from zipfile import ZipFile import os.path from os import remove, mkdir, rename from shutil import copy, copytree, rmtree, move import glob import subprocess version = '15_5' output = 'am2r_' + version # Thanks, stackoverflow def _find_getch(): try: import termios except ImportError: # Non-POSIX. Return msvcrt's (Windows') getch. import msvcrt return msvcrt.getch # POSIX system. Create and return a getch that manipulates the tty. import sys, tty def _getch(): fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(fd) ch = finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch return _getch getch = _find_getch() # End stackoverflow code # Residual file cleanup to prevent accidents if os.path.isdir('utilities/android/assets'): rmtree('utilities/android/assets') if os.path.isdir(output): rmtree(output) if os.path.isdir("ARCHIVE-"+output): rmtree("ARCHIVE-"+output) if os.path.isdir('AM2R.AppDir'): rmtree('AM2R.AppDir') print("-------------------------------------------\n\nAM2R 1.5.5 Python Autopatching Utility\nScripted by Lojemiru\n\n-------------------------------------------\n") # Check for if os.path.isfile(''): print(" found! Extracting to " + output) # Unzip try: with ZipFile('', 'r') as zipObj: # Extract all the contents of zip file in current directory zipObj.extractall(output) except: print(" failed to extract. Try unzipping the folder and run this utility again.") quit() else: if os.path.isdir('AM2R_11'): print("AM2R_11 found! Copying to " + output) else: print("AM2R_11 not found. Place (case sensitive) in this folder and try again.") quit() print("\nSelect your patch type:\n\n1 - Linux\n2 - Android\n\nAwaiting input:\n") type = getch() # Determine type if (type == '1'): print("Linux selected.\nApplying AM2R patch...") # apply AM2R.bps #['utilities/floating/./flips-linux', '-a', 'data/AM2R.bps', output+'/AM2R.exe', output+'/AM2R'])['xdelta3', '-dfs', output+'/AM2R.exe', 'data/AM2R.xdelta', output+'/runner']) print("\nApplying data patch...") # apply game.unx patch #['utilities/floating/./flips-linux', '-a', 'data/game.bps', output+'/', output+'/game.unx'])['xdelta3', '-dfs', output+'/', 'data/game.xdelta', output+'/game.unx']) # clean up Windows files print("\nCleaning up residual AM2R 1.1 files...") remove(output+'/AM2R.exe') remove(output+'/') # structure for Linux print("\nFormatting game directory...") os.mkdir(output+'/assets') for z in glob.glob(output+'/*.*'): move(z, output+'/assets') # install new datafiles... print("\nInstalling new datafiles...") # copy the whole files_to_copy folder over for file2 in glob.glob("data/files_to_copy/*"): if (os.path.isdir(file2)): copytree(file2, output+"/assets/"+os.path.basename(file2)) else: copy(file2, output+'/assets') print("\nInstall high quality in-game music? Increases filesize by 194 MB!\n\n[y/n]\n") hq = getch() # install HQ music if (hq == 'y'): print("Copying HQ music...") for file in glob.glob("data/HDR_HQ_in-game_music/*.ogg"): copy(file, output+'/assets') # format music for linux print("Formatting music files for Linux application recognition...") for music in glob.glob(output+'/assets/*.ogg'): rename(music, music.lower()) # remove old lang rmtree(output+'/lang') #make game executable["chmod", "+x", output+"/runner"]) #create AppImage print("Creating Appimage...") copytree("data/AM2R.AppDir", "AM2R.AppDir", symlinks=True)["cp", "-rpT", output , "AM2R.AppDir/usr/bin"]) fd ="/dev/null", os.O_WRONLY) savefd = os.dup(2) os.dup2(fd,2)["sh", "./", "-n"]) os.dup2(savefd,2) rename("AM2R-x86_64.AppImage", "AM2R.AppImage") rmtree("AM2R.AppDir") #rename the output to archive, so we only have a new folder, containing the appimage and a desktop file for it rename(output, "ARCHIVE-"+output) mkdir(output) move("AM2R.AppImage", output+"/AM2R.AppImage") copy("data/files_to_copy/icon.png", output+"/icon.png") print("\nDo you want to install AM2R systemwide?\n\n[y/n]\n") inp = getch() if( inp == 'y'): #install it to /usr/local/bin #first, create the folder in case it's not there["sudo", "mkdir", "-p", "/usr/local/bin/am2r/"]) #couldn't figure it out, how to do it with a normal cp command, so I just copy everything manually #except for /assets for file8 in glob.glob(output + "/*"):["sudo", "cp", "-p", file8 , "/usr/local/bin/am2r/"])["sudo", "cp", "-rp", output+"/assets/" , "/usr/local/bin/am2r/"]) template = open("DesktopTemplate", "r") fileContents = fileContents = fileContents.replace("[REPLACE]", "/usr/local/bin/am2r") desktopFile = open(output+"/AM2R.desktop", "w+") desktopFile.write(fileContents)["chmod", "+x", output+"/AM2R.desktop"])["sudo", "cp", "-fp", output+"/AM2R.desktop", "/usr/share/applications/AM2R.desktop"]) #we could chmod ./AM2R in the install folder, but it's not really necessary else: #creating the desktop file for local cwd = os.getcwd() desktopFilePath = output+"/AM2R.desktop" copy("DesktopTemplate", desktopFilePath) desktopFile = open(desktopFilePath, 'r+') fileContents = fileContents = fileContents.replace("[REPLACE]", cwd+"/"+output) desktopFile.write(fileContents) #make the desktopFile executable. For some reason, this is not *necessary*, when copying it into /applications. #But I'll do it anyways, because I want the local one to work as well["chmod", "+x", desktopFilePath]) print("Desktop file has been created!") elif (type == '2'): print("Android selected.\nApplying data patch...") # To be completely honest I don't know why I made the Android patch work like this. # I'm going to revert it until I run into problems. #['utilities/floating/./flips-linux', '-a', 'data/game.bps', output+'/', output+'/game.unx']) #['xdelta3', '-dfs', output+'/', 'data/game.bps', output+'/game.unx']) print("\nApplying Android patch...") #['utilities/floating/./flips-linux', '-a', 'data/droid.bps', output+'/game.unx', output+'/game.droid'])['xdelta3', '-dfs', output+'/', 'data/droid.xdelta', output+'/game.droid']) copy("data/android/AM2RWrapper.apk", "utilities/android/") remove(output+"/D3DX9_43.dll") remove(output+"/AM2R.exe") remove(output+"/") # remove(output+"/game.unx") copytree(output, "utilities/android/assets") # Only copy the file over if it exists if (os.path.exists("data/android/AM2R.ini")): copy("data/android/AM2R.ini", "utilities/android/assets") # Install new datafiles... print("\nInstalling new datafiles...") # Music for file2 in glob.glob("data/files_to_copy/*.ogg"): copy(file2, 'utilities/android/assets') print("\nInstall high quality in-game music? Increases filesize by 194 MB!\n\n[y/n]\n") hq = getch() # Install HQ music if (hq == 'y'): print("Copying HQ music...") for file in glob.glob("data/HDR_HQ_in-game_music/*.ogg"): copy(file, 'utilities/android/assets') # Remove old lang rmtree('utilities/android/assets/lang') # Install new lang copytree('data/files_to_copy/lang', 'utilities/android/assets/lang') # Text for file3 in glob.glob("data/files_to_copy/*.txt"): copy(file3, 'utilities/android/assets') # Modifiers copy('data/files_to_copy/modifiers.ini', 'utilities/android/assets') os.chdir('utilities/android') print("\nPackaging APK.") print("If Java JDK 8 or newer is not present, this will fail!") #decompile the apk["java", "-jar", "./apktool.jar", "d", "-f", "AM2RWrapper.apk"]) #copy["cp", "-r", "assets", "AM2RWrapper"])["cp", "-f", "../../data/android/apktool.yml", "AM2RWrapper/apktool.yml"]) #build["java", "-jar", "./apktool.jar", "b", "AM2RWrapper", "-o", "AM2RWrapper.apk"]) print("\nSigning APK...")['java', '-jar', 'uber-apk-signer.jar', '-a', 'AM2RWrapper.apk']) # Cleanup remove('AM2RWrapper.apk') rmtree('assets') rmtree('../../'+output) rmtree('AM2RWrapper') # Move APK move('AM2RWrapper-aligned-debugSigned.apk', '../../AndroidM2R_'+version+'-signed.apk') else: print("Invalid input. Exiting.") quit() print("\nThe operation was completed successfully. See you next mission!")