//! This is a Rust binding to [Lua string patterns](https://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html), //! using the original code from Lua 5.2. //! //! Although not regular expressions (they lack alternation) they are a powerful //! and lightweight way to process text. Please note that they are not //! UTF-8-aware, and in fact can process arbitrary binary data. //! //! `LuaPattern` can be created from a string _or_ a byte slice, and has //! methods which are similar to the original Lua API. Please see //! [the README](https://github.com/stevedonovan/lua-patterns/blob/master/readme.md) //! for more discussion. //! //! ## Examples //! //! ```rust //! extern crate lua_patterns; //! let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("one"); //! let text = "hello one two"; //! assert!(m.matches(text)); //! let r = m.range(); //! assert_eq!(r.start, 6); //! assert_eq!(r.end, 9); //! ``` //! //! Collecting captures from a match: //! //! ```rust //! extern crate lua_patterns; //! let text = " hello one"; //! let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("(%S+) one"); //! //! // allocates a vector of captures //! let v = m.captures(text); //! assert_eq!(v, &["hello one","hello"]); //! let mut v = Vec::new(); //! // writes captures into preallocated vector //! if m.capture_into(text,&mut v) { //! assert_eq!(v, &["hello one","hello"]); //! } //! ``` use std::ptr; use std::ops; use std::os::raw::{c_int,c_char,c_uint}; use std::ffi::CStr; #[repr(C)] struct LuaMatch { start: c_int, end: c_int } static LUA_MAXCAPTURES: usize = 32; #[link(name = "lua-str", kind="static")] extern { fn str_match ( s: *const u8, ls: c_uint, p: *const u8, lp: c_uint, err_msg: *mut *mut c_char, mm: *mut LuaMatch ) -> c_int; } /// Represents a Lua string pattern and the results of a match pub struct LuaPattern<'a> { patt: &'a [u8], matches: Vec, n_match: usize } impl <'a> LuaPattern<'a> { /// Create a new Lua pattern from a string pub fn new(patt: &'a str) -> LuaPattern<'a> { LuaPattern::from_bytes(patt.as_bytes()) } /// Create a new Lua pattern from a slice of bytes pub fn from_bytes (bytes: &'a [u8]) -> LuaPattern<'a> { let mut matches: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(LUA_MAXCAPTURES); unsafe {matches.set_len(LUA_MAXCAPTURES);} LuaPattern{patt: bytes, matches: matches, n_match: 0} } /// Match a slice of bytes with a pattern /// /// ``` /// let patt = &[0xFE,0xEE,b'+',0xED]; /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::from_bytes(patt); /// let bytes = &[0x00,0x01,0xFE,0xEE,0xEE,0xED,0xEF]; /// assert!(m.matches_bytes(bytes)); /// assert_eq!(&bytes[m.range()], &[0xFE,0xEE,0xEE,0xED]); /// ``` pub fn matches_bytes(&mut self, s: &[u8]) -> bool { let c_ptr: *mut c_char = ptr::null_mut(); let pvoid = Box::into_raw(Box::new(c_ptr)); let err_msg : *mut *mut c_char = pvoid; unsafe { self.n_match = str_match(s.as_ptr(),s.len() as c_uint, self.patt.as_ptr(),self.patt.len() as c_uint, err_msg, self.matches.as_mut_ptr()) as usize; let ep = *err_msg; if ! ep.is_null() { panic!(format!("lua-pattern {:?}",CStr::from_ptr(ep))); } } self.n_match > 0 } /// Match a string with a pattern /// /// ``` /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("(%a+) one"); /// let text = " hello one two"; /// assert!(m.matches(text)); /// ``` pub fn matches(&mut self, text: &str) -> bool { self.matches_bytes(text.as_bytes()) } /// Match a string, returning first capture if successful /// /// ``` /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("OK%s+(%d+)"); /// let res = m.match_maybe("and that's OK 400 to you"); /// assert_eq!(res, Some("400")); /// ``` pub fn match_maybe<'t>(&mut self, text: &'t str) -> Option<&'t str> { if self.matches(text) { Some(&text[self.first_capture()]) } else { None } } /// Match and collect all captures as a vector of string slices /// /// ``` /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("(one).+"); /// assert_eq!(m.captures(" one two"), &["one two","one"]); /// ``` pub fn captures<'b>(&mut self, text: &'b str) -> Vec<&'b str> { let mut res = Vec::new(); self.capture_into(text, &mut res); res } /// A convenient way to access the captures with no allocation /// /// ```rust /// let text = " hello one"; /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("(%S+) one"); /// if m.matches(text) { /// let cc = m.match_captures(text); /// assert_eq!(cc.get(0), "hello one"); /// assert_eq!(cc.get(1), "hello"); /// } /// ``` pub fn match_captures<'b,'c>(&'c mut self, text: &'b str) -> Captures<'a,'b,'c> { Captures {m: self, text: text} } /// Match and collect all captures into the provided vector. /// /// ```rust /// let text = " hello one"; /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("(%S+) one"); /// let mut v = Vec::new(); /// if m.capture_into(text,&mut v) { /// assert_eq!(v, &["hello one","hello"]); /// } /// ``` pub fn capture_into<'b>(&mut self, text: &'b str, vec: &mut Vec<&'b str>) -> bool { self.matches(text); vec.clear(); for i in 0..self.n_match { vec.push(&text[self.capture(i)]); } self.n_match > 0 } /// The full match (same as `capture(0)`) pub fn range(&self) -> ops::Range { self.capture(0) } /// Get the nth capture of the match. /// /// ``` /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("(%a+) one"); /// let text = " hello one two"; /// assert!(m.matches(text)); /// assert_eq!(m.capture(0),1..10); /// assert_eq!(m.capture(1),1..6); /// ``` pub fn capture(&self, i: usize) -> ops::Range { ops::Range{ start: self.matches[i].start as usize, end: self.matches[i].end as usize } } /// Get the 'first' capture of the match /// /// If there are no matches, this is the same as `range`, /// otherwise it's `capture(1)` pub fn first_capture(&self) -> ops::Range { let idx = if self.n_match > 1 {1} else {0}; self.capture(idx) } /// An iterator over all matches in a string. /// /// The matches are returned as string slices; if there are no /// captures the full match is used, otherwise the first capture. /// That is, this example will also work with the pattern "(%S+)". /// /// ``` /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("%S+"); /// let split: Vec<_> = m.gmatch("dog cat leopard wolf").collect(); /// assert_eq!(split,&["dog","cat","leopard","wolf"]); /// ``` pub fn gmatch<'b,'c>(&'c mut self, text: &'b str) -> GMatch<'a,'b,'c> { GMatch{m: self, text: text} } /// An iterator over all matches in a slice of bytes. /// /// ``` /// let bytes = &[0xAA,0x01,0x01,0x03,0xBB,0x01,0x01,0x01]; /// let patt = &[0x01,b'+']; /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::from_bytes(patt); /// let mut iter = m.gmatch_bytes(bytes); /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[0x01,0x01]); /// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), &[0x01,0x01,0x01]); /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), None); /// ``` pub fn gmatch_bytes<'b>(&'a mut self, bytes: &'b [u8]) -> GMatchBytes<'a,'b> { GMatchBytes{m: self, bytes: bytes} } /// Globally substitute all matches with a replacement /// provided by a function of the captures. /// /// ``` /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("%$(%S+)"); /// let res = m.gsub_with("hello $dolly you're so $fine!", /// |cc| cc.get(1).to_uppercase() /// ); /// assert_eq!(res, "hello DOLLY you're so FINE!"); /// ``` pub fn gsub_with (&mut self, text: &str, lookup: F) -> String where F: Fn(Captures)-> String { let mut slice = text; let mut res = String::new(); while self.matches(slice) { // full range of match let all = self.range(); // append everything up to match res.push_str(&slice[0..all.start]); let captures = Captures{m: self, text: slice}; let repl = lookup(captures); res.push_str(&repl); slice = &slice[all.end..]; } res.push_str(slice); res } /// Globally substitute all matches with a replacement string /// /// This string _may_ have capture references ("%0",..). Use "%%" /// to represent "%". Plain strings like "" work just fine ;) /// /// ``` /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::new("(%S+)%s*=%s*(%S+);%s*"); /// let res = m.gsub("a=2; b=3; c = 4;", "'%2':%1 "); /// assert_eq!(res,"'2':a '3':b '4':c "); /// ``` pub fn gsub (&mut self, text: &str, repl: &str) -> String { let repl = generate_gsub_patterns(repl); let mut slice = text; let mut res = String::new(); while self.matches(slice) { let all = self.range(); res.push_str(&slice[0..all.start]); let captures = Captures{m: self, text: slice}; for r in &repl { match *r { Subst::Text(ref s) => res.push_str(&s), Subst::Capture(i) => res.push_str(captures.get(i)) } } slice = &slice[all.end..]; } res.push_str(slice); res } /// Globally substitute all _byte_ matches with a replacement /// provided by a function of the captures. /// /// ``` /// let bytes = &[0xAA,0x01,0x02,0x03,0xBB]; /// let patt = &[0x01,0x02]; /// let mut m = lua_patterns::LuaPattern::from_bytes(patt); /// let res = m.gsub_bytes_with(bytes,|cc| vec![0xFF]); /// assert_eq!(res, &[0xAA,0xFF,0x03,0xBB]); /// ``` pub fn gsub_bytes_with (&mut self, bytes: &[u8], lookup: F) -> Vec where F: Fn(ByteCaptures)-> Vec { let mut slice = bytes; let mut res = Vec::new(); while self.matches_bytes(slice) { let all = self.range(); let capture = &slice[0..all.start]; res.extend_from_slice(capture); let captures = ByteCaptures{m: self, bytes: slice}; let repl = lookup(captures); res.extend(repl); slice = &slice[all.end..]; } res.extend_from_slice(slice); res } } #[derive(Debug)] enum Subst { Text(String), Capture(usize) } impl Subst { fn new_text(text: &str) -> Subst { Subst::Text(text.to_string()) } } fn generate_gsub_patterns(repl: &str) -> Vec { let mut m = LuaPattern::new("%%([%%%d])"); let mut res = Vec::new(); let mut slice = repl; while m.matches(slice) { let all = m.range(); let before = &slice[0..all.start]; if before != "" { res.push(Subst::new_text(before)); } let capture = &slice[m.capture(1)]; if capture == "%" { // escaped literal '%' res.push(Subst::new_text("%")); } else { // has to be a digit let index: usize = capture.parse().unwrap(); res.push(Subst::Capture(index)); } slice = &slice[all.end..]; } res.push(Subst::new_text(slice)); res } /// Low-overhead convenient access to string match captures // note: there are three borrows going on here. // The lifetime 'a is for the _pattern_, the lifetime 'b is // for the _source string_, and 'c is for the reference to LuaPattern // And the LuaPattern reference cannot live longer than the pattern reference pub struct Captures<'a,'b,'c> where 'a: 'c { m: &'c LuaPattern<'a>, text: &'b str } impl <'a,'b,'c> Captures<'a,'b,'c> { /// get the capture as a string slice pub fn get(&self, i: usize) -> &'b str { &self.text[self.m.capture(i)] } /// number of matches pub fn num_matches(&self) -> usize { self.m.n_match } } /// Low-overhead convenient access to byte match captures pub struct ByteCaptures<'a,'b> { m: &'a LuaPattern<'a>, bytes: &'b [u8] } impl <'a,'b> ByteCaptures<'a,'b> { /// get the capture as a byte slice pub fn get(&self, i: usize) -> &'b [u8] { &self.bytes[self.m.capture(i)] } /// number of matches pub fn num_matches(&self) -> usize { self.m.n_match } } /// Iterator for all string slices from `gmatch` // note lifetimes as for Captures above! pub struct GMatch<'a,'b,'c> where 'a: 'c { m: &'c mut LuaPattern<'a>, text: &'b str } impl <'a,'b,'c>Iterator for GMatch<'a,'b,'c> { type Item = &'b str; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if ! self.m.matches(self.text) { None } else { let slice = &self.text[self.m.first_capture()]; self.text = &self.text[self.m.range().end..]; Some(slice) } } } /* /// Iterator for all captures from `gmatch_captures` // lifetimes as for Captures above! pub struct GMatchCaptures<'a,'b,'c> where 'a: 'c { m: &'c mut LuaPattern<'a>, text: &'b str } impl <'a,'b,'c>Iterator for GMatchCaptures<'a,'b,'c> where 'a: 'c { type Item = Captures<'a,'b,'c>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if ! self.m.matches(self.text) { None } else { let split = self.text.split_at(self.m.range().end); self.text = split.1; Some(Captures{m: self.m, text: split.0}) } } } // */ /// Iterator for all byte slices from `gmatch_bytes` pub struct GMatchBytes<'a,'b> { m: &'a mut LuaPattern<'a>, bytes: &'b [u8] } impl <'a,'b>Iterator for GMatchBytes<'a,'b> { type Item = &'b [u8]; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if ! self.m.matches_bytes(self.bytes) { None } else { let slice = &self.bytes[self.m.first_capture()]; self.bytes = &self.bytes[self.m.range().end..]; Some(slice) } } } /// Build a byte Lua pattern, optionally escaping 'magic' characters pub struct LuaPatternBuilder { bytes: Vec } impl LuaPatternBuilder { /// Create a new Lua pattern builder pub fn new() -> LuaPatternBuilder { LuaPatternBuilder{bytes: Vec::new()} } /// Add unescaped characters from a string /// /// ``` /// let patt = lua_patterns::LuaPatternBuilder::new() /// .text("(boo)") /// .build(); /// assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&patt).unwrap(), "(boo)"); /// ``` pub fn text(&mut self, s: &str) -> &mut Self { self.bytes.extend_from_slice(s.as_bytes()); self } /// Add unescaped characters from lines /// /// This looks for first non-whitespace run in each line, /// useful for spreading patterns out and commmenting them. /// Works with patterns that use '%s' religiously! /// /// ``` /// let patt = lua_patterns::LuaPatternBuilder::new() /// .text_lines(" /// hello-dolly /// you-are-fine # comment /// cool /// ") /// .build(); /// assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&patt).unwrap(), /// "hello-dollyyou-are-finecool"); /// ``` pub fn text_lines(&mut self, lines: &str) -> &mut Self { let mut text = String::new(); for line in lines.lines() { if let Some(first) = line.split_whitespace().next() { text.push_str(first); } } self.text(&text) } /// Add escaped bytes from a slice /// /// ``` /// let patt = lua_patterns::LuaPatternBuilder::new() /// .text("^") /// .bytes(b"^") // magic character! /// .build(); /// assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&patt).unwrap(), "^%^"); /// ``` pub fn bytes(&mut self, b: &[u8]) -> &mut Self { let mut m = LuaPattern::new("[%-%.%+%[%]%(%)%$%^%%%?%*]"); let bb = m.gsub_bytes_with(b,|cc| { let mut res = Vec::new(); res.push(b'%'); res.push(cc.get(0)[0]); res }); self.bytes.extend(bb); self } /// Add escaped bytes from hex string /// /// This consists of adjacent pairs of hex digits. /// /// ``` /// let patt = lua_patterns::LuaPatternBuilder::new() /// .text("^") /// .bytes_as_hex("5E") // which is ASCII '^' /// .build(); /// assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&patt).unwrap(), "^%^"); /// ``` pub fn bytes_as_hex(&mut self, bs: &str) -> &mut Self { let bb = LuaPatternBuilder::hex_to_bytes(bs); self.bytes(&bb) } /// Create the pattern pub fn build(&mut self) -> Vec { let mut v = Vec::new(); std::mem::swap(&mut self.bytes, &mut v); v } /// Utility to create a vector of bytes from a hex string /// /// ``` /// let bb = lua_patterns::LuaPatternBuilder::hex_to_bytes("AEFE00FE"); /// assert_eq!(bb, &[0xAE,0xFE,0x00,0xFE]); /// ``` pub fn hex_to_bytes(s: &str) -> Vec { let mut m = LuaPattern::new("%x%x"); m.gmatch(s).map(|pair| u8::from_str_radix(pair,16).unwrap()).collect() } /// Utility to create a hex string from a slice of bytes /// /// ``` /// let hex = lua_patterns::LuaPatternBuilder::bytes_to_hex(&[0xAE,0xFE,0x00,0xFE]); /// assert_eq!(hex,"AEFE00FE"); /// /// ``` pub fn bytes_to_hex(s: &[u8]) -> String { s.iter().map(|b| format!("{:02X}",b)).collect() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn captures_and_matching() { let mut m = LuaPattern::new("(one).+"); assert_eq!(m.captures(" one two"), &["one two","one"]); let empty: &[&str] = &[]; assert_eq!(m.captures("four"), empty); assert_eq!(m.matches("one dog"), true); assert_eq!(m.matches("dog one "), true); assert_eq!(m.matches("dog one"), false); let text = "one dog"; let mut m = LuaPattern::new("^(%a+)"); assert_eq!(m.matches(text), true); assert_eq!(&text[m.capture(1)], "one"); assert_eq!(m.matches(" one dog"), false); // captures without allocation m.matches(text); let captures = m.match_captures(text); assert_eq!(captures.get(0), "one"); assert_eq!(captures.get(1), "one"); let mut m = LuaPattern::new("(%S+)%s*=%s*(.+)"); // captures as Vec let cc = m.captures(" hello= bonzo dog"); assert_eq!(cc[0], "hello= bonzo dog"); assert_eq!(cc[1], "hello"); assert_eq!(cc[2], "bonzo dog"); } #[test] fn gmatch() { let mut m = LuaPattern::new("%a+"); let mut iter = m.gmatch("one two three"); assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some("one")); assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some("two")); assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some("three")); assert_eq!(iter.next(), None); let mut m = LuaPattern::new("(%a+)"); let mut iter = m.gmatch("one two three"); assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some("one")); assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some("two")); assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some("three")); assert_eq!(iter.next(), None); } #[test] fn gsub() { use std::collections::HashMap; let mut m = LuaPattern::new("%$(%S+)"); let res = m.gsub_with("hello $dolly you're so $fine!", |cc| cc.get(1).to_uppercase() ); assert_eq!(res, "hello DOLLY you're so FINE!"); let mut map = HashMap::new(); map.insert("dolly", "baby"); map.insert("fine", "cool"); map.insert("good-looking", "pretty"); let mut m = LuaPattern::new("%$%((.-)%)"); let res = m.gsub_with("hello $(dolly) you're so $(fine) and $(good-looking)", |cc| map.get(cc.get(1)).unwrap_or(&"?").to_string() ); assert_eq!(res, "hello baby you're so cool and pretty"); let mut m = LuaPattern::new("%s+"); let res = m.gsub("hello dolly you're so fine",""); assert_eq!(res, "hellodollyyou'resofine"); let mut m = LuaPattern::new("(%S+)%s*=%s*(%S+);%s*"); let res = m.gsub("a=2; b=3; c = 4;", "'%2':%1 "); assert_eq!(res,"'2':a '3':b '4':c "); } }