type);
match index_type {
ffi::LUA_TNIL | ffi::LUA_TTABLE | ffi::LUA_TFUNCTION => {
for &idx in &[field_getters, methods] {
if let Some(idx) = idx {
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, idx);
} else {
protect_lua_closure(state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_pushcclosure(state, meta_index_impl, 3);
_ => mlua_panic!("improper __index type {}", index_type),
protect_lua_closure(state, 3, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_rawset(state, -3);
if let Some(field_setters) = field_setters {
push_string(state, "__newindex")?;
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, -1);
let newindex_type = ffi::lua_rawget(state, -3);
match newindex_type {
ffi::LUA_TNIL | ffi::LUA_TTABLE | ffi::LUA_TFUNCTION => {
ffi::lua_pushvalue(state, field_setters);
protect_lua_closure(state, 2, 1, |state| {
ffi::lua_pushcclosure(state, meta_newindex_impl, 2);
_ => mlua_panic!("improper __newindex type {}", newindex_type),
protect_lua_closure(state, 3, 1, |state| {

View file

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ use std::cell::Cell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use mlua::{
AnyUserData, Error, Function, Lua, MetaMethod, Result, String, UserData, UserDataMethods,
AnyUserData, Error, Function, Lua, MetaMethod, Result, String, UserData, UserDataFields,
@ -139,6 +140,41 @@ fn outer_lua_access() -> Result<()> {
fn scope_userdata_fields() -> Result<()> {
struct MyUserData<'a>(&'a Cell<i64>);
impl<'a> UserData for MyUserData<'a> {
fn add_fields<'lua, F: UserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_field_method_get("val", |_, data| Ok(data.0.get()));
fields.add_field_method_set("val", |_, data, val| {
let lua = Lua::new();
let i = Cell::new(42);
let f: Function = lua
assert(u.val == 42)
u.val = 44
lua.scope(|scope|<_, ()>(scope.create_nonstatic_userdata(MyUserData(&i))?))?;
assert_eq!(i.get(), 44);
fn scope_userdata_methods() -> Result<()> {
struct MyUserData<'a>(&'a Cell<i64>);

View file

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicI64, Ordering};
use mlua::{
AnyUserData, ExternalError, Function, Lua, MetaMethod, Result, String, UserData,
UserDataMethods, Value,
AnyUserData, Error, ExternalError, Function, Lua, MetaMethod, Nil, Result, String, UserData,
UserDataFields, UserDataMethods, Value,
@ -155,10 +155,10 @@ fn test_metamethods() -> Result<()> {
let userdata1: AnyUserData = globals.get("userdata1")?;
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ fn test_gc_userdata() -> Result<()> {
fn detroys_userdata() -> Result<()> {
fn test_destroy_userdata() -> Result<()> {
struct MyUserdata(Arc<()>);
impl UserData for MyUserdata {}
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ fn detroys_userdata() -> Result<()> {
fn user_value() -> Result<()> {
fn test_user_value() -> Result<()> {
struct MyUserData;
impl UserData for MyUserData {}
@ -335,3 +335,101 @@ fn test_functions() -> Result<()> {
fn test_fields() -> Result<()> {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct MyUserData(i64);
impl UserData for MyUserData {
fn add_fields<'lua, F: UserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_field_method_get("val", |_, data| Ok(data.0));
fields.add_field_method_set("val", |_, data, val| {
data.0 = val;
fields.add_meta_field_with(MetaMethod::Index, |lua| {
let index = lua.create_table()?;
index.set("f", 321)?;
let lua = Lua::new();
let globals = lua.globals();
globals.set("ud", MyUserData(7))?;
assert(ud.val == 7)
ud.val = 10
assert(ud.val == 10)
assert(ud.f == 321)
fn test_metatable() -> Result<()> {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct MyUserData(i64);
impl UserData for MyUserData {
fn add_fields<'lua, F: UserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_meta_field_with("__type_name", |_| Ok("MyUserData"));
fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) {
methods.add_function("my_type_name", |_, data: AnyUserData| {
let metatable = data.get_metatable()?;
metatable.get::<_, String>("__type_name")
let lua = Lua::new();
let globals = lua.globals();
globals.set("ud", MyUserData(7))?;
assert(ud:my_type_name() == "MyUserData")
let ud: AnyUserData = globals.get("ud")?;
let metatable = ud.get_metatable()?;
match metatable.get::<_, Value>("__gc") {
Ok(_) => panic!("expected MetaMethodRestricted, got no error"),
Err(Error::MetaMethodRestricted(_)) => {}
Err(e) => panic!("expected MetaMethodRestricted, got {:?}", e),
match metatable.set(MetaMethod::Index, Nil) {
Ok(_) => panic!("expected MetaMethodRestricted, got no error"),
Err(Error::MetaMethodRestricted(_)) => {}
Err(e) => panic!("expected MetaMethodRestricted, got {:?}", e),
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct MyUserData2(i64);
impl UserData for MyUserData2 {
fn add_fields<'lua, F: UserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) {
fields.add_meta_field_with("__index", |_| Ok(1));
match lua.create_userdata(MyUserData2(1)) {
Ok(_) => panic!("expected MetaMethodTypeError, got no error"),
Err(Error::MetaMethodTypeError { .. }) => {}
Err(e) => panic!("expected MetaMethodTypeError, got {:?}", e),