local awful = require "awful" local beautiful = require "beautiful" local naughty = require "naughty" local qvars = require "quarrel.vars" local wibox = require "wibox" naughty.connect_signal("request::display", function(n) naughty.layout.box { notification = n, placement = function(d) return awful.placement.right(d, { margins = beautiful.useless_gap * 2 }) end, widget_template = { widget = wibox.container.margin, margins = qvars.big_padding, { { widget = naughty.widget.icon, notification = n }, { widget = wibox.container.place, valign = "center", halign = "center", { { widget = naughty.widget.title, notification = n }, { widget = naughty.widget.message, notification = n }, -- spacing = 4, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical, } }, fill_space = true, spacing = n.icon and qvars.big_padding or 0, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal } } } end) naughty.connect_signal("request::display_error", function(message, startup) naughty.notification { urgency = "critical", title = "Oops, an error happened"..(startup and " during startup!" or "!"), message = message } end)