local qfs = require "quarrel.fs" local gfs = require "gears.filesystem" local qservice = require "quarrel.service" local qjson = require "quarrel.json" local qnative = require "quarrel.native" local gcolor = require "gears.color" local qmath = require "quarrel.math" local phosphor = require "assets.phosphor" local qvars = require "quarrel.vars" -- follows the format `service = { provider, icon_provider }` local services = { audio = { -- volume, muted function() if not gfs.file_readable("/tmp/wp_audio_status") then awesome.emit_signal("services::audio", -1, false) return end local audio_status = qjson.decode(qfs.read("/tmp/wp_audio_status")) local default_sink = audio_status["alsa_output.usb-046d_G435_Wireless_Gaming_Headset_V001008005.1-01.analog-stereo"] if not default_sink then return nil, false end return default_sink.volume, default_sink.muted end, function(volume, muted) if muted or not volume then return gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["speaker_simple_x_fill"], qvars.colors.red) end local icon_data = qmath.step_value(volume, { { 0, "slash" }, { 25, "none" }, { 50, "low" }, { 75, "high" }, { 100 } }) gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["speaker_simple_" .. icon_data .. "_fill"], qvars.colors.fg) end }, battery = { -- capacity, status function() return qfs.read("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity", "n"), qfs.read("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status", "l") end, function(capacity, status) local icon_data = status == "Charging" and { "charging", "green" } or qmath.step_value(capacity, { { 0, { "empty", "red" } }, { 20, { "low", "red" } }, { 40, { "medium", "yellow" } }, { 60, { "high", "green" } }, { 80, { "full", "green" } }, { 100 } }) return gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["battery_vertical_" .. icon_data[1] .. "_fill"], qvars.colors[icon_data[2]]) end }, brightness = { -- brightness function() return qfs.read("/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/actual_brightness", "n") end, function(brightness) local icon_data = qmath.step_value(brightness, { { 0, "cloud_moon" }, { 51, "moon" }, { 102, "sun_horizon" }, { 153, "sun_dim" }, { 204, "sun" }, { 255 } }) return gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor[icon_data .. "_fill"], qvars.colors.fg) end }, wifi = { -- essid, strength, connected function() local lines = {} for line in io.lines("/proc/net/wireless") do table.insert(lines, line) end if not lines[3] then return nil, 0, false end local strength = lines[3]:match("^%s*(.*)"):match("^.-%s+.-%s+.-(%S+)%.") return qnative.get_essid(), math.floor(tonumber(strength) * 10 / 7), true end, function(_, strength, connected) if not connected then return gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor.wifi_x_fill, qvars.colors.red) end local icon_data = qmath.step_value(strength, { { 0, { "none", "red" } }, { 25, { "low", "yellow" } }, { 50, { "medium", "yellow" } }, { 75, { "high", "green" } }, { 100 } }) return gcolor.recolor_image(phosphor["wifi_" .. icon_data[1] .. "_fill"], qvars.colors[icon_data[2]]) end } } for name, service in pairs(services) do qservice.register(name, service[1], service[2]) end